The strongest fury system

Chapter 408 Upgrade Pill Recipe

Chapter 408 Upgrade Pill Recipe
In another world, Jinglian Yaohuo is No.3 on the list of different fires.It can be seen how powerful it is.

Although this blue sea flame can be regarded as a strange fire, compared with the Jinglian demon fire, it is not even a scumbag.Naturally, the blue sea flame was instantly suppressed.

However, although the blue sea flame suppressed it, its energy still radiated out.He began to help the Tianwangding cauldron to refine medicine from afar.

Originally, this time, Elder Xifeng was going to fail again.But just when his fusion was about to fail, suddenly, the energy of that blue sea flame surged up.Help Elder Xifeng fuse the elixir.

Fusion of pills is a very crucial step, and it is also the most difficult step in alchemy.Elder Xifeng saw that the elixir finally took shape, although he was ecstatic in his heart, he forcibly suppressed the look of joy.Start the next step of molding.After the elixir is fused, it is formed.Although forming is not as difficult as fusion, it should not be taken lightly.Because I don’t know how many people have failed at this step.

Must succeed, must succeed.

The cauldron was shaking violently, and at times there was a powerful force tearing at the cauldron.

Elder Xifeng is very nervous at this moment, because at this point, it is related to whether he can successfully refine the elixir this time.


Finally Dan Ding stabilized.No more shaking.

Elder Xifeng collapsed.He didn't expect that one day, he would be so exhausted from alchemy, which was definitely more difficult than fighting with others for [-] rounds.

However, this time the alchemy was not going well, and Elder Xifeng was also very worried. He didn't know whether the elixir he refined would be successful this time.

With trembling hands, Elder Xifeng opened the cauldron.Soon, a scent of medicine rushed towards him.

Inside the cauldron, a pinch of medicinal powder was obviously evaporated by the power in the cauldron just now.

Did it fail again?Elder Xifeng's heart felt cold.Just when he was extremely disappointed, suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something.

"No, that's it?"

Elder Xifeng saw it in the middle of a pinch of powdered medicine.Lying a blue pill.


Elder Xifeng's expression trembled a little.Squeezed the pill up.That cautious look, as if seeing the supreme treasure.

"It really succeeded. Low-grade White Crane Pill!" Elder Xifeng looked extremely ecstatic.

Although it is only a low-grade White Crane Pill, it must be known that this is a peak sixth-order elixir.It's not bad to be able to refine one.It's just a pity that the refining process just now was not smooth, otherwise the grade should be higher.But being able to refine it successfully is considered pretty good.

This time, although Elder Xifeng was planning to refine the White Crane Pill, in fact, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.Only [-]% sure.It is a great fortune to succeed in the end.

Elder Xifeng knew that his success this time could be said to be mostly due to luck.If it weren't for the energy of the pill fire that burst out from under the Heavenly King Cauldron in the middle, helping him to successfully condense the pill, this time it might fail as usual.

"Hahaha... Baihe Pill, Baihe Pill, I finally refined you. Brother, your body is expected to recover." Elder Xifeng laughed.

"Elder Xifeng!" Zhang Tianhao shouted from the side.

"Hmm! What's the matter?" Elder Xifeng looked at Zhang Tianhao with a gentle smile.

Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly at Elder Xifeng and said, "Is my mission successful this time?"

"Well, of course, you did a good job this time, and I will report to the academy to double your contribution points." Elder Xifeng was obviously in a very good mood because of his success in refining the White Crane Pill.

"That's great." Zhang Tianhao was also very happy.

Looking at the medicine left on the side.Zhang Tianhao looked at Elder Xifeng and asked, "Elder Xifeng, what do you plan to do with the remaining medicine?"

Elder Xifeng wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead and waved his hand to Zhang Tianhao and said, "Although the medicinal materials are expensive, it is impossible for me to refine another White Crane Pill. If you want it, I will give it to you."

"That's great." Zhang Tianhao was very happy.

Zhang Tianhao rubbed his hands together and said to Elder Xifeng, "Elder Xifeng, can you lend me your Danding?"

"You want to refine the White Crane Pill?" Elder Xifeng was slightly surprised.

"Well, the students want to try." Zhang Tianhao said with a smile.

"Tch, Zhang Tianhao, you are really too arrogant. Even the master can't refine it. It's too exaggerated for you to want to refine it." Gao Xin said.

"How will you know if you don't try it? Maybe I can really refine it?" Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.

Elder Xifeng smiled at Zhang Tianhao: "Since you want to refine it, I can give you the formula of Baihe Pill, but you can't take it out of here."

For an alchemist, the alchemy formula is the lifeblood.But Elder Xifeng knew that this might be the only time in his life that he could refine this elixir.Furthermore, he was really happy to refine this White Crane Pill today.Moreover, Zhang Tianhao owed a lot to the refining of the White Crane Pill this time.Therefore, Elder Xifeng was simply generous once.

Zhang Tianhao just took the prescription from Elder Xifeng.The system suddenly beeped.

"Ding Dong, I found a six-level incomplete pill formula, which can be upgraded to a complete seventh-level pill formula, do you want to upgrade?"

Zhang Tianhao was slightly taken aback, it turned out that the pill recipe was still incomplete.No wonder it is so difficult to refine.I just looked at the system and found that it takes 1000 points to upgrade Dan Fang.Fortunately, Zhang Tianhao can afford the points.

"Upgrade!" Zhang Tianhao said silently in his heart.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for obtaining the complete seventh-order White Crane Pill Recipe."

After Zhang Tianhao got the formula of Baihe Pill, he began to refine it.

Looking at the Dan Ding in front of him, Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.This alchemy tripod can increase the success rate of refining pills.That's why Zhang Tianhao wanted to borrow Elder Xifeng's Danding.The quality of Dan Ding actually has a great effect on Zhang Tianhao.After all, this is a seventh-order elixir, and after upgrading, it is still a seventh-order peak elixir.What's more, there is only one medicinal material here, and Zhang Tianhao must go all out.

"Start refining!"

Zhang Tianhao threw all the medicinal materials into the cauldron.This kind of rough technique can't be rougher, damn it, can this really be called alchemy?

Elder Xifeng beside him couldn't help but twitched. Although these medicinal materials were given to him by himself, they can't be ruined like this, right?Elder Xifeng was really speechless at the moment.

The system is silent for about 1 minute.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for refining the White Crane Pill." The system's notification sounded.

Finally succeeded, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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