The strongest fury system

Chapter 3571 Dragon Slaying Holy Arrow

Chapter 3571 Dragon Slaying Holy Arrow
"It's not that I look down on you. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

The old man of the system sneered at Zhang Tianhao's displeased words.

"Just try it."

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, but he was very stubborn. He kicked his feet hard on the ground, and his whole body jumped up from the ground like a spring.

"One mind, two swords!"

Zhang Tianhao roared, and the Blood Sword and Longya Sword were unsheathed at the same time.In the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the Fire Dragon King, and with the two knives in his hands, he slashed at the Fire Dragon King fiercely.

"A knife of nirvana!"

"The Ultimate Knife!"

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Soon, Zhang Tianhao slashed fiercely on the huge body of the Fire Dragon King with two knives.What made him quite astonished at the moment was that his two knives slashed on the Fire Dragon King, blocked by the flame armor on it, making Zhang Tianhao feel as if he was slashing on an iron plate.Instead, a powerful counter-shock force came.

"Respect God Sword!"

Since the Blood God Knife and Dragon Tooth Knife had no effect, Zhang Tianhao simply summoned the Supreme God Knife.With a sway, he appeared beside the Fire Dragon King again.Killed with a single blow.

"The Nether God Slashing Knife!"

This knife covered the sky and the sun, and the terrifying light of the knife seemed to smash the entire void.The endless energy blade light crushed and killed the opponent.Every knife has earth-shattering power, as if it can destroy the entire void.

"Come on! Die for me!"

Zhang Tianhao's two knives slashed at the opponent's body frantically.But these two knives seemed to collapse the entire void.The two knives were directly chopped into pieces.

But Zhang Tianhao could clearly find that although his two sabers had killed the Fire Dragon King, although he had killed [-] blood on the opponent's body with one saber.But it should be noted that this Fire Dragon King is a bloody bull!That [-] blood is nothing to the Fire Dragon King.

"Boy, look at the top of that Fire Dragon King's head!"

Zhang Tianhao knew something was wrong, and immediately looked at the top of the opponent's head, but found a time countdown.5 minutes to go, and time to go.This number is regressing every minute and every second.

"What's the situation? There was no progress bar for this time when using the magic weapon before. Could this be the effect of the system upgrade?" Zhang Tianhao thought to himself.

Although Zhang Tianhao didn't dare to be sure in his heart, he also knew that it should be so.This should be a function after the system is upgraded, although the system has not been fully upgraded yet.But presumably, soon.

5 minutes, that is to say, I still have 5 minutes to kill the Fire Dragon King.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao frowned at this moment and began to look for a way.He naturally knew, if he didn't find a way.That would be troublesome.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhang Tianhao thought of what the old man of the system said, and entered the system mall, looking for a way to kill this fire dragon king.

It's just that although the old man of the system has this hint, it's not clear what it actually is.The system mall has everything. It is really difficult for him to find a solution within 5 minutes.

But the method was thought up by people, and Zhang Tianhao still found a way.

That's right, the way Zhang Tianhao thought of was to use search engines to search.He found the search engine of the system mall, and then searched for the word killing dragon.

Sure enough, there were a few more options, not many, just a dozen.After all, it is to kill dragons. The dragon race is a very powerful race in this world, and even in the entire universe. Killing dragons is something ordinary people dare not think about.There are many dragon-killing weapons and even methods listed below.But when Zhang Tianhao saw the points, they were too expensive.At a glance, they all have more than 300 million system mall points.Zhang Tianhao is also poor now!He can't afford these.There was no other way, Zhang Tianhao had no choice but to pull the menu down to the bottom.

"Hey, this is the Sacred Dragon Slaying Arrow? The points only need 190 million!"

"Fuck, it's the same as profiteers on Earth. What's the difference between 190 million and 200 million?" Zhang Tianhao was a little nervous.

Even so, he was still a little moved by the holy dragon-slaying arrow.But he still looked at the introduction cautiously.Although it was a dragon slaying, who knew what kind of dragon it was.Western lizards are also called dragons!But is that really a dragon?

Sacred Dragon Slaying Arrow!

Dragon-slaying equipment of the Houyi clan from the Gothic continent.

In the Gothic Continent, the Houyi clan is proud of slaying dragons, because they have a blood feud with the Huolong clan for generations.After 10 years of struggle.The Houyi clan gradually developed dragon-slaying equipment aimed at slaying dragons.Dragon Slaying Holy Arrow.The Sacred Dragon Slaying Arrow is the standard equipment for dragon slaying warriors.

No wonder, so cheap.Because it is standard equipment, there is no uniqueness.Of course, this cheapness is relative.But for Zhang Tianhao, this is still too expensive.Nima's. 190 million is 200 million.Although Zhang Tianhao did get some points for doing tasks some time ago.But I can't stand such a waste!
"Bought it!"

The time to watch the net of killing is running out.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao gritted his teeth and bought the Dragon Slaying Arrow of the Houyi clan.

Zhang Tianhao knew that there were only three arrows in the holy dragon-slaying arrow.Because often three arrows can't kill the opponent, then the Fire Dragon King is ready, and the opponent will kill you.Therefore, three arrows are the standard equipment of the Houyi family.

When Zhang Tianhao took out the Sacred Dragon Slaying Arrow, a terrifying murderous aura erupted from his body.

Immediately, the Fire Dragon King who was originally in the hunting net felt terrified at this moment.It was a feeling of fear from the bottom of my heart.

"What is that? Why does the Dragon King feel that his arrows pose a great threat to me? Why is this?" The Fire Dragon King felt endless fear.

"Boy, what is this?"

The Fire Dragon King struggled vigorously, but in the hunting net, it was still bound tightly, and it was useless to struggle.


Zhang Tianhao raised his bow and put on an arrow, and the tip of the arrow pointed at the Fire Dragon King.

"Whoosh!" sounded.

The arrow shot out and flew towards the Fire Dragon King fiercely.The Fire Dragon King howled, trying to escape.But because it is in the net of hunting and killing, it has no room to display it at all, and at this moment it is full of creeps.

"Do not……"


The arrow shot by Zhang Tianhao hit the Fire Dragon King fiercely.He could clearly see that the blood bar on the top of the Fire Dragon King's head, which was visible to the naked eye, had once again decreased by one-third.

This arrow undoubtedly caused the Fire Dragon King to be severely injured.There was an extremely shrill scream.

(End of this chapter)

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