The strongest fury system

Chapter 42 Killing Zhang Zhentian

Chapter 42 Killing Zhang Zhentian


Zhang Zhentian flew back upside down like a kite with a broken string.

Zhang Tianhao could see that the blood-red number 800 floated directly above Zhang Zhentian's head.It really was a critical attack!Killed most of the lives directly.Moreover, Zhang Zhentian is indeed a small boss.After fighting for so long, there is still such a long blood value.

In mid-air, Zhang Zhentian spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.fell to the ground.

Zhang Tianhao knew that that punch probably killed half of Zhang Zhentian's life.Naturally, he would not give Zhang Zhentian any chance to breathe.It swept past like a shadow.

Zhang Tianhao walked to Zhang Zhentian's side, looked down at him and said, "Zhang Zhentian, how do you feel now?"

"Cough cough cough..." Zhang Zhentian vomited blood.

"You dare not kill me. Anyway, you will definitely die today! Kill me. You also need to die, your whole family will die. Hahaha..." Zhang Zhentian laughed wantonly.

Zhang Tianhao didn't want Zhang Zhentian to be so arrogant at this time.A terrifying killing intent locked on Zhang Zhentian's body, and he said angrily, "Zhang Zhentian, do you think I really dare not kill you?"

"Kill me, your whole family will die, you can't even get out of this martial arts arena, my master, my father will avenge me, you wait... why don't you kneel down and apologize to me, maybe, I will beg my father Let me and my master let you go." Zhang Zhentian looked at Zhang Tianhao and shouted.

Zhang Tianhao knew that his master Gu Feiyun was in the martial arts arena.Zhang Yanwu is not equal to himself.What Zhang Zhentian said is also true to some extent.

But do I really want to be threatened by him?No, that would dust one's Dao heart, and one would never be able to aspire to the pinnacle of martial arts.

"Today, no matter how bright your tongue is, I will kill you!"

As Zhang Tianhao said, a trace of determination appeared on his face.

A fierce murderous aura locked on Zhang Zhentian.Without further hesitation, he punched Zhang Zhentian in the head.

A look of horror appeared on Zhang Zhentian's face, as if he didn't expect that Zhang Tianhao would dare to kill himself.



"you dare!"

It was the second elder who shouted.Another call came from Zhang Yanwu.

Two forces came from the void.Huge coercion acted on Zhang Tianhao's body.But at this moment, Zhang Tianhao was extremely determined to kill Zhang Zhentian.It will not be restrained by external forces at all.Using all the power in his body, he broke free from the shackles of the two forces.

"Bang!" Zhang Tianhao smashed Zhang Zhentian's head with one punch.The blood value plummeted to the bottom.At the same time, violent energy was released.

The original blood bar above Zhang Zhentian's head plummeted and was almost emptied.

"Explode me!" Zhang Tianhao roared.

"You bastard, damn it!"

Zhang Tianhao felt a violent killing intent locked on his whole body.A terrifying force rushed towards him.


Zhang Tianhao exercised all his strength.

"Arhat Boxing!"

The perfect-level Arhat Fist blasted out with all its strength.


In front of that terrifying force, Zhang Tianhao's strength was shattered, and he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"Wow!" Zhang Tianhao felt his eyes darken, lying on the ground, vomiting blood.

Zhang Tianhao smiled miserably, feeling like he was about to die.He himself knew that the internal organs should be broken.At this moment, even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't save himself.Looking at the blood bar above his head, it kept falling.Finally, from the three-digit number, it directly dropped to the two-digit number.

"Cough cough..."

Zhang Tianhao smiled bitterly, and murmured, "Am I going to die?"


"elder brother!"

Jin Bao and his younger sister Qin Zinan also rushed to Zhang Tianhao's side.Qin Zinan threw himself on Zhang Tianhao's body.sad face.

"Brother, how are you doing!" Qin Zinan cried.

"Come on, Jin Bao, what did you promise me!"

Zhang Tianhao almost roared angrily.

Jin Bao looked at Zhang Tianhao's eager eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, take care, I will definitely avenge you."

After Jin Bao finished speaking, he forced Qin Zinan to leave.Qin Zinan struggled desperately, but Jin Bao became ruthless and knocked Qin Zinan on the back with his hand, taking Qin Zinan away directly.

After his sister was taken away by Jin Bao, Zhang Tianhao finally breathed a sigh of relief.He believed that since Jin Bao promised himself, he would do it.My sister and mother should be taken to a safe place.

Looking at the top of his head, the blood value has reached 1, Zhang Tianhao has closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Zhang Zhentian, experience value is 2000! Infuriating energy is 200 and violent energy is 10"

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for upgrading, the current level of Martial Artist is [-]nd Heaven!"

For a moment, Zhang Tianhao felt as if he was bathed in an extremely warm light, and all the injuries on his body disappeared.

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed, knowing that he had saved his life.In the game, as long as the player upgrades, he can naturally be resurrected with full blood.

The system's notification tone, which hadn't finished yet, was still ringing wildly in his ears.

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the Mad Tiger Armor, do you want to use it?"

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the one-time skill scroll Holy Asylum!"

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting 1/10 of the artifact fragment!"

It scared me to death, the boss of the system, can you not drop the chain at the critical time, and if it is a few seconds later, I will hang up.I want you to pay for my mental damage.Zhang Tianhao cursed.

Zhang Tianhao naturally didn't know that he had wronged the system.Zhang Zhentian, as a genius who has awakened his blood, has a strong vitality. Even if his head was smashed by Zhentian, he didn't die immediately, so it was delayed for more than ten seconds before he died completely.

Of course, as Zhang Tianhao, he naturally didn't think so, he just thought the system was down.

"Zhentian, you died so badly, father will avenge you!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yanwu's resentful eyes locked on Zhang Tianhao again.

Zhang Tianhao sighed, knowing that he couldn't run away at this moment, he might as well face it calmly.Of course, he is also looking for opportunities, and he will naturally not give up until the last moment.

Zhang Yanwu looked at Zhang Tianhao as if he was not injured, and was very surprised. He knew very well that the palm just now was not something Zhang Tianhao could take.He also saw that Zhang Tianhao was injured by his palm, but at this moment, Zhang Tianhao seemed to be fine, which made him extremely puzzled.However, at the moment when he was extremely angry, Zhang Yanwu didn't have time to think about it.

"Zhang Tianhao, I want to crush you and avenge my son Zhentian." Zhang Yanwu walked towards Zhang Tianhao step by step.

Ling Lie's murderous intent locked Zhang Tianhao.Zhang Tianhao turned pale.Zhang Yanwu, as a warrior of the ninth level of martial arts, is by no means something he can contend with at this moment.

"Hahaha, it's a joke, martial arts competitions have fists and feet without eyes, so Zhang Zhentian is only allowed to kill me, but not to resist?" Zhang Zhentian laughed wildly, his tone extremely sad and indignant.

"Shut up, Zhentian can't resist anymore. You actually did it next time. You did it deliberately. You dare to quibble." Zhang Yanwu yelled angrily.

"Hahaha! That's right, I deliberately wanted to kill him, because he deserves to die." Zhang Tianhao also gave up at this moment.

"In that case, the old man will tear your corpse into pieces!"

Zhang Yanwu waved his palm and was about to take a picture of Zhang Tianhao. Suddenly, a green shadow flashed, and a girl stood in front of Zhang Tianhao.

"I don't allow you to hurt him." The girl said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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