Chapter 3606
"Boss, is Miss Nalan in danger?"

Yang Xiu looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked worriedly.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, and said very firmly: "Don't worry, this is not dangerous."

At this time, more than a dozen miles away, a team of demon warriors was searching Taiyuan Mountain.The leader of a Mozu warrior looked a little gloomy at the moment.

"Head, it's strange, why have we searched for so long, let alone human beings, have not even seen a single human hair?" A demon soldier looked at his leader and said helplessly.

"Well, although these human beings are not strong in combat, their ability to hide is unmatched by our demons. Now guess where they are hiding. It is not easy for us to find these human beings. But we can't be careless. This time, We must make meritorious deeds, whoever can find the traces of humans first will be able to make meritorious deeds first, we must not let other teams take this opportunity away..." The leader of the demon clan said seriously.

"Well, head, don't worry."

All the demon soldiers present were extremely eager to make meritorious service, and upon hearing this, all of them had golden eyes.For soldiers at the bottom of the Demon Race like them, if they want to become a superior Demon Race, they naturally need military merit.

"Hey, head, look, what is that?"

Suddenly a demon soldier pointed forward.

"Humans, it turns out to be human beings, there is really nowhere to find them!"

The leader of the demon clan was overjoyed when he saw the human race led by Nalan Jieyu.They searched a lot like dogs on Taiyuan Mountain, but they couldn't find even a human hair. Seeing Nalan Jieyu now, these demon warriors were naturally very pleasantly surprised.

"Princess, they are coming after you."

A warrior from the Sky Sea Empire said to Nalan Jieyu.

"Understood, according to the original plan, let's go..."

Compared to the nervousness of that warrior from the Sky Sea Empire, Nalan Jieyu was quite determined.Although their strength is not as strong as these demon warriors, they still have a better understanding of the terrain of Taiyuan Mountain.So, she wasn't too nervous.What's more, isn't there a battle pet sent by Zhang Tianhao?

Zhang Tianhao waited for half a stick of incense, and Nalan Jieyu attracted those demon warriors.Seeing this scene, there was a slight smile on his face, and he said lightly: "It seems that the plan was implemented very well. These demons have been attracted so quickly."

"My sword is so hungry and thirsty." Zhang Jianfeng murmured.

Zhang Jianfeng has experienced the war between Zhenwu Continent and the Demon Race, and he already hated the Demon Race at this moment.At this moment, I am seeing the offal of these demons.Zhang Jianfeng was already murderous.

"Humans in front, please surrender obediently. In this way, we can still give you a good time. If you run away again, we will not be polite."

Hughes, the leader of the Demon Race, said in a cold voice.

Hughes was a little impatient. Although these humans were not as fast as them, relying on their familiarity with the terrain, they repeatedly threw them away, which made Hughes feel extremely depressed.Of course, although these humans are familiar with the terrain, it is impossible to shake them off.

At this moment, Nalan Jieyu and the others could no longer hold on.Their strength is indeed not as good as these demons.After all, at this moment, the demons entering Taiyuan Mountain to encircle and suppress the remnants of the Tianhai Empire are not ordinary demon soldiers, but the elite of the army.The strength of these demon soldiers is naturally not weak.Although Nalan Jieyu and the others tried their best, it was difficult for them to throw the demons away.Fortunately, they were not far from where Zhang Tianhao was ambush.In the end, when the demons were about to catch up with them, they were led to the ambush site.

"Run, why don't you run away?" Hughes, the leader of the Demon Race, looked at Nalan Jieyu and the others in front of him and suddenly stopped, feeling complacent.

Of course, Hughes naturally thought that Nalan Jieyu knew he couldn't escape, so he stopped.

Nalan Jieyu turned around, looked at Hughes with a cold voice and said, "Run, why do you want to run?"

"Hmph, it seems that you humans are still very self-aware, if you know you can't run away, then just obediently capture it!" Hughes surrounded him with demon warriors.

It's just that Hughes is also very smart, and he discovered a strange place.This group of humans didn't seem nervous at all.There was no despair on his face either.It can be said that each one is too calm.This made Hughes feel slightly uneasy.

Of course, this uneasiness disappeared quickly.In his opinion, it is completely impossible for these human beings to turn up any big waves at this moment.

"It's you who are caught without a fight!"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Zhang Tianhao brought Zhang Jianfeng, Yang Xiu, Zhao Bai, and the three appeared.


Nalan Jieyu looked at Zhang Tianhao very excitedly.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Nalan Jieyu and nodded, and said flatly: "Your task has been completed very well. Now you step aside and line up for us."

Nalan Jieyu nodded. Her people were excluded from the battle series, but she was not dissatisfied at all. After all, she also knew that although she and others were the elite of the Sky Sea Empire, they were fighting against the demons at this moment. It won't play a big role.


When Hughes saw the appearance of Zhang Tianhao and others, he was still a little surprised.But when he saw that there were only four of them, he was completely relieved.For Hughes, their numbers still have the upper hand.Moreover, even if the number of their demons is equal to that of the human race, they are completely enough to crush human beings.What's more, they still have the upper hand in number, so there is nothing to worry about.

Hughes looked at Nalan Jieyu and the others, and said with disdain: "You humble human beings, don't you think that your four companions can save you if you appear? If you think so, you are really naive. gone."

"You guys talk too much nonsense."

Zhang Tianhao said to Zhang Jianfeng, Zhao Bai, and Yang Xiu, "I'll leave these scumbags to you. I'll take care of this guy who talks a lot..."

Zhang Jianfeng nodded and said, "No problem, boss, I am enough for these bastards."

Yang Xiu and Zhao Bai were very upset when they heard this.

"Why do you do it by yourself, anyway, let's have some soup, right?"

Hughes, the leader of the Demon Race, was immediately angry when he heard the words.Damn, what do these guys think of them.He even ignored them, treating them all like fat meat.This is when they have suffered such a shame and humiliation for these demons.

"Damn humans, tear them apart for me."

Hughes ordered to his companions.

(End of this chapter)

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