The strongest fury system

Chapter 412 Beauty Mentor

Chapter 412 Beauty Mentor
Tsk tsk, this little girl usually looks like she doesn't look like a mountain, but she doesn't want to have such a chest.It's not easy!
This pair of boobs is definitely going to make people masturbate to the rhythm of exhaustion!Zhang Tianhao even saw that his little brother had already started to burst into anger...

Zhang Tianhao was waiting to go out, and suddenly gave Ye Yunshang a surprise...

From this angle, Zhang Tianhao couldn't see the face of the other party at all, so he naturally didn't realize that this girl was not Ye Yunshang at all.

Zhu Yuncai sat in the tub, feeling weird for some reason.It seems that someone is peeping at yourself.This feeling is very strong.It was so strong that it made her hair stand on end, and her hairs were about to stand on end.Zhu Yuncai kept looking around, trying to find the source of that feeling.But nothing was found.


Zhang Tianhao got out from behind the woman.

Zhu Yuncai felt movement behind her and turned around at once. When she saw the man clearly, she couldn't help but froze.

Zhang Tianhao was also completely petrified.Damn it, why isn't this Ye Yunshang, isn't it Chundan Garden?Didn't they make an appointment after dusk, the agreed mandarin duck bath!
It's just that when Zhang Tianhao saw the chest of the woman in front of him clearly, he still couldn't help taking a few more glances.Grass, it's really big! E is definitely there.

"Morning, the weather is really nice today. I'm sorry, I'm just passing by!" Zhang Tianhao stepped out of the bathtub on his own!
"Ah! Rogue..."

Zhu Yuncai finally came to her senses at this moment, and sat down in the bathtub.A high-decibel scream sounded.

I'm going, go now!Otherwise, if you are caught, it will be over.

Zhang Tianhao rushed out of Chundan Garden immediately!
As smart as Zhang Tianhao, he also reacted at this moment.This time there must be a conspiracy.

It felt as if someone was rushing over and wanted to surround him.

I rubbed, my reaction was so fast, it seemed that I was already ready to catch me.Zhang Tianhao knew that he absolutely couldn't meet the other party face to face, once he met, he couldn't explain anything clearly.

This is the first time for Zhang Tianhao to come to this girls' dormitory area. He ran into a courtyard in a panic, and this courtyard was magnificent, even worse than Zhu Yuncai's.Zhang Tianhao didn't care where it was.Immediately broke in.

In the dark room, Zhang Tianhao smelled the girl's unique fragrance, which smelled very good.

The girl has pretty good taste.Zhang Tianhao found a corner and hid.

At this moment, Zhu Yuncai chased after her with murderous intent.

"Damn it, kid, if I find you, I will definitely castrate you a hundred times..."

Those murderous words spread throughout the girls' dormitory in an instant.Even Zhang Tianhao, who was hiding in the corner, couldn't help but feel a chill in his lower body at this moment, and couldn't help but tighten his legs.

"Damn, don't you want to be so exaggerated, this young master saw you, and you should have seen this young master too! Well, this young master admits that your body is indeed smaller than the one that this young master saw in his previous life A|V Girls are more beautiful, with a hotter body!" Zhang Tianhao said with lungs.

"Master Zhu, how are you doing?" Duan Wudi rushed over with hundreds of people from the Tianlongmeng.

Zhu Yuncai was about to go mad at the moment, so she didn't care so much, and said to Duan Wudi: "Look at a thief breaking into the girls' dormitory, help me find that thief. If anyone helps me find that thief, I will Mentors are rewarded a lot.”

Duan Wudi was overjoyed when he heard the words. With Zhu Yuncai's words, he is equivalent to having Shangfang's sword, and the next thing will be much smoother. Therefore, he quickly said to Zhu Yuncai: "Zhu Yuncai, don't worry, student I will help you find that thief!"

"Li Bin, find me! You must help Teacher Zhu to find him." Duan Wudi said to Li Bin.

"Yes!" Li Bin shouted.

It's just that things are different from what Duan Wudi thought.Li Bin led people to search the girls' dormitory area, and those girls also cooperated with Tianlongmeng's search very well.It's just that Zhang Tianhao's whereabouts were not found in the end.This made Duan Wudi's complexion a little gloomy.

Duan Wudi looked at Li Bin coldly and asked, "Are you sure that kid is here? Didn't leave?"

Li Bin also heard Duan Wudi's dissatisfaction, and quickly said: "Leader, my subordinates will definitely not be mistaken, that kid definitely did not leave the girls' dormitory."

"But now people, since they are here, why can't they be found?" Duan Wudi's tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

At this moment, a black shadow walked in.This is an old man with a skinny face, but this old man exudes a terrifying aura.It seems that a single look can cause a lot of pressure.


Seeing this old man, even Duan Wudi let go of his airs, and said respectfully: "Old man!"

"Hmm! You made such a big commotion just to deal with a kid?" the old man said lightly.He looked a little disdainful.

This old man is the vice president of the inner court of Tianwu Academy, Shi Jingtian.

"Tian Lao, Young Master Long ordered him to deal with this kid. Young Master Long said that as long as Tian Lao can help, he owes Tian Lao a favor." Duan Wudi said seriously.

When it comes to Long Shao.Shi Jingtian's expression softened slightly, and he said calmly: "Okay, this matter is up to me, as long as the evidence is convincing, the boy will be dealt with by you."

"Thank you, old man." Shi Jingtian was overjoyed.

Duan Wudi looked at Li Bin and asked, "Since you confirmed that the kid is still in the girls' dormitory area, where would he be right now?"

Li Bin thought for a while and said: "There is another place, that is Xilan Garden where Miss Gao Xinyu lives, we dare not search for that place!"

Xilan Court?
That place is a taboo place in Tianwu Academy.It should be noted that Gao Xinyu is the granddaughter of the dean.Offending the dean's granddaughter, as long as she is a member of Tianwu Academy, no one will do such a stupid thing.Even Xiao Fan has to weigh it.

"God, do you see?"

Duan Wudi was still very scrupulous about Gao Xinyu, and he was also a little embarrassed at the moment.Therefore, he set his sights on Shi Jingtian.

Shi Jingtian was also extremely afraid of Gao Xinyu.Of course, what he was afraid of was not Gao Xinyu himself, but the person behind Gao Xinyu.

"Lead the way! I'll go and negotiate with this girl, maybe she will take my advantage and let us go in and take a look." Shi Potian said.

Shi Potian used it to go in and have a look, but didn't say search, it's already set the tone.After all, if anyone dares to search the house of the dean's granddaughter, isn't that courting death?
Zhang Tianhao naturally didn't know that the place where he was hiding was Xilan Garden.I just feel a little strange, people are searching for places where other girls live, so why let this place alone.Could it be that the hostess here is awesome?
"Is Miss Xin Yu asleep?"

Just when Zhang Tianhao was secretly wondering, a deep and old voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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