The strongest fury system

Chapter 420 Zhu Yun's Birthmark

Chapter 420 Zhu Yun's Birthmark
Seeing that Zhu Yuncai's extra-large scissors were about to stretch towards his lower body, he would soon take a step towards the great profession of eunuch.Zhang Tianhao shouted loudly.Facing Zhu Yuncai, he said, "Teacher Zhu, listen to my last sentence."

"Say, for the sake of being my personal eunuch in the future, let me let you tell!" Zhu Yuncai looked at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhu Yuncai seriously and said, "Do you have a birthmark under your chest?"


Zhu Yuncai was ashamed and indignant, she was really not sure if Zhang Tianhao did it.After all, yesterday came too suddenly.He didn't see Zhang Tianhao's appearance very clearly at all.But now it is basically certain that this guy did it.Otherwise, how could he know so clearly.Thinking of being completely naked by a student.Zhu Yun was ashamed and angry.

"You want to die, even if that guy Lan Haiping comes today, he can't save you..." Zhu Yuncai was full of murderous aura.

"Wait a minute, do you feel that birthmark is a bit unsightly?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhu Yuncai with great certainty.

"So what?" Zhu Yuncai looked at Zhang Tianhao in a daze.

Zhang Tianhao laughed dryly.Looking at Zhu Yuncai, he said, "Actually, I have a way to remove your birthmark without any side effects."

Zhu Yuncai's heart was shaken, she looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Really?"

This birthmark is Zhu Yuncai's heart disease.She has always been confident in her figure.But just because of the birthmark below the chest, it affected the beauty of her figure.Let there be a trace of flaw in the beauty.However, even though she is a high-ranking Martial King, there is no way to get rid of this birthmark.

" really have a solution?" Zhu Yuncai looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked.

"Of course, and it will take effect immediately." Zhu Yuncai trembled at Zhang Tianhao's voice.

For Zhu Yuncai, beauty is as important to her as martial arts.If there is a way to remove the birthmark, she will feel perfect.A piece of heart disease for many years can be removed.

"Okay, if you really have a way to help me get rid of that birthmark, the festivities between us will be wiped out..." Zhu Yuncai looked at Zhang Tianhao happily.

Immediately, Zhu Yuncai said to Zhang Tianhao with a murderous look again: "If you let me know that you are lying to me, you will know the consequences."

Zhang Tianhao quickly said: "Haha, I wish you a serious word, mentor, how dare I lie to you, what I said is true."

Of course, Zhang Tianhao relied on the medicines in the system store.It's called Universal Birthmark Ointment.Comes from another technological plane.That technological plane is 200 years more developed than the earth.In chemical technology, it is at the forefront.However, this bottle of all-purpose birthmark removal ointment is very cheap, and a bottle only costs 10 points.

"Then...then how do I cooperate?" Zhu Yuncai looked at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao took out the bottle of ointment exchanged for 10 points.Said to Zhu Yuncai: "This bottle of ointment is the universal ointment for removing birthmarks. I must apply it for you by myself."

Zhu Yuncai knew that the key point of everything was the bottle of panacea in Zhang Tianhao's hand, she couldn't help but looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked, "Can't I apply it myself?"

Zhang Tianhao shook his head at Zhu Yuncai and said, "Of course you can't apply it yourself, because this requires professional techniques. If you use it improperly, it is very likely that your birthmark will spread again."

When Zhu Yuncai heard the words, she was so frightened that she lost the idea.If her birthmark really spread, it would really be worth the candle.

It's just that if Zhang Tianhao wants to do it, he has to show himself to him again, that's really too...

However, removing the birthmark is what Zhu Yuncai wants to do most now.If the birthmark could really be removed, it would be equivalent to removing a heart disease he had suffered for many years.

"Okay!" Zhu Yuncai hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

Looking at Zhu Yuncai lying on the bed, he looked like he was being slaughtered.Zhang Tianhao secretly smiled.

In fact, Zhu Yuncai can also use the universal ointment for removing birthmarks.The so-called he has a unique technique, Zhang Tianhao is naturally talking nonsense.It was just to retaliate for Zhu Yuncai's bad attitude towards her earlier.

Zhu Yuncai lifted up her shirt, but it was only halfway up.Cover the most sensitive pair above.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhu Yuncai and said seriously: "Take off all your clothes."

Zhu Yuncai looked at Zhang Tianhao in confusion and asked, "Didn't you say that the birthmark was just removed? I don't have a birthmark on me?"

Teacher Zhu Yuncai, who is usually very strong and known as the hot pepper, is very pitiful at the moment, with a temperament that I still feel pitiful for.Zhang Tianhao's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

But Zhang Tianhao remained unmoved, looked at Zhu Yuncai and said seriously: "Of course not, do you know how birthmarks are formed? It is a lesion of bloody hyperplasia in the body. If your clothes cover it Well, when I remove the birthmark for you, it will affect the diffusion of blood."

Zhu Yuncai also felt that Zhang Tianhao's explanation made some sense after hearing the words. Although she felt a little suspicious, she did not dare to gamble with her body after all.

"All right!"

Zhu Yuncai gritted her teeth and lifted her shirt off. Anyway, it's not like Zhang Tianhao has never seen it before, but he just looked at it again.

Although Zhang Tianhao was not the first time to see Zhu Yuncai there.

But yesterday is definitely different from now. Yesterday was in the water, and it still looks a bit foggy, not very clear.But now it is face to face, and Zhu Yuncai voluntarily opened it for herself to see. The most important thing is that she can still look at it openly without any psychological pressure.This feeling is really cool.

"It's so big!"

Zhang Tianhao clicked his tongue in admiration.Although on the earth, I have seen more island|country chips.But even in the island|country chip, there are not many people bigger than Zhu Yuncai.Really superb!
Although Zhu Yuncai was going all out, she felt that Zhang Tianhao's gaze had been lingering on her sensitive place, which made Zhu Yuncai flush with shame.She glared at Zhang Tianhao angrily, and asked, "How is it? Are you ready? Can we start?"

Zhang Tianhao gave a dry cough, and said slightly embarrassed: "I'm looking for the best place to apply the ointment."

"Hurry up!" Zhu Yuncai said angrily.

Zhang Tianhao also clearly felt Zhu Yuncai's terrifying murderous intent, and said awkwardly, "Hehe, immediately, immediately!"

Finally, Zhang Tianhao started to attack.

Zhu Yuncai felt that the ointment was applied to her body, and it felt icy cold, which was very comfortable.Wherever the big hand passed was very comfortable, Zhu Yuncai still felt very ashamed.

Finally all this is over, Zhu Yuncai finally breathed a sigh of relief, for some reason, there is still a feeling that is still unfinished.

(End of this chapter)

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