The strongest fury system

Chapter 3547 Desperate 3 shots

Chapter 3547 Desperate Thirteen Guns

Zhang Tianhao kicked lightly on the ground and landed on the battle platform.Look indifferent.

"Admit defeat! You are not my opponent!"

Shen Tao looked at Zhang Tianhao and said calmly.

It's not that Shen Tao is arrogant, as the elder brother of Ziji Tianzong, he is still very calm.Otherwise, Wen Haiyang would not recognize him as a big brother.It's just that Zhang Tianhao's strength is only at the seventh level of life and death.At the seventh level of life and death, I want to defeat him.Simply impossible.

"If you haven't tried it, how can you easily admit defeat?" Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly.

Shen Tao looked at Zhang Tianhao and said lightly: "Since you don't admit defeat, then lose!"

Shen Tao roared angrily, and stabbed Zhang Tianhao with a terrifying shot.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tianhao already had a strategy.That is not to expose the strength of one's body training.After all, the next step is to fight against the Qiankun Temple.The Qiankun Temple is the enemy.

Originally, even with Zhang Tianhao's strength, it was difficult to defeat Shen Tao.But don't forget.When fighting You Sisi, although Shen Tao won, he still used [-]% of his strength.Consumption is not small.But Shen Tao was also entrusted with the idea of ​​defeating Zhang Tianhao in one go and securing the victory for Ziji Tianzong.Therefore, it is not impossible for Zhang Tianhao to defeat Shen Tao even with the seventh-level cultivation base of the Life and Death Realm.

"Breaking Element Gun!"

Shen Tao shot towards Zhang Tianhao's place to assassinate. This shot was earth-shattering, as if he was going to kill Zhang Tianhao.


In an instant, Zhang Tianhao also revealed his weapon.

"Blood God Knife!"

"A knife of nirvana!"

Zhang Tianhao shattered Shen Tao's attack with a knife.But Shen Tao used [-]% of his strength in this shot.The strength is unmatched.The terrifying counter-shock force also knocked Zhang Tianhao back a few steps.Zhang Tianhao couldn't help raising his eyebrows.He narrowed his eyes and rushed towards Shen Tao again.

It's just that Zhang Tianhao didn't attack immediately, but used his body skills to fight with Shen Tao.If he wanted to defeat Shen Tao without exposing his top combat power, he still needed a little patience.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao is planning to consume Shen Tao's strength first.Then find out his flaws and kill him with one blow.

After Shen Tao didn't hit Zhang Tianhao seriously with one shot, he knew that the opponent was not as weak as he imagined, so his expression became concentrated, and he killed Zhang Tianhao again.

Each shot carries a terrifying tearing force.Every shot carried an invisible pressure, as if a terrifying mountain was crushing towards him.

"This is the power of the domain. He integrated the domain into his attack to increase his attack power?"

Zhang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat.Already feel the absolute pressure.

"Sixth-order infinite rage!"

Zhang Tianhao didn't dare to keep his hand anymore at this moment, and resorted to the sixth-order infinite rage. The increase of 64 times the power of all attributes made him feel that he was full of infinite power at this moment.

"Clang clang!"

The two sides fought dozens of moves in a flash.Although Shen Tao's every shot is integrated into the power of the domain.Let your own attack show a geometric increase.But Zhang Tianhao can always see the tricks.And the opponent's body skills are also very strong.Every time it can save the day at a critical moment.

on the viewing platform

The face of Dongfang Rock was as sinking as water, and his fists were clenched tightly.Clearly he was nervous at the moment.It should be noted that this time Taixuezong is the host.If you are defeated at the door of your home, and you are still at the bottom, you will be ashamed.Although he was defeated in the battle with Ziji Tianzong, theoretically he still has a chance.Can compete for No.2.But the next opponent is Qiankun Temple, No.1 three years ago.This possibility is not great.Therefore, Dongfang Yan felt extremely nervous at this moment.Now the only remaining disciple in the audience is Zhang Tianhao.He also didn't know if Zhang Tianhao could defeat Shen Tao.But thinking of Zhang Tianhao's previous record, he still has some confidence.Back then Zhang Tianhao was able to defeat Wen Junhai, but this time, it is not impossible to defeat Shen Tao.But thinking of the comparison between Zhang Tianhao's current strength and Shen Tao's strength.Dongfang Yan didn't have much confidence.After all, Zhang Tianhao's opponent is definitely not weak, after all, he is the elder brother of Ziji Tianzong.Sophisticated.

Compared with Dongfang Yan's nervousness, Hou Tianjun, the patriarch of Ziji Tianzong sitting next to him, was a little calmer. After all, he had the upper hand in the scene.The other party has only one disciple left.And there are two on my side.

"Brother Dongfang, tell me, which one of us will win this battle?" Hou Tianjun just liked to see Dongfang Yan slumped in front of him.

Counting six years ahead, it was the most glorious time of Taixuezong. It has to be said that Taixuezong was very powerful at that time.Having won the first place in the three exchange conferences twice in a row, even the Qiankun Temple shunned.But now the strongest of the three sects is the Qiankun Temple. Of course, the Ziji Tianzong may also come out on top.This time their goal of Ziji Tianzong is number one.

"The martial arts competition is not over yet, Brother Hou, please be safe and don't be impatient!"

Although he knows that this guy likes to brag in front of him, Dongfang Yan will naturally not give him this chance.


I didn't see the scene I wanted.Hou Tianjun resentfully stopped talking.

But at this moment, the battle between Zhang Tianhao and Shen Tao reached a fever pitch.Zhang Tianhao covered Shen Tao with his spiritual sense.At this moment, he has found his flaw.

"Zhang Tianhao, it's rare for you to be able to fight me to this extent. Now let you see my Desperate Thirteen Spears!"

Desperate Thirteen Spears, that is a god-level martial skill.Shen Tao has been immersed for three years in order to wait until this day to become a blockbuster.

Feeling the terrifying aura on Shen Tao's body, even Zhang Tianhao couldn't help frowning at this moment.What a powerful force.He must not be allowed to complete his momentum.

"The Ultimate Knife!"

The blood god knife in Zhang Tianhao's hand swung out, condensed to the extreme, and crushed down on Shen Tao's body with a destructive momentum.

"Break it for me!"

Thirteen deadly shots, one shot is more terrifying than the other.The power of the shot at the back is doubled compared to the shot at the front.

"Boom!" sounded.

Shen Tao's terrifying shot directly crushed Zhang Tianhao's attack.Zhang Tianhao was enveloped by invisible spear lights all over the sky.

"Good come!"

Zhang Tianhao felt a fatal crisis, but at the same time, this was also the time when Shen Tao was most vulnerable.

"One mind, two swords!"

In an instant, Zhang Tianhao summoned the Dragon Tooth Saber.

"What, pretending to be a ghost! Do you think that using two knives at the same time can increase your strength? Ridiculous!"

Shen Tao looked at Zhang Tianhao with disdain.At the same time, a terrifying shot shot down at Zhang Tianhao's body again.

(End of this chapter)

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