The strongest fury system

Chapter 422 Disguise Challenge

Chapter 422 Disguise Challenge


Yun Qiuyu looked at Zhang Tianhao who suddenly appeared in front of him in disbelief.



Yingda and Dou Bi, who were lying on the bed, also found that Zhang Tianhao had returned, and they were ecstatically surprised. They struggled to get up from the bed, but they couldn't get it because of their injuries.

"Don't get up, tell me quickly, why did you become like this?" When Zhang Tianhao said this, he was already gnashing his teeth.

"Tianhao, those bastards from the outer courtyard of the Tianlong League began to bully us recklessly after you entered the inner courtyard. I want more, because they are girls, they are more restrained, but those people from the Tianlong League began to use challenges In the name of the dormitory area, Yingda and Dou Bi's residences were taken away." When Yun Qiuyu said this, he was still aggrieved on the surface.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Dou Bi and Yingda and asked, "How are you doing?"

Yingda shook his head and said, "It's not a big problem, it's just that more than a dozen ribs are broken, and it will be fine after a month's rest."

Dou Bi smiled wryly and said: "My physique is not as good as Yingda's, and it is estimated that I will lie down for three months. I knew that the boss would never forget us and would come to us, so I can bear it."

"These bastards."

Zhang Tianhao took a deep breath, looked at Yingda and Dou Bi and said in shame: "I'm sorry, boss, I didn't come to you until now."

Yingda smiled innocently: "Boss, I know you must have your own things to do, so I don't blame you."

Dou Bi also said: "Boss, you have your own way, so naturally you can't be tied down by us all the time, as long as you remember that you have us as a little brother, we will be satisfied."

Zhang Tianhao felt more and more guilty when he listened.He gritted his teeth, his eyes revealing a murderous look.Said: "Very well, since they are so shameless, then don't blame me for being even more shameless."

"Tianhao, what are you going to do?" Yun Qiuyu looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"Of course I'm calling back." Zhang Tianhao gritted his teeth.

"But you are a member of the inner court. If you make a move, it is against the rules. Although the people of the Tianlongmeng are too much, they still follow the rules of the academy on the surface. Even if the Law Enforcement Hall makes a move, there is no way to say anything about them. So... ...If you want to take revenge, you need to think long-term." Yun Qiuyu said solemnly to Zhang Tianhao.

When Zhang Tianhao heard this, he felt that this was indeed the case.

"There is a way." Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly thought of something.

"What way?" Yun Qiuyu looked at Zhang Tianhao a little bit.

Zhang Tianhao entered the system store and searched for Yi Rongdan.

Sure enough, in Zhang Tianhao's system store, there is everything you need, only you can't think of it, there is nothing it doesn't have.This Yi Rong Dan is also dazzling here.Here's Yi Rongdan, the expensive ones need six-figure points.Even if Zhang Tianhao was sold for the six-figure points, he probably wouldn't be able to afford it.

Naturally, Zhang Tianhao could only look for the cheapest Yi Rong Pill.The cheapest Yi Rongdan has extraordinary effects, after all, it can be sold in system stores.

The cheapest Yi Rong Dan needs 500 points.

However, this Yi Rong Dan smart disguised for eight hours.After eight hours, it will return to its original appearance.Even so, it was enough for Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao spent 500 points in exchange for a Yirong Pill.Then, according to the usage method of Yirong Dan, apply it evenly on your face.Soon, it became Yingda's appearance.

Everyone including Yingda was shocked, this disguise is too powerful!If he didn't know that the person facing him was his boss, Yingda would have thought he was looking in the mirror!
"Young master." Song Sitian was also frightened.

"Yingda, do you think I am different from you?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Yingda proudly.

Yingda shook his head and said, "Boss, apart from the different clothes, I feel like I'm looking in the mirror."

Of course, Zhang Tianhao knew there was still a difference.Such as body shape.But this is not a problem at all for physical training.Zhang Tianhao said slightly.


There was a sound of bone shaking.Zhang Tianhao's figure has grown a little bit, and his figure is also wider.This is really the same as Yingda.

At this moment, Ning Xue knew what Zhang Tianhao wanted to do.She looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked, "Tianhao, you want to make up to look like them, to challenge."

"Hmm! That's right, this is called repaying someone in the same way!" Zhang Tianhao sneered.

Yingda and Dou Bi also showed excited smiles on their faces.Yingda said: "Boss, I have long wanted to teach those boys a lesson, but unfortunately, we can't follow to see."

"Yingda, I have a way for you to see it, but your body..." Zhang Tianhao looked at Yingda with some hesitation.

Yingda shook his head and said: "Boss, don't worry, I have nothing to do. Although I can't use force, there is no problem with my actions."

Dou Bi also said, "That's right, I'm fine too."

"Okay, then I'll make up the two of you into different looks, so you can go and see it!" Zhang Tianhao smiled mysteriously.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

Both Yingda and Dou Bi became excited.

At this moment, a group of people came to the outer courtyard of Tianwu Academy.It was Zhang Tianhao who made up and became Yingda.

This time, Zhang Tianhao is going to challenge those who have come to humiliate Yingda and others first.

Number 980 Seventh!
"The master here comes out." Zhang Tianhao roared.

"Who!" A young man with eagle eyes and hooked nose came out from inside.

When the eagle-eyed young man saw Zhang Tianhao and others, he couldn't help but smiled contemptuously and said, "So it's you, tsk tsk, it seems that the lesson from last time was not enough!"

There are many people around.They are all people who watch the excitement and eat melons.

"Although this big man is not weak, how can he be Xue Qunyou's opponent? Xue Qunyou is a fourth-tier martial artist. Last time, he taught that big man a real lesson," said a student.

"That's right, you're overestimating your capabilities! This time, I'm going to be taught a lesson again." Another student said.

"Want to teach me a lesson? Then come on!"

Zhang Tianhao folded his hands, his feet were uncertain.But just when the young man was about to make a move, he waved his hand and said, "Wait!"

"Why, it's too late to beg for mercy now." The eagle-eyed young man sneered.

"Begging for mercy, it's ridiculous. I'm just waiting for the deacon. Otherwise, I won you, what if I don't admit it?" Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly.

"Damn it, you are so sure that you will win?" the eagle-eyed young man was furious.

"Of course, just like you little turtle, I don't take it seriously." Zhang Tianhao smiled half-smile.

Soon, the deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Outer Court of Tianwu Academy arrived.

"Master Deacon, if you testify, I won, and this room is mine." Zhang Tianhao smiled confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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