The strongest fury system

Chapter 3591 Stone

Chapter 3591 Ten Stones
But Zhang Tianhao still didn't believe in evil.

"Fighting Holy Fist!"

Zhang Tianhao displayed his fighting spirit, and it condensed into fist marks in front of his fist.Then it hit the rock hard.

"Bang!" A sound.

Although Zhang Tianhao's punch left a mark on the stone, it did not shatter the stone.

This time, Zhang Tianhao was indeed completely stupefied. Damn it, this is the Saint of Fighting Fist. With such a terrifying punch, the stone was not even smashed into pieces.

"Am I going to stop at the ninth level?"

Zhang Tianhao was a little unwilling.In the final analysis, he is also a very stubborn person, so naturally he was not reconciled, so he went back home like this, and he also wanted to get the secret of becoming the strongest from here.

"Forget it, I still have time, I don't believe I can't break these stones."

After Zhang Tianhao failed the first stone, he began to try other stones.

But without exception, Zhang Tianhao failed.

"I wiped it. Is it true that I am going to fail here this time?"

Zhang Tianhao was really a little discouraged at the moment.

"Boy, you should give up. You have activated the difficult mode unintentionally, so your assessment will be ten times more difficult than those of your companions, and in the future, the difficulty of each level will be superimposed, so your assessment will be more difficult." It's going to be so much more difficult than the others."

It was the old man who spoke.

"I wiped it, no wonder I was there, I said how my assessment is so much more difficult than others." Zhang Tianhao shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Hey, why am I so unlucky? In the hard mode, how can I get the secret to become the strongest?" Zhang Tianhao said.

"Boy, you are wrong. In fact, it is you who accidentally activated the hard mode, so that you have the opportunity to get the secret of becoming the strongest. Otherwise, do you think that the secret of the strongest can be obtained so easily?" the old man of the system Said to Zhang Tianhao with some disdain.

"Ah, it turned out to be like this?"

Zhang Tianhao's mouth was wide open at the moment, and he had an unexpected expression.

"Well, you don't need such an expression, but the fact is that the rewards you can get for passing the level in the normal mode and the hard mode are different. Even if it is in the normal mode, even if you have passed all the levels. Get a book of magical skills. If you want to get the secret of the strongest, you still need to break through your current difficult mode." The old man of the system said lightly.

"Ah, so that's the case! It's just that why did this ancient sect play so many tricks?" Zhang Tianhao was a little confused.

The old man of the system said: "It's very simple. If the old man's prediction is correct, this difficult mode is an assessment for the selection of heirs. It's just that, until the ancient sect died out, there was no heir who could pass this level and get the qualification to become the strongest." secret."

"Old man, you think you are a fairy, you know?"

Zhang Tianhao said with disdain for the old man of the system.

"It's very obvious. If the heirs of the ancient sect got the secret of the strongest, then this difficult mode would not exist. Since it exists, it proves that no one has met the requirements." The old man of the system said.

Even Zhang Tianhao had to admit at this moment that what the old man of the system said was very reasonable, and it should be true what he said.

"Old man, since you jumped out by yourself, if you don't teach me, how will you pass the test?"

Zhang Tianhao said to the old man of the system.

"Boy, the system has system rules. We can't casually interfere with the host's experience, so don't embarrass the system." The old man of the system said flatly.

"Damn, you old man, we've known each other for a long time, can't you be flexible?"

Zhang Tianhao said to the old man of the system.

"Cough cough cough, host, since you said so, this system can give you some pointers, but you still need to rely on yourself, this system can't help you too much," said the old man of the system.

Zhang Tianhao was about to vomit blood from anger at this moment. The old man of this system was good at everything, but the thing Zhang Tianhao couldn't bear the most was the old man, who was too nagging.For so long, I didn't mention a single point.

"Old man of the system, hurry up and say it, if you don't say it, I will turn into a dozen old sows and rape you!"

Zhang Tianhao said fiercely.

It seemed that Zhang Tianhao's threat had worked, and the old man of the system really didn't dare to talk anymore.He quickly said to Zhang Tianhao: "Boy, these ten stones are all refined from various materials, but if you have a way to find a stone with the attribute of ice, attack it with all your strength. In this way, you still have a [-]% chance of passing this level."

"Um, won't it be enough if I try each of them?" Zhang Tianhao frowned when he heard what the old man of the system said.

"Ahem, boy, you must not do this. Note. Even if you successfully find the ice attribute stone, you still need to use all your strength to attack it. Therefore, if you do this, it will only weaken your strength. Strength, you can't reach your peak strength, so you still have a great possibility of failure." The old man of the system explained to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao frowned and asked, "Is it so difficult?"

"Boy, didn't this system tell you before that what you are experiencing now is the difficult mode, which is the level that only the successors of the ancient sects were qualified for the examination. Naturally, it is not as simple as you think. Moreover, the ancient sects sects are stronger than the current warriors. Especially the successors of the ancient sects, the strength is unimaginable for the current warriors. But even so, there is still no successor who can pass the examination for tens of thousands of years. Do you think How difficult is this?" The old man of the system asked Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao thought about it for a while, and felt that what the old man of the system said was very reasonable. He had to recharge his energy and make the strongest blow to be able to pass the level successfully.Otherwise, maybe I will fail at the ninth pass this time.Naturally, Zhang Tianhao would not be reconciled to this result.But how can I find that stone with ice attribute?Until now, Zhang Tianhao didn't know why there were ten stones here.These are ten stones of different attributes.

Zhang Tianhao groped around the ten stones, but there was still no result.Although he could touch the ten stones at close range, the size and aura of the ten stones were almost the same, and it was really difficult for Zhang Tianhao to distinguish them.

Damn, the seniors who made these ten stones before are really awesome. Ten stones with different attributes can be made exactly the same. It's a miracle!
(End of this chapter)

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