The strongest fury system

Chapter 3588 The Stone Man

Chapter 3588 The Stone Man
In fact, Zhang Tianhao was wrong.Because things are not what he thinks at all.This time, when he entered the examination hall, it was equivalent to opening the difficult mode.But Hong Tai, You Sisi and others are just general models.The difficulty has increased, so Zhang Tianhao will naturally feel that the first level is very difficult.

Zhang Tianhao felt his body was wrapped in a wave of energy, and then, the next second, he came to a cliff.

"This is!"

After Zhang Tianhao saw clearly what was in front of him, he couldn't help becoming confused.Because he suddenly discovered that a stone giant appeared in front of him.The stone giant was walking towards him step by step.

This stone giant is at least hundreds of meters high, standing there, it looks like a big mountain.

"Damn it, it seems that there is no doubt that this level is to get rid of this stone giant."

Zhang Tianhao frowned.Anyway, just do it.

"Hey, what's going on? My true anger is gone?"

Zhang Tianhao was waiting to circulate the true energy in his body.But he found that the true essence in his body disappeared without a trace.

"I wiped it, what's going on?"

Of course, Zhang Tianhao reacted quickly.

"Could it be that this test is to test your own body training?"

Zhang Tianhao is blessed to the heart.He felt that what he thought should not be bad.Because in ancient times, body training was the most popular thing, and body training was the mainstream in ancient times.Of course, although body refining was the mainstream in ancient times, it does not mean that there were no qi refiners in ancient times, but there were fewer qi refiners compared to body refiners.In the ancient times, some warriors who did not have the talent for body training could cultivate true energy, so in the ancient times, Qi refining and body refining coexisted.

Therefore, at this moment, it is not too strange to think that the ancient sect is testing the physical training of the disciples under the school.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhao calmed down.He naturally knew that his qi refining cultivation was far weaker than that of body refining.Now his body training has reached the second level of the Immortal Body Training Realm.It is very powerful.

Looking at the stone man approaching step by step in front of him, Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that he could no longer be forced by the other side, and there was a cliff behind him.Even if he fell from behind him, he might not die, after all, this was a test for his disciples by the ancient sect.But failure is unquestionable.And may lose the secret of becoming the strongest this time.


Zhang Tianhao kicked hard on the ground, then flew towards the stone giant, punched hard, and slammed down towards the stone man.

Although this punch did not use any martial skills, it carried an unstoppable force.In the blink of an eye, it landed on the stone man.

However, Zhang Tianhao felt that his punch landed on the stone man, but a terrifying counter-shock force bounced back from the stone man towards his location.

"Fuck me, this stone man is so terrifying?"

Zhang Tianhao landed on the ground, and was subjected to a huge impact. He couldn't help but retreated seven steps.And the stone man just swayed his huge body, and then continued to charge towards Zhang Tianhao.

"Damn it, a dead thing won't feel any pain."

Zhang Tianhao couldn't watch the stone man compress his space, otherwise he would be eliminated if he fell off the cliff behind him, and if he was eliminated in the second level, he would lose face.

"Fighting Holy Fist!"

Zhang Tianhao's foot kicked hard on the ground, and then he rose into the sky.

This punch condensed all the fighting spirit in Zhang Tianhao's body.The terrifying fighting spirit enveloped Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Give me back!"

Zhang Tianhao punched the stone man fiercely.Immediately, the stone man stepped back a dozen steps.Zhang Tianhao's punch was obviously very powerful, and it directly left a huge dent in the stone man's body.

However, although Zhang Tianhao's punch left marks on the stone man's body, it did not stop the stone man. The stone man continued to walk towards Zhang Tianhao's place.

"Damn it, damn it, how do we pass this level, this stone man is not afraid of pain, he can't be beaten to death, damn it, how do we beat this?"

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, feeling a little speechless at the moment.

"No, there must be another way, but I didn't think of it."

Looking at the stone man striding forward, Zhang Tianhao once again used the Holy Fighting Fist to repel the stone man, but Zhang Tianhao naturally knew that this was a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.Yes, he is trying to figure it out.

"By the way, why didn't I think of it?"

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao suddenly seemed to think of something.That's right, he thought of it, this stone man was probably also formed by formation.

For himself, as long as he finds the mark that the formation left on the stone man, he can destroy the stone man.

Although, it seems that this is a bit of a trick, but you need to know that if you are not a Taoist, it is almost impossible to find the nodes on this stone man.

As Zhang Tianhao is also a Taoist of the spiritual level, he naturally knows that if the stone man was bred by the formation, it will have the imprint of the formation on its body. If the brand is broken, the formation will not be able to replenish energy for the stone man. Naturally, this stone man is not so difficult to fight.

After Zhang Tianhao thought of a solution, he immediately relaxed a lot.The more I think about it, the more I realize that this method is completely feasible.

"Kick!" There was a sound.

Zhang Tianhao's foot kicked hard on the ground, and he jumped up from the ground like a frog, and rushed towards the stone man.

"Go away, my son!"

Zhang Tianhao punched the stone man. Although this punch did not have any tricks, it contained extremely terrifying power.

"Bang!" A sound.

Perhaps relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, the stone man did not resist Zhang Tianhao's punch. Zhang Tianhao's punch only knocked the stone man back a few steps.But the stone man quickly launched a counterattack.

A fist as huge as a mountain smashed towards Zhang Tianhao's location.Blot out the sun.


Zhang Tianhao's face was extremely serious, and he turned away before the stone man hit him with a punch.


The stone man's punch directly hit the ground next to Zhang Tianhao, directly smashing a big hole tens of meters square there.The whole earth vibrated violently under the stone man's punch.

Zhang Tianhao didn't change his face, the previous punch was just a test.He was looking for the brand on the stone man.

Next, Zhang Tianhao started guerrilla warfare with the stone man.Every time, he attacked different parts of the stone man, looking for the branded place.

(End of this chapter)

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