Chapter 430
"That's right, I'm a member of Tianlong League... Today is your death date..." The gun-wielding youth looked at Zhang Tianhao and said proudly.

"I want to know, why didn't I choose my opponent? And how could you become my opponent?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the young man in front of him wonderingly.

"Hahaha... Since you are going to die, I will let you be a fool. Now the Valkyrie Tower is no longer a free challenge mode, but a life-and-death battle mode. This time, you must kill us. Only by entering the Tianbang can you leave the Valkyrie Ta. Tsk tsk, so you are desperate..."

Before the young man with the gun finished speaking, Zhang Tianhao swept away like an arrow.Boom down with a punch.


Before the young man with the gun could finish his sentence, Zhang Tianhao punched him in the head, smashing his head into pieces.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Liao Kai, the experience value is 30000 True Qi, 3000 Furious Energy 10"

Zhang Tianhao said indifferently: "Jiji waiwai, is it interesting?"

Although this is only a challenge mode, it has been changed to a life-and-death battle mode, and it must be cleared all the way, Zhang Tianhao not only does not feel nervous, but is very excited.He naturally knew that this was the work of Tianlongmeng.Zhang Tianhao murmured.

The onlookers outside the tower saw that the tower on the first floor was destroyed.They were all a little surprised.Some students who knew the inside story naturally knew that the tower on the first floor was destroyed, and the person representing the first floor was killed.

Soon, the tower on the second floor was also destroyed.

"Wow! So fast! Could it be that this Tianhao can really get through the list?" Some students shouted in surprise.

"You idiot! How is this possible? In the beginning, there were only small shrimps. The real genius is yet to come!" Another hulking young man shook his head.

Half an hour later, Zhang Tianhao wiped out one after another.Young people on the twenty list.The twenty young people on the list are all members of Tianlongmeng. Since the opponent wants to kill him, Zhang Tianhao will not show mercy.

No.20, the host is a tall girl. Even with Zhang Tianhao's aesthetic point of view, she has to admit that the other party is a beautiful woman.

However, seeing that the other party did not have the logo of Tianlongmeng on his body, Zhang Tianhao smiled and said, "Aren't you from Tianlongmeng?"

"Is there a difference?" The beauty frowned slightly.

"Of course there is a difference, so I can be merciful, otherwise, maybe it will be difficult." Zhang Tianhao smiled.

"It's really arrogant, you think you can beat me? Let's see how I can beat you."

The tall slender girl flicked the long sword in her hand, and stabbed Zhang Tianhao in the air.The sword energy stabbed Zhang Tianhao's body from the horizontal.Several bursts of sword energy blocked all Zhang Tianhao's escape routes.

"God can change everything!"

Zhang Tianhao's footwork is mysterious. Although the tall girl's attack is fierce, it is always ineffective.It seems that what is in front of me is not a person, but an illusory wind.

"Beauty, your sword is too slow, are you not full today?"

"Beauty, your sword is too low, it should be higher!"

"Beauty, your speed is too slow, you should go faster..."

The tall slender beauty was about to vomit blood with anger.This person, how can he be a chatterbox, just like a fly, if he is not killed, he will be pissed to death.

Suddenly, the tall slender beauty stopped the sword in her hand and said to Zhang Tianhao: "No more fights, no more fights, I admit defeat."

Zhang Tianhao looked at the tall slender beauty, and asked in surprise, "Is that why you stop fighting?"

"Of course, I can't beat you!" The tall beauty snorted and said unhappily.

Outside the Valkyrie Tower, a group of melon-eating students saw that the No.20 floor of the Valkyrie Tower became dim.There was a burst of excitement.But the vast majority of people are unhappy, because the vast majority of people in the inner courtyard are also members of the Tianlongmeng, and the grievances between the Tianlongmeng and Zhang Tianhao have long been rumored.

"Strange, why is the No.20 floor only dimmed, but not destroyed?" Ning Xue said.

Liu Jie explained: "This is normal. The reason why it is dim and not destroyed is because Zhang Tianhao did not kill the opponent. Only when the opponent is killed, that layer will be completely destroyed."

Zhang Tianhao went all the way up the list.Finally reached the first floor of the first floor.

The opponent on this floor is a young man with a scar holding a knife. This young man exudes a terrifying murderous aura, and his eyes are as sharp as a knife.

"You are lucky to be able to get here, but your luck will end here." The young man said.

This young man is the number one player on the list, Duan Qizhi.Duan Wudi's clan brother.

"Have you finished your nonsense? When it's over, come and die!" Zhang Tianhao sneered.

"court death!"

Duan Qizhi strode towards him.A knife cut to Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Crazy Slash!"

The seventeen shadows of the sword came down towards Zhang Tianhao's body with terrifying killing intent.

"not bad!"

Zhang Tianhao put his hands behind his back.A sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Arhat Boxing!"

The Arhat Fist blasted down on Duan Qizhi's body like a tidal wave, annihilating all of Duan Qizhi's sword shadows in an instant.

"choke!" "choke!" "choke!"

Zhang Tianhao's fist hit Duan Qizhi's saber fiercely.

When Duan Qizhi noticed it, his mouth went numb.The knife in his hand was about to fly out.

"Get rid of it!"

Zhang Tianhao yelled loudly and punched him with his fists.With a domineering punch, Duan Qizhi's long knife was directly shaken away, and the fist drove straight into Duan Qizhi's body.

This punch carried tens of thousands of catties of strength.

"Bang!" A sound.

Duan Qizhi screamed.The whole person flew out.Zhang Tianhao followed like a shadow, chased after him, and smashed down with his second punch.

There was no trick in this punch, but it was fast and fast.The powerful punch locked Duan Qizhi's body.


This punch directly hit Duan Qizhi's body.

Duan Qizhi screamed, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.His breastbone was shattered abruptly.There is a blood hole in the chest.Blood gushed out like a spring.

Zhang Tianhao walked up to Duan Qizhi, looked at him and said coldly, "Do you have any last words?"

"You dare to kill me, my brother will not let you go!" Duan Qizhi yelled frantically.

Zhang Tianhao said flatly to Duan Qizhi: "This is your last words. I have to say, your last words are idiots. Go to hell!"

Zhang Tianhao stomped down fiercely, crushing Duan Qizhi's head like a watermelon.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Duan Qizhi, experience value 50000 True Qi, 5000 Fury Energy 10"

The melon-eating students who were paying close attention to the movement outside the tower suddenly became very excited when they saw the Valkyrie Tower flickering again.

Liu Jie, Ning Xue, and Ye Yunshang were all very nervous.They don't know what the outcome will be at this moment, so they are naturally very nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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