The strongest fury system

Chapter 403 Longevity Pill

Chapter 403 Longevity Pill

"Elder Xifeng, I have memorized everything." Zhang Tianhao said very firmly.

"You memorized it in one day?" Elder Xifeng looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

"That's right, I'm born with a good memory." Zhang Tianhao said lightly.

Elder Xifeng frowned and said: "Boy, don't fool this old man, you must know that fooling this old man will not end well."

"Elder Xifeng, I want to be your Dantong, how dare I fool you?" Zhang Tianhao smiled calmly, very confidently.

Seeing Zhang Tianhao's expression of course, Elder Xifeng was also beating drums in his heart.This herbal scripture has thousands of pages.How could it be possible to recite millions of words so quickly.Originally, Elder Xifeng gave Zhang Tianhao three days to memorize it.There was no real intention for Zhang Tianhao to memorize this herbal scripture.

Is it really a genius?

"Hmph, people these days are blowing their minds to the sky. I don't believe it's possible to memorize the Classic of Materia Medica in one day," said the girl.

"If you don't believe me, let's make a bet. Elder Xifeng will be the witness." Zhang Tianhao looked at the girl with malicious intent.

"Hmph, just bet. You think I'm afraid of you. Don't try to memorize this herbal classic, let alone a day, even a year. You are definitely bragging." The girl snorted coldly.

"Then let's make a bet, the winner can ask the loser to do one thing." Zhang Tianhao looked at the girl and said with a smile.

Seeing Zhang Tianhao's determined expression, the girl immediately became angry, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Okay, no problem, let Grandpa Xifeng be the witness."

Elder Xifeng didn't intend to stop him either, he also wanted to know if Zhang Tianhao could really recite the contents of this herbal scripture.Although being able to memorize the Materia Medica does not necessarily mean one has the talent for alchemy, but if one can memorize the Materia Medica, it will definitely be of great benefit to alchemy.

"Introduction to purple larkspur!"

"Purple larkspur, cold in nature, can detoxify, produce body fluid and quench thirst. It often grows in dry land."

"Damn it, it happened by coincidence."

The girl flipped through a few pages and found the most unorthodox herb.

"Speaking of leading the cow!" the girl asked again.

Zhang Tianhao smiled calmly, and said confidently: "This cowboy, also known as Baichou, has a gentle nature..."

The girl was very surprised. She did not believe in evil and tested Zhang Tianhao's several herbal medicines one after another.Immediately speechless.This piece of Tianhao turned out to be so powerful.It seems that he has really memorized all the herbal scriptures.You know, Elder Xifeng also asked himself to bring this herbal scripture back to read it by heart.She watched it for three full months and didn't even finish it.And this person even memorized it in one day.To her, this is simply a fantasy.

But that girl is also very arrogant, how could she allow herself to lose to this unknown boy.What's more, the two made a bet just now, if she loses, it will be very troublesome.

The girl blinked her big eyes angrily and said, "I don't believe you are so good, I still want to test you."

Then, the girl continued to test the contents of Zhang Tianhao's Materia Medica, and she tested hundreds of items, but she didn't pass Zhang Tianhao.

"Forget it, forget it, don't take the test, you are a freak." The girl looked at Zhang Tianhao and snorted.

Zhang Tianhao secretly laughed: If you want to beat me in the exam, you will be in your next life!Although the alchemist was upgraded for me by the system.But every time I level up, I won't lose any of the knowledge possessed by alchemists of this level.The contents of this Materia Medica have long been imprinted in my mind, it would be strange if you failed the test.

"Elder Xifeng, does that mean I have passed the assessment?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Elder Xifeng.

"Well! You passed. Do you know what kind of elixir this elder is going to refine this time?" Elder Xifeng looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked.

"I don't know, I only know that Elder Xifeng wants to refine a sixth-order elixir." Zhang Tianhao looked at Elder Xifeng and said seriously.

"That's right, I want to refine the White Crane Pill!" Elder Xifeng looked at Zhang Tianhao and said seriously.

"Extended life pill?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Elder Xifeng in surprise.

Elder Xifeng looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise and asked, "You know?"

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly and said, "I have seen it in the classics I have read before."

Elder Xifeng said in admiration: "That's right, the White Crane Pill is also known as the Longevity Pill, but the sixth-order White Crane Pill is only the first-level Longevity Pill, and it can only prolong life for ten years."

Zhang Tianhao was silent.I was also curious, the prescription of this White Crane Pill is very unorthodox and very precious, even the rudimentary pills are not so easy to get, I don't know where the elder Xifeng got this pill.

"Boy, now I completely believe that you have really memorized the Materia Medica. However, this time, I only have three chances to refine the longevity pill, so I need to be absolutely sure. Moreover, although you are only a pill boy, this time you can refine alchemy. You also have to take on a big role. Your role is to control the Danhuo in the golden fire state. This state is when the flame is at its most violent, and it cannot rise any further. It cannot be weakened, so your task is very heavy. I hope you If you can practice the skill of controlling the fire a little bit more, you can cooperate with me when you are safe, and I can wait." Elder Xifeng looked at Zhang Tianhao and said solemnly.

Zhang Tianhao could hear from Elder Xifeng's words that he was very eager for this longevity pill.However, from Zhang Tianhao's point of view, this Elder Xifeng doesn't seem to have any hidden illnesses, and his lifespan should be very strong, and it seems that he doesn't need the Life Extension Pill so urgently.

"Elder Xifeng, I will master the fire control skills as soon as possible." Zhang Tianhao said seriously to Elder Xifeng.

Elder Xifeng looked at Zhang Tianhao and nodded, and said with satisfaction, "Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Elder Xifeng turned around and left after speaking.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the little girl who was still downcast, and asked with a cheap smile: "Little sister, what's your name?"

"Sister your head, I have a name." The little girl snorted.

"What's your name? Tell me." Zhang Tianhao asked with a smile.

"I won't tell you." The little girl said arrogantly.

"Oh, I see why you didn't tell me." Zhang Tianhao grinned.

"Why?" the girl wondered.

"Because your name is ugly." Zhang Tianhao laughed.

"Nonsense, my lady's name is Gao Xinyu, isn't it ugly? What a nice name!" the girl snorted.

"Oh, your name is Gao Xinyu! This name is okay." Zhang Tianhao laughed.

" bastard!" Gao Xinyu realized that he had been hit by Zhang Tianhao's provocative method, and said his name, and was immediately depressed.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly felt that the name of Gao Xinyu seemed very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Gao Xinyu was one of the three beauties of the martial arts academy that Dou Bi said at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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