The strongest fury system

Chapter 39 Fighting Zhang Zhentian

Chapter 39 Fighting Zhang Zhentian
"Zhang Tianhao, this must be your fault?" Zhang Zhentian was insane.

"Zhang Zhentian, there's no reason why you want to commit a crime! It's you who wanted to step on two boats, and finally capsized in the gutter. Who's to blame." Zhang Tianhao said nonchalantly.

Zhang Yanwu's face in the distance was also a little gloomy. He was actually blocking the news, but unexpectedly it leaked out.

The lord of Wushuang City is one of the three major cities of Tianfeng Kingdom. In terms of status, there is not much difference between him and the emperor of Vasi Kingdom.But Zhang Yanwu's power is still in Vasi's country after all, as long as he becomes in-laws with the emperor of Vasi, and then finds a way to ease the relationship with Wushuang City, I don't want to, and finally leak the news in advance.


"Boy, I believe in you, you will definitely be able to defeat this annoying guy. At that time, I will definitely reward you well..." Ning Xue looked at Zhang Tianhao and said with winking eyes.He was still holding Zhang Tianhao in his arms, and rubbed the pair of plump hands against Zhang Tianhao's hands, which made him a little hard to control himself.

"This little goblin!" Zhang Tianhao couldn't help thinking of the charming feeling in the cellar.

Seeing his fiancée and Zhang Tianhao being intimate together, Zhang Zhentian immediately vomited blood angrily.Although he intends to marry Princess Ziqian, on the bright side, Ning Xue still has a marriage contract with him.Moreover, this Ning Xue is definitely a big beauty.At this moment, he is actually flirting with his opponent. Originally, this should be his own.It is simply intolerable.

Damn... Damn...

"Second Elder, please announce the start of the match! I want to chop this bastard inch by inch..." Zhang Zhentian yelled.

"Ning Xue, go down!" Zhang Tianhao went crazy looking at Zhang Zhentian.Smile lightly.

"Okay, you boy, you shouldn't let me down. You can't even deal with this little bastard, so don't come to me at night!"

Ning Xue winked like silk.with strong hints.

Zhang Tianhao knew that Ning Xue said this to anger Zhang Zhentian.But Zhang Tianhao couldn't bear it when a beautiful woman said those strongly suggestive words to you.

"Damn...Damn...she is my fiancée, how can she be like this..." Zhang Zhentian was about to go crazy.Although Ning Xue's words were soft, he still heard them.

Ning Xue asked Zhang Tianhao to look for her at night, and she said it so naturally, could it be... Could it be that they are already skin-to-skin relatives.At this moment, Zhang Zhentian suddenly felt that his hat was greener.It is a great humiliation that the young master of the Zhang family, the three major families of the Vaxi Kingdom, was cuckolded.

"Ning Xue go down!" Zhang Tianhao felt that Ning Xue's stimulation was enough.

"Well, have fun, I'll wait for you..." Ning Xue laughed lightly and jumped off the stage.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the crowd below with a guilty conscience.Worrying that this scene of herself and Ning Xue would be seen by Ziqian, if so, it would be terrible.

"The second elder said with a serious expression: "The finals have begun! "

Almost as soon as the second elder's voice fell, Zhang Zhentian moved.His figure disappeared in place, and in the next second, he appeared one meter away in front of Zhang Tianhao.A punch hit Zhang Tianhao's body.

A powerful punch, containing extremely terrifying power.In an instant, the air within a radius of one meter is completely evacuated.

I'm afraid this punch doesn't have the strength of 2000 jin.

Zhang Tianhao looked serious.

"Good come!"

Zhang Tianhao also wanted to try Zhang Zhentian's strength.Therefore, without dodging or evading, he greeted him with a punch.

"Bang!" A sound.

Zhang Tianhao couldn't help but a strong force hit him, and he retreated seven steps in a row.But Zhang Zhentian only took two steps back.

"Zhang Tianhao, you are nothing more than that!" Zhang Zhentian smiled triumphantly.

As soon as the words fell, his body was like a phantom, attacking Zhang Tianhao like lightning.

very fast
Zhang Tianhao felt extremely dangerous.Yan Yingpiao casts it extremely quickly.Turned into three figures.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tianhao smashed Zhang Tianhao's two figures with two punches.In an instant, he found his real body.

Zhang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat, and he took a deep breath.Dacheng level Arhat Fist Shi will come out.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The fists of the two collided in the void.

Zhang Tianhao felt a suffocating pressure.It was as if a mountain was pressing down on him.

It felt like the whole person was caught in a turbulent sea. Fortunately, Zhang Tianhao gradually adapted to his rhythm.Although temporarily defend more and attack less.He is like a stubborn stone in a stormy sea.Although shocked.

The two fought fast, Zhang Tianhao originally used Yan Yingpiao's movement skills, but he didn't expect that Zhang Zhentian's movement skills were no slower than him.Zhang Tianhao knew that Zhang Zhentian's physical skills and martial arts were not ordinary, and his level should not be lower than that of his own Yan Ying Piaolai.

The entire battle platform made of fine stones was trembling violently at this moment, as if it couldn't bear the strength of the two of them fighting.

Sure enough, it is the blood of Rising Sun and Tianyang, so scary.

However, Zhang Tianhao still has a lot of hole cards that he has not used.Because he knew that at this moment, Zhang Zhentian's strength was only the tip of the iceberg.It's just that the Dacheng-level Arhat Fist is not enough anymore.At that moment, Zhang Zhentian was thinking in his heart, whether he had used the perfect-level Arhat Fist.

"Pick me up again!"

Zhang Zhentian seemed a little impatient seeing that he couldn't fight for a long time, so he shouted loudly.An extremely powerful force blasted towards Zhang Tianhao.

Such a domineering boxing technique.It was as if this fist annihilated everything in front of him.This punch is stronger than before.

Zhang Tianhao was not afraid, and shouted: "Why don't you dare!"

Arhat Fist, still at the Dacheng level, greeted him.


"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, triggering a critical strike with Arhat Fist!"

A strange look appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face.


The two fists collided together in the void.Zhang Zhentian's expression changed drastically.Because he suddenly noticed that the power of Zhang Tianhao's attack suddenly doubled without any warning.Caught off guard, Zhang Zhentian was repelled by more than ten steps.His feet sank deeply into the ground.His face was flushed, and he looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

"Zhang Tianhao, do you dare to bully me?" Zhang Zhentian took a deep breath.

"Hahaha! Zhang Zhentian, you are not doing well!" Zhang Tianhao laughed jokingly.

Zhang Tianhao was very excited at the moment, the Dacheng-level Arhat Fist only had a 3% crit rate.But with the colorful stone, it is about 8%.The trigger crit rate is still quite low.However, when it was triggered at such a critical time, Zhang Zhentian was severely overshadowed.

"Hmph! Zhang Tianhao, do you think my strength is limited to this? I was just playing with you casually just now! Now, you have a chance to see my true strength." Zhang Zhentian looked at Zhang Tianhao expressionlessly and said lightly.

"Really? I was just warming up just now. Now is the time for me to take it seriously." Zhang Tianhao laughed jokingly.

Even so, in his heart, Zhang Tianhao began to be fully on guard.Because he felt an extremely dangerous aura from Zhang Zhentian's body.

(End of this chapter)

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