The strongest fury system

Chapter 3627 Commander of the Imperial Guard

Chapter 3627 Commander of the Imperial Guard

"Little sister, what's your name?"

Nalan Jieyu hugged the little girl, looked at her pitifully and asked.

"My name is Xiaolu!"

The little girl looked at Nalan Jieyu timidly, and immediately seemed to remember something.Asked: " are the sister I saw yesterday."

Nalan Jieyu couldn't help being overjoyed when she saw the little girl recognized her.She nodded and smiled, "Yes, I am that sister."

"Little sister, what is going on with you now, why did you have a conflict with that uncle?"

Nalan Jieyu looked at the little girl and asked.

When the little girl heard this, she felt a little aggrieved.Said: "Sister, my father is sick and has run out of food, so Xiaolu wants to find something to eat for my father."

Nalan Jieyu looked at the little girl with some pity. It is really unfortunate that her family has undergone great changes at such a young age.Therefore, she turned her head, looked at Zhang Tianhao with a pleading expression, and said, "Tianhao, let's go and see this little sister's house, she is so pitiful."

"Well, it's very pitiful, but we have other tasks now..."

Zhang Tianhao hesitated.

You Sisi beside him said to Zhang Tianhao: "Brother, anyway, we don't have any clues yet, so we might as well go to that little sister's house to have a look!"

Seeing You Sisi's begging look, Zhang Tianhao thought about it, that's fine.Therefore, he walked up to You Sisi and said to her, "Okay, just do as you asked..."

Zhang Tianhao and his group came to Xiaolu's house.In fact, it is not necessarily a home, because this is just a ruined temple, and the surroundings are in dilapidated condition. Even the god statues in the ruined temple fell to the ground, and a middle-aged man with pus all over his body fell to the ground.

"General Shen?"

Before Zhang Tianhao could speak, Nalan Jieyu, who was beside him, let out a cry.

"Why, do you know this person?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Nalan Jieyu with some surprise.

Nalan Jieyu nodded to Zhang Tianhao and said, "Of course I know him. He is Lord Shen Qing, the leader of our Tianhai City Imperial Army, but I don't know why Master Shen became like this."

It seemed to hear someone calling himself.Shen Qing slowly opened her eyes, looked at Zhang Tianhao and the others in front of her, and said weakly, "Who are you and why are you here?"

"General Shen, have you forgotten me? I am Nalan Jieyu!" Nalan Jieyu came to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing was shocked when she heard the words Nalan Jieyu, she looked at her firmly and said, "Grand...princess, Shen Qing can't salute you... please forgive me!"

"The general doesn't need to salute, why are you here? What happened?" Nalan Jieyu looked at Shen Qing.

Zhang Tianhao took out a healing elixir, put it into Shen Qing's mouth, and said to Nalan Jieyu, "Princess, let the general heal his wounds first. His current situation is not suitable for talking."

Nalan Jieyu thought about it the same way, and said to Zhang Tianhao with a wry smile, "Well, I was being abrupt."

Zhang Tianhao's healing elixir is refined from various and precious medicinal materials, and the healing effect is top-notch, after swallowing Zhang Tianhao's healing elixir.Shen Qing's expression suddenly became much ruddy.The originally pale as paper expression has become a lot better now, and his breathing has become much more even.

"Princess, it's great to see you again. I don't know what happened to the emperor, are you safe now?" Shen Qing looked at Nalan Jieyu and asked.

"General Shen, don't worry, father is fine now, it's fine, but you have worked hard, General." Nalan Jieyu looked at Shen Qing like this, and naturally knew what kind of life he was living during this time.

"Heaven has eyes, as long as the emperor is fine, even if I die immediately, I will have no complaints or regrets." Shen Qing was relieved when she heard that Tuo Bahong was safe and sound, very happy.

"General Shen, why did you end up here?" Nalan Jieyu looked at Shen Qing and asked.

Shen Qing looked at Nalan Jieyu, nodded and said, "That's right. At that time, I was in charge of leading the imperial guards to break the siege. After the emperor led the people to break out of the siege, I also fell into the siege, but I was lucky enough to get out of the siege." Because she was worried about her wife and children who were still at home, she rushed home. But she was a step too late, and the family was already in flames. Fortunately, Lulu was hidden in a well and escaped by luck. In the end, I took Lulu to hide everywhere. But although these demons were lenient to the ordinary people of Tianhai City, they hunted and arrested the nobles of the Tianhai Empire. Naturally, they would not let me go, but luckily they escaped For a few days, the demons gradually stopped hunting us down, but my injuries became more and more serious. Fortunately, God opened his eyes and let the old minister meet the princess and learn about the emperor's news."

"General Shen, don't say anything depressing, my father still hopes that you can help me!"

Nalan Jieyu looked at Shen Qing very moved.

"By the way, princess, this imperial city is so dangerous, why did you come back?" Shen Qing seemed to remember something, and asked Nalan Jieyu hastily.

"That's a long story. But General Shen, don't worry, I'll be fine with Young Master Zhang by my side." Nalan Jieyu smiled at Shen Qing.

Shen Qing looked at Zhang Tianhao beside Nalan Jieyu, his eyes lit up.Although Zhang Tianhao did not recognize Shen Qing, Shen Qing followed Tuo Bahong and met Zhang Tianhao several times, so he naturally recognized his identity.

"Young master Zhang, so you are here, and you are here. The princess's servants can rest assured." Shen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

"General Shen, I heard that Uncle Tuoba asked you to build a secret passage?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Shen Qing and asked.

Although Shen Qing was a little surprised that Zhang Tianhao would ask about this secret passage, she nodded and said: "Yes, there is such a thing, but it's a pity that this secret passage has not been completed, otherwise, when the demons raided Tianhai When we are in the city, we will not be so passive."

"General Shen, I want to know, does this dark path demon know?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Shen Qing with piercing eyes.

Shen Qing quickly shook her head and said: "It's impossible, this secret passage was built very secretly, in the entire Tianhai City, except for me, even the emperor doesn't know about it, how could the demons know about it."

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Does General Shen know that now this secret passage can enter the palace?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Shen Qing.

When Zhang Tianhao asked this question, Hong Tai, You Sisi, Zhang Jianfeng and others all looked at Shen Qing.

Shen Qing nodded and said: "That's no problem. In fact, the secret passage was almost finished at the beginning. In fact, it was only in the final stage. The whole secret passage leads to the imperial garden of the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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