Chapter 414

"They're gone!"

Gao Xinyu listened carefully to the movement outside and said to Zhang Tianhao.

"Well, that's good." Zhang Tianhao heaved a sigh of relief.

Gao Xinyu suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhang Tianhao, "Can you really refine breast enhancement pills?"

"Well, actually, I have two ways to ensure that yours is as big as Teacher Zhu Yuncai." Zhang Tianhao looked at Gao Xin seriously and said.

Gao Xinyu was taken aback for a moment, she looked at Zhang Tianhao curiously and asked, "How do you know how big Teacher Zhu Yuncai is?"

Of course I saw it.Of course, this was what Zhang Tianhao had in mind.On the surface, he smiled and said, "Because I can see it with my own eyes. For example, yours, by my eyesight, is just a C. Well, this C is not small in my hometown, but here, it is considered a middle-lower one."

As he said that, Zhang Tianhao gave Gao Xinyu a hard look.

Gao Xinyu followed Zhang Tianhao's gaze and looked down, and found that he didn't have any obscene clothes there, and it was extremely transparent under the candlelight.Immediately, he folded his hands and screamed loudly.

"Ahh! You rascal!"

Gao Xinyu shouted loudly.Immediately rushed into the room impatiently and began to change clothes.

Soon, Gao Xinyu changed her clothes and walked out, but her complexion was still flushed, and she looked very cute against the candlelight.

"Tianhao, is mine really small?" Gao Xinyu gritted his teeth and asked Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao said with a smile: "Small is not very small, but it is not big either."

"Is the size really important to a man?" Gao Xinyu asked Zhang Tianhao curiously.

"Let's put it this way, the size of a woman's breasts not only affects vision, but more importantly, affects the feel. The bigger the breasts, the better the feel. Of course, this varies from person to person. Although some people's breasts are small, they still feel the same. Not bad. For example, Xin Yu, from my visual inspection just now, your chest shape is also quite good. Maybe the hand feel is not too bad... (10000 words are omitted below)" Zhang Tianhao talked eloquently, and foul language was flying all over the sky for a while.

Immediately, Gao Xinyu's forehead was now a three-headed line.I just asked him about the size, but he actually rose to the point of talking about the feel.Gao Xin's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Stop talking, if you continue, I will kick you out." Gao Xinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said angrily.

Zhang Tianhao said with a smug smile: "Ahem, I'm sorry, I haven't discussed this issue for many years, so I can't hold it for a while..."

Gao Xinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao curiously and asked, "Who did you often discuss women's breasts before?"

Zhang Tianhao took it for granted: "Of course, when I was in my hometown, I often discussed women's breasts with my roommates, every night, such as discussing which girl's breasts are big, which girl's breasts feel good..."

Of course, Zhang Tianhao's so-called hometown naturally refers to the earth.When we were on Earth, not to mention boys discussing girls' breasts together, it was normal for girls to sit around in the dormitory and watch videos.Of course, Zhang Tianhao would not say anything about it.

Gao Xin said: "..."

"A group of hooligans..." Gao Xinyu gave Zhang Tianhao a hard look.

"By the way, you just said that there are two ways to enlarge breasts. I don't know which ones?" Although Gao Xinyu said that Zhang Tianhao was a pervert, she still couldn't forget about breast enlargement.

"Hehe, one is to take the elixir I made, which takes a long time to take effect, but it doesn't have too many side effects." Zhang Tianhao laughed.

"Then the other one has quick results, what exactly is it?" Gao Xinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao with some excitement and asked.

"There is another method, which is the massage method invented by Ben Shao... on a woman's chest, use massage to stimulate the acupuncture points in the opponent's body, so as to achieve the purpose of breast enlargement." Zhang Tianhao said leisurely.

"Hooligan..." Gao Xinyu blushed with embarrassment when she heard Zhang Tianhao's second method.

"I... I'd better choose the second option!" Gao Xinyu thought for a while and decided to try.

Zhang Tianhao blinked at Gao Xinyu and said, "Why don't you try the second method, the second method has quick results! It can also beautify your skin..."

"Get lost..." Gao Xinyu glared at Zhang Tianhao angrily.

Zhang Tianhao smiled resentfully, but soon his expression darkened.He thought, this time it must be someone from Tianlong League who is looking for trouble for him again.But would the other party really let him go so easily?

Zhang Tianhao suddenly felt a little uneasy.If he were the enemy, the trap he had spent so much effort and set would naturally not be easily abandoned halfway.

However, the other party has withdrawn, is there any other purpose?If it were me, what would I do?

"Not good, did the other party go to my residence?"

The more Zhang Tianhao thought about it, the more likely it was that he hadn't gone through the procedures for leaving the hospital, so he was naturally still in the academy.In this case, if the other party finds his residence and he is not in the dormitory, he will naturally be unable to argue.

"It really is a trick!"

Zhang Tianhao's heart sank.What to do, it's too late to go back now.Do you really want to let the opponent's scheme succeed?Zhang Tianhao was a little unwilling at the moment.

"By the way, why did I forget this thing?" Zhang Tianhao suddenly thought of something.A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he felt like he was saved from a desperate situation.

Teleportation Ring

Your own coordinates are set in your own residence, as long as you are within a certain range, you can teleport back to your residence at any time.

"Little girl, I'll come to help you enlarge your breasts next time. I have something urgent to do now, so I'm leaving first."

Zhang Tianhao looked at Gao Xinyu and smiled slightly.

Gao Xinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao disdainfully and said, "Now there are people from Tianlongmeng everywhere outside, let me see how you leave?"

"This young master wants to leave, and there is no time when he can't leave."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhao swayed and disappeared before Gao Xinyu's eyes strangely.

"Uh... Where's the person?"

Gao Xinyu was really taken aback at this moment.Zhang Tianhao disappeared in front of him so strangely, she didn't even see how the other party left.

And at this moment, outside Zhang Tianhao's residence

The Tianlong League has surrounded the entire mansion.

"Little girl, who are you from Zhang Tianhao?"

Duan Wudi looked at Song Sitian and smiled coldly.

Although in the intelligence, Duan Wudi knew that Zhang Tianhao had a maid.But the Song Sitian in front of her was pure and lovely, she was so beautiful, she didn't look like a maid at all, so Duan Wudi was a little afraid to confirm that the other party was Zhang Tianhao's maid, and thought she was a student of the academy.

"This is my son's residence, you are not allowed to enter." Song Sitian was very stubborn and blocked in front of these people, blocking the way.

"Hmph, so you are really Zhang Tianhao's maid. But do you think you, a little maid, can stop so many of us?" Duan Wudi sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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