Chapter 3806
"Boom!" "Boom!"

The power of the three parties collided fiercely in the void.

Zhang Tianhao and Yun Yao were knocked into the Black Cloud Mountain together.

Hong Tian was suspended in the void, and did not continue to chase.Because the Heiyun Mountain in front of him was filled with darkness.It's not easy to find two people for a while.

Soon, those demon masters behind Hong Tian all caught up.


Canghai Demon Lord looked at Hongtian and asked in confusion: "Marshal, where are those two lowly human races?"

Hong Tian narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "In the mountain in front, these human races can run quite fast, but it doesn't matter, our people can surround this place so that they don't escape. No matter what, we must seize the opportunity of these two human races, and we must not let them escape, they may already know our plan."


The four great demon kings all nodded solemnly.

At this moment, in Heiyun Mountain, Zhang Tianhao was pressing on Yunyao's body.

After struggling for a while, Zhang Tianhao stood up, but found that he was pressing on a girl. He took a closer look and found that this girl was Yun Yao.Immediately made him a little embarrassed.After all, although the defense between men and women in Shishen Realm is not as exaggerated as in ancient times on Earth, it still pays attention to whether men and women can accept each other.What's more, I am still pressing on others.

Yun Yao also woke up.But he didn't see Zhang Tianhao's embarrassment, he just took a deep breath and asked him, "Mr. Zhang, where is this?"

Zhang Tianhao said in a serious voice: "This place should be in the middle of Heiyun Mountain. It's strange that the master of the demon race didn't catch up."

Yun Yao said: "It's not surprising, it's night, he's worried about chasing us, and we'll take the opportunity to escape."

"We must pass the news back immediately. It doesn't matter if we don't go back, but we must let City Lord Han Wu know the news we got." Zhang Tianhao said seriously.

"Hey, it's a pity that even if we want to let them know, there is nothing we can do. The surrounding space will probably be blocked by their experience. It's very difficult to get out!" Yun Yao shook her head and said very firmly.

Zhang Tianhao was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and felt that this possibility was really very likely.But he was still unwilling and decided to give it a try.

"Shh!" sounded.

Zhang Tianhao took out the communication talisman and threw it out.

A white light flew out, this is the communication talisman.Just as expected, the communication talisman turned back after a few breaths.

"It's really blocked, and the speed of this demon race is really fast."

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, looking a little ugly.

"This is normal. The Demon Race is naturally very afraid that we will pass back the news we heard. At this moment, it is natural to block the surrounding area, and our news cannot be transmitted. If it is Yunyao, it is also I will do that." Yun Yao glanced at Jun Yifei and said seriously.

"Hmph, even so, we still have to pass the news back. The demons' calculations are too shocking. The sooner we humans get the news and make preparations earlier, we may be able to avoid some losses." Zhang Tianhao said seriously road.

"But, now, what else can you do?" Yun Yao looked at Zhang Tianhao helplessly.

"Hmph, the solution is something that people come up with, and there may not be a solution."

Zhang Tianhao thought about it for a while, and suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, as if he had thought of something.There was a smile on his face.

"Why, Mr. Zhang, do you have a solution?"

Yun Yao looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked curiously.


Zhang Tianhao summoned Xiao Hei out.

"Xiao Hei, this time, I have something for you to do!"

Zhang Tianhao smiled at Xiao Hei.

"Boss, tell me."

Xiao Hei looked at Zhang Tianhao lazily.

"Well, this time, you are responsible for helping me take the letter back and hand it to Han Wu. But there is no need to tell him where we are, we will escape by ourselves." Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiao Hei and explained seriously.

"Boss, do you really have a solution?" Xiao Hei looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

"Yes, don't worry."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiao Hei and smiled slightly.

"Okay then, boss, leave it to Xiao Hei."

Zhang Tianhao handed the communication talisman to Xiao Hei.It contains what he wants to tell Han Wu.

Xiao Hei flew out with a "whoosh!"

"Your battle pet is very special, but can it go out? It must be imprisoned by the demon barrier around it." Yun Yao looked at Zhang Tianhao and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, there won't be such a problem." Zhang Tianhao said with a faint smile, very confident.


At the same time, in Kama City.

Han Wu and Ao Jie are waiting for the return of Zhang Tianhao and Yunyao.After all, both of them are one of the top ten talents of the human race, and losing one is a great loss.Especially Zhang Tianhao, that is a formation Taoist.Now the human race can compete with the demon race, or even surpass it, only the formation method, which is also the greatest trump card for the human race to resist the demon race.But Zhang Tianhao and Yunyao haven't come back yet, which made Han Wu and Ao Jie feel a little worried.After all, the two have been away for so long. According to the time, no matter whether they succeed or fail, they should come back.But now there is no news from both of them, which has to make them feel worried.

"It won't happen, will it?"

Han Wu thought very worriedly.

Ao Jie looked at Han Wu who was fidgeting, but said to him comfortingly: "I said, Lao Han, you don't have to worry so much, they should be fine, both of them are very strong, even if you encounter something It should be enough to deal with emergencies."

Han Wu glared at Ao Jie, and said with some displeasure: "I have to talk to you well, why don't you help me persuade them, look, something happened to both of them now?"

"Old Han, you are a bit of a loser. Do you think I can stop you with Mr. Zhang's temper? Even eight horses can't pull back what Mr. Zhang decides. Moreover, the time is not right now. It's too late, let's wait, maybe there will be some changes." Ao Jie said seriously.

Han Wu shook his head, and didn't say anything more, after all, what Ao Jie said was right.Indeed, if it was Zhang Tianhao's temper, he would never listen to himself.He was just venting his frustration.

Suddenly, a white light flew from a distance.Soon, it flew into Han Wu's hands.


Ao Jie guessed that it must be Zhang Tianhao's communication talisman, and hurriedly said to Han Wu: "Old Han, is it Mr. Zhang's communication talisman? Take a look, what exactly is it?"

The communication talisman quickly turned into a piece of paper and appeared in Han Wu's hands.

After seeing the above content clearly, Han Wu's expression became extremely serious.He then handed the paper to Ao Jie, and said to him, "Look."

Seeing the look on Han Wu's face, Ao Jie knew that something serious must have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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