The strongest fury system

Chapter 34 Entering the Top 8

Chapter 34 Entering the Quarterfinals
The audience was dead silent. I originally thought that Zhang Tianhao entered the top ten relying on luck.At this moment, it seems that it is not the case.

The referee froze for a moment, waiting to announce Zhang Shuhua's failure.

"No... I haven't lost yet!"

Zhang Shuhua struggled to get up from the ground, looked at Zhang Tianhao and said angrily: "You little bastard, I must kill you..."

"Ask yourself for trouble!"

Zhang Tianhao's eyes turned cold, and he cast a sharp gaze, and in the next second, he appeared behind Zhang Shuhua.

"The chrysanthemum remains!"

Zhang Tianhao kicked Zhang Shuhua's hip heavily.


Zhang Shuhua's buttocks instantly felt pierced by a sharp foreign object.The whole person screamed and flew out.Lying on the ground, the back half of the body just appeared outside.It looks as funny as it gets.

"Zhang Tianhao wins!"

The referee glanced at Zhang Shuhua who was lying on the ground and felt a little creepy. If he looked at Zhang Tianhao meaningfully, he seemed to say that you are too bad.

Zhang Tianhao was also a little embarrassed, and thought to himself: I don't want to, who knew that this move would explode not only his chrysanthemum, but even his pants.This is also an additional effect.

Surprised, if this trick is used on a beautiful woman, what will be the effect?Tsk tsk, thinking of that scene, I will ruin the three rules.never mind……

But if it wasn't for Zhang Shuhua who hurt people, Zhang Tianhao wouldn't have been so ruthless!

Zhang Zhentian watched Zhang Tianhao defeat Zhang Shuhua cleanly, his eyes fixed.Although Zhang Shuhua's cultivation is not worth mentioning to him.But Zhang Tianhao's ability to defeat him so easily proved that this kid was not as simple as he had seen on the surface.

"Alright, it's interesting this way, let you be proud again, and then I will humiliate you severely!" Zhang Zhentian murmured.

In the distance, Gu Feiyun, the vice president of Tiangang College, smiled at Zhang Yanwu and said, "Boy, he has strength, but he is still a bit too arrogant. Even if he has strength, his heart is inferior. This kind of person still needs to be tempered." A lot!"

Zhang Yanwu next to him had a smile on his face when he heard the words.This is what he wanted.

"Zhang Shuhua failed the challenge, the next one!"

Zhang Shuhua has been carried down.The next one is Zhang Dayong, who is ranked tenth.

As soon as Zhang Dayong came to the stage, his eyes first fell on Zhang Tianhao.

"It's stupid, you're challenging me again? I'm so easy to bully, isn't it?"

Although Zhang Tianhao had easily defeated Zhang Shuhua just now, it was extremely embarrassing to be picked on as a soft persimmon twice in a row.His eyes subconsciously lingered on Zhang Dayong's lower body.A malicious smile appeared on his face.

Zhang Dayong was about to choose Zhang Tianhao as the challenger. Anyway, there was no rule that he could not challenge the same person twice in a row.However, he accidentally saw Zhang Tianhao staring at his lower body with malicious intentions.Suddenly, the chrysanthemum tightened.Thinking of how Zhang Shuhua's chrysanthemum was exploded just now, scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.Zhang Dayong felt chills all over.I heard that the person whose ass was blown by Zhang Tianhao couldn't go to the toilet for a few days.That was simply torture.

"I challenge the seventh!"

Zhang Dayong roared.

The seventh is Zhang Jianfeng.

Zhang Jianfeng stood out expressionlessly and accepted the challenge.

Zhang Dayong and Zhang Jianfeng are close in strength, so a fight between the two is quite interesting.Finally, after three hundred moves, Zhang Jianfeng found a chance and defeated Zhang Dayong.Retained the seventh ranking.

Since then, the top eight have finally been selected.

After the knockout round of the quarterfinals, a strong collision is coming.Start the draw again.

After drawing lots.Zhang Jianfeng looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with a smile, "Boss, I am the number seven pick."

Zhang Tianhao took out his own lottery and saw that it was the second lottery.

"Boss, fortunately, we are not in the same district." Zhang Jianfeng smiled.

Zhang Tianhao nodded with a smile on his face.I am number two, in the upper half.But Zhang Zhentian seems to be in the lower half.Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Jianfeng worriedly and said: "Jianfeng, Zhang Zhentian is also in the lower half, in case he troubles you because of my relationship..."

Zhang Jianfeng smiled innocently and said, "Boss, don't worry, I will take good care of myself. Even if I meet Zhang Zhentian, I won't be able to fight, and at worst I will surrender. I think I still have this ability."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, he still trusted Zhang Jianfeng's strength.Zhang Jianfeng's cultivation base is also a top martial artist.Even if this strength is not comparable to Zhang Zhentian, at least it is not that there is no chance of surrender.

At this moment, Zhang Zhentian walked up to Zhang Tianhao in a hurry.He said indifferently to Zhang Tianhao: "Zhang Tianhao, I am very surprised that you can enter the quarterfinals. It is best that you survive until you fight me. At that time, I will definitely let you know what waste is. Of course, with your strength , and it is unlikely that you will be able to get there, because you are a complete waste."

"The defeated general is still so arrogant. When the time comes, I will let you know that the defeated general is the defeated general. He has no right to be arrogant in front of the victor." Zhang Tianhao retorted.


Zhang Zhentian suddenly turned his head to look at Zhang Jianfeng, and said with a faint smile, "You seem to be in the lower half, haha..."

After speaking, Zhang Zhentian strode away.

Zhang Tianhao's expression darkened immediately, the meaning of Zhang Zhentian's words before leaving was obvious.If he meets Zhang Jianfeng in the second half, he will definitely not let him go.

Zhang Tianhao's next opponent is called Zhang Wanxiong. His name looks cool, but he looks like a gentle and elegant person.Those who didn't know thought it was a scholar who came to Beijing to rush for the exam.Holding a fan in his hand, it looks as if he is not here to compete in martial arts, but to enjoy the moon.

"Fuck, I've seen someone who pretends to be pretentious, but I've never seen someone who pretends to be so pretentious. And he's so handsome." Zhang Tianhao resisted the urge to beat him into a pig's head.

"The contest begins!" the referee shouted.

"Xiaosheng Zhang Wanxiong!"

"Zhang Tianhao!"

"Brother Tianhao, right? I have seen your martial arts competition and know that you are very strong. As long as you can take my three moves without losing, I will admit defeat." Zhang Wanxiong smiled.

"Okay!" Zhang Tianhao's intuition knew that Zhang Wanxiong's strength should not be underestimated.


Zhang Tianhao felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Zhang Wanxiong's body appeared in front of him.Folding the fan a little, it fell towards Zhang Tianhao's shoulder.

Zhang Tianhao was taken aback.The secret channel is so fast.Fortunately, his agility reached 15.The speed is definitely not weak.In an instant, he reacted.Kick off and sway to the left.

Zhang Wanxiong's blow barely missed Zhang Tianhao's shoulder.

"It's dangerous!" Zhang Tianhao heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Wanxiong was also a little surprised to see Zhang Tianhao dodging his charged blow.But without stopping for a moment, he attacked again, and the folding fan in his hand turned into dots of stars and struck down.

This time, Zhang Wanxiong's speed was doubled.After catching up with Zhang Tianhao.Cut down with one blow.Seeing that Zhang Tianhao was inevitable and was about to lose, Zhang Wanxiong even had a triumphant smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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