Chapter 3602
"Naturally, it's better than a counterfeit like you!" Nie Fei said with some disdain.

Tuo Bahong beside him couldn't help frowning at this moment.For him, Zhang Tianhao was far more important than the other party.Although Nie Fei came from the Zhendao family, Zhang Tianhao came from Taixuezong.That is one of the three super sects in the Central Continent.It is said that Zhang Tianhao is now a true disciple of Taixuezong.With this status, even if he is still the one and only emperor of the Tianhai Empire, he is far inferior.But this Nie Fei, relying on himself as a direct descendant of the Zhen Dao family, mocked so wantonly, in his opinion, this is simply too much.Therefore, Tuo Bahong said calmly to Nie Fei: "Nie Fei, Mr. Zhang came to support us from Taixuezong. It's too much for you to say that."

Nie Fei was not an idiot either, so he naturally felt that Emperor Tuoba was a little angry at this moment, but he didn't care.His arrogance as a Dao family is still there.He cupped his hands to Tuoba Hong, and said indifferently: "Uncle Tuoba, my nephew is just a reminder. Of course my nephew knows that Mr. Zhang is from Taixuezong..."

Nie Fei looked at Zhang Tianhao lightly and said: "Zhang Tianhao, I heard that you are also a Taoist formation master, do you dare to compare?"

"as you wish!"

Zhang Tianhao knew that Nie Fei was not convinced by him, although he didn't know why.But it is still necessary to hit the opponent with a shot.

"Very good, since you are also a Taoist formation master, let's compete in the Taoism formation." Nie Fei looked at Zhang Tianhao firmly.

Although Nie Fei also knew that Zhang Tianhao was a Taoist of the spiritual formation, he knew that Zhang Tianhao was still a warrior.Even if he is really a spirit rank Taoist, he is far inferior to himself.Nie Fei is so sure, naturally he still has his own confidence.He comes from a family of Dao that has been passed down for thousands of years.In terms of formation, at least in the younger generation, he will not convince anyone.Although Zhang Tianhao is also a formation Taoist, he is a casual cultivator.In Nie Fei's view, casual cultivators are a wild way.There is no way that he will have more background than himself, the heir from the family of Zhen Dao.Therefore, he naturally felt that he could easily crush the opponent.Even if Zhang Tianhao is really a Taoist of the spiritual rank, he is at most the first rank of the spiritual rank. With such strength, if he wants to crush it, it will not be too difficult for him.

Of course, Nie Fei didn't know that Zhang Tianhao's array cultivation was no worse than his martial arts.

"How do you compare?" Zhang Tianhao was very sure.

"Don't bother too much. After all, it's an extraordinary time. Since Mr. Zhang has seen the psychedelic formation I have set up outside, let's see, how can we break it?" Nie Fei looked at Zhang Tianhao.

When Tuoba Hong heard the words, his complexion changed immediately, he looked at Nie Fei and asked, "Nie Fei, after all, we are confronting the demons now, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to make such a comparison?"

Nie Fei looked at Ta Bahong and smiled resolutely.Said to him very relaxedly: "Uncle Tuoba, don't worry, although my nephew said that I want to use the phantom array arranged to compete with Young Master Zhang, it will not affect the safety of our stronghold. It can be arranged, and it won’t have much impact.”

Although Zhang Tianhao didn't like Nie Fei very much, he also said to Tuoba Hong: "Uncle Tuoba, don't worry, Mr. Nie is right, we can indeed arrange the formation at will, it's not too difficult."

Tuo Bahong still trusted Zhang Tianhao very much. Hearing what Zhang Tianhao said, he felt relieved, nodded, and no longer prevented Zhang Tianhao and Nie Fei from competing.Tuo Bahong still trusts Nie Fei.

"Zhang Tianhao, right? I can give you one hour, as long as you can destroy the psychedelic array I set up within one hour, you will win!" Nie Fei looked at Zhang Tianhao and said firmly.

Nie Fei was obviously very confident in the psychedelic array he had set up.Although he arranged it casually, this psychedelic formation is a new formation developed by their Nie family.Even if it is a formation Taoist of the spiritual rank, let alone an hour, even a day may not be able to break it.That's why Nie Fei made an appointment with Zhang Tianhao for an hour.As long as Zhang Tianhao agrees, he will win.Being able to step on Zhang Tianhao fiercely in front of the person he likes, Nie Fei feels very good just thinking about it.

"No problem." Zhang Tianhao naturally didn't know that Nie Fei was flirting in his heart at the moment, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.In his opinion, although he appreciated the formation earlier,

But that is only compared with ordinary Dao masters.If he and Zhang Tianhao really want to break it, then the formation is just rubbish, and he really won't take it seriously.

"However, this formation, I don't need an hour, I can break it now."

Zhang Tianhao's words were astonishing.


Not only Nie Fei, but also Tuo Bahong and Nalan Jieyu looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

Both of them felt that Zhang Tianhao was taking too much care of him.Although they are very confident in Zhang Tianhao, they are still very clear about Nie Fei's array strength. During this period of time, the reason why this stronghold can withstand waves of demons' offensives, support until now, Nie Fei The psychedelic array played a very important role, otherwise, their stronghold would have been exposed long ago.It was only later that they found out that the psychedelic formation arranged by Nie Fei was a new formation developed by the Nie family over the past ten thousand years, and it was extremely sharp.But Zhang Tianhao actually said that he could break it immediately.Tuo Bahong and Nalan Jieyu still had some disbelief.

Although Tuo Bahong and Nalan Jieyu also know that Zhang Tianhao is also very good at formation.But how powerful they are, they still have no idea.

"Can it be broken immediately?"

Nie Fei's eyes narrowed, he looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with a sneer, "Very well, boy, my son, it depends on how you break it."


Since Zhang Tianhao was going to step on the opponent's face fiercely, he would not be polite.Therefore, go to the psychedelic formation first.


Tuo Bahong and Nalan Jieyu looked at each other in blank dismay, both of them were leaders of the younger generation, they naturally didn't want them to confront each other, after all the demons were sweeping Taiyuan Mountain now.Naturally, they hoped that Zhang Tianhao and Nie Fei could unite and make a concerted effort.But now it seems that the two of them are facing each other, and there is nothing they can do.

"Father, what should we do now?" Nalan Jieyu asked with a wry smile.

"What should I do? It's not for you anymore. If you could take care of Nie Fei's feelings before, maybe things wouldn't be like this." Tuo Bahong is also a human being, so naturally he found the crux of the matter right away.

(End of this chapter)

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