The strongest fury system

Chapter 44 The Covenant of Three Palms

Chapter 44 The Covenant of Three Palms
"Hahaha, if you weren't biased, do you think I would do this? All of this is your own fault." Zhang Yanwu smiled miserably.

"Nie Zhan, why did my father not let you be the head of the family? It is because you are narrow-minded. Under your leadership, the family will only go astray. Jincheng is the first choice to be the head of the family. At the beginning, Jincheng didn't want to be the head of the family. It took a lot of painstaking effort to let him take over this burden. But I regretted my father, I didn't listen to Jincheng's words, and pay more attention to your movements, otherwise I wouldn't let you, a wolf-hearted thief, plot against my younger brother." Zhang Yaobang burst into tears.

The appearance of Zhang Yaobang was like a heavy bomb falling.

At this moment, the entire Zhang family's children finally knew what was going on.They whispered one by one.

"I said, how could it be possible for the Supreme Elder to shut himself up suddenly and not show up for such a long time. It turned out that he was plotted against." A disciple of the Zhang family suddenly realized.

"It's terrible. Zhang Yanwu is too shameless for the current family to plot against the former head of the family. How can we want this kind of head? It's better for the previous head, and it's fair to do anything. At that time, the family was flourishing. Unlike Zhang Yanwu who became the head of the family, the family strength is deteriorating.”

Zhang Yaobang walked slowly towards Zhang Yanwu, and the terrible coercion locked him.Although Zhang Yanwu is a martial artist with nine levels of cultivation, Zhang Yaobang is a great martial artist.The cultivation base far exceeds him.He naturally knew that he was definitely not his father's opponent.

Zhang Yanwu kicked his feet on the ground, his figure stretched out quickly, and he flew into the distance.

"Bring me back!"

Zhang Yaobang shouted loudly.Grab it with your hand.

Zhang Yanwu, who flew up, suddenly felt an invisible force coming from behind him.Screwed him back void.

"Plop!"Zhang Yanwu screamed and fell to the ground.


Zhang Yanwu couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at Zhang Yaobang and shouted in fear: "Father, are you really going to kill me? I'm your son! You can't do this to me!"

Looking at Zhang Yanwu's begging eyes, Zhang Yaobang still couldn't bear it.With a long sigh, he said, "Yanwu, you can't be perfect without rules. If you do something wrong, you will have to bear the responsibility after all. However, father will not kill you. But he will abolish your cultivation base."

"No..." Zhang Yanwu screamed in fear.

For practitioners, cultivation is the lifeblood.The cultivation base has been abolished.That is no different from killing him.


Zhang Yaobang smashed Zhang Yanwu's dantian with his palm.

Zhang Yanwu screamed, his expression dull.The whole person seemed to have aged ten years.

As the Patriarch of the Zhang Family, Zhang Yanwu's cultivation was thus abolished.

Standing beside Zhang Tianhao, Ning Xue said slightly dissatisfied: "Why don't you kill him, this person is so bad!"

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and did not speak.


Zhang Tianhao walked to Zhang Yaobang's side.

"My dear grandson, it's Grandpa who's sorry for you." Zhang Yaobang looked at Zhang Tianhao with relief and a hint of guilt.

"You don't blame grandpa for his handling, do you?" Zhang Yaobang looked at Zhang Tianhao and sighed.Look apologetic.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said, "Grandpa, Tianhao doesn't blame you, he is my uncle after all. Tianhao can understand how grandpa handles it."

Looking at Zhang Tianhao, Zhang Yaobang finally showed a smile and said, "Tianhao, if you can understand, Grandpa will be happy."

Zhang Tianhao said indifferently to Zhang Yanwu: "Zhang Yanwu, since grandpa let you go, I won't pursue it anymore. I hope you will take care of yourself and stop doing things that harm the interests of the family."

Zhang Yanwu smiled miserably, looked at Zhang Tianhao gnashing his teeth and said: "Zhang Tianhao. You killed Zhentian. I can't avenge this revenge, but it doesn't mean that no one will. I'm waiting for you underground..."

After speaking, the corner of Zhang Yanwu's mouth moved, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Zhang Tianhao knew that Zhang Yanwu committed suicide by biting his tongue.As the head of the Zhang family, Zhang Yanwu also has his own dignity, and will never allow himself to suffer humiliation after losing his cultivation.


Zhang Yaobang closed his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

Although Zhang Yanwu was wrong in every way, he was also his son.At this moment, Zhang Yanwu was in such a tragic state, he was naturally extremely sad.

"Jie Jie's wonderful!"

A stern voice came from the void.

Zhang Yaobang's complexion changed suddenly, and he was fully focused. As a great martial artist, he could naturally sense that this person's cultivation base was extremely terrifying.

"Please come and see me!" Zhang Yaobang said respectfully.

The figure swayed, and a figure floated in front of Zhang Tianhao and the others, exuding terrifying coercion.This person is about sixty years old, with a thin face, but a pair of eyes that are as sharp as knives.

Zhang Tianhao, Zhang Yaobang and others felt a mountainous pressure on their shoulders.

"Wu Wang!"

Zhang Yaobang was terrified.This person can levitate in the void, and his cultivation is at least at the Martial King level.Wu Wang is an existence beyond the level of a great martial artist!In the entire Vaxi Kingdom, there is not a single Martial King.

"I've met senior!" Zhang Yaobang's arrogance disappeared at this moment, and he hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Zhang Tianhao frowned slightly, he had already recognized that this Martial King was Gu Feiyun, the Vice President of Tiangang Academy.If Gu Feiyun intervened and wanted to avenge his registered disciple, maybe he was really doomed.No matter how challenging he is, he still has self-knowledge when facing King Wu.The other party estimated that he could kill himself in seconds with a single breath.

"Zhang Yaobang, although Zhang Yanwu is the father of my unnamed disciple, I can't intervene if you clean up the sect. But Zhang Zhentian is my unnamed disciple after all. If your good grandson kills him, I must intervene. You say yes Isn't it?" Gu Feiyun smiled lightly, and there was no doubt in his tone.

"Senior, although Tianhao killed Zhentian, it was Zhentian's own fault, and he had no eyes in the martial arts competition, so let's learn from the senior!" Zhang Yaobang said hastily.

"Are you questioning me?" Gu Feiyun snorted coldly.

"Pfft!" Zhang Yaobang spat out a mouthful of blood.


Zhang Tianhao was terrified. With his grandfather's cultivation as a great martial artist, he had no power to resist against the King of Martial Arts. The other party just snorted coldly and hurt his grandfather.

"Senior Feiyun, for killing Zhang Zhentian, this junior is naturally willing to take on this responsibility. But you also know that what he did, this junior will not be exaggerated in killing him. As the well-known Vice President of Tiangang Academy, you must not use big bullying Xiao, blame the younger generation?" Zhang Tianhao suppressed his anger and said eloquently.

"Hmph, I knew you had a brilliant tongue. However, I won't bully the small with the big. How about this, you just need to receive three palms from me, and after the three palms, I won't embarrass you no matter whether you live or die?" Gu Fei Yun looked at Zhang Tianhao and joked.

"Senior, as the King of Martial Arts, you, let alone three palms, even one palm, the junior can't take it, let alone Tianhao, please show mercy and let Tianhao go!" Zhang Yaobang fell to his knees and begged. .

"Grandpa, get up, you don't need to ask him!" Zhang Tianhao said in a deep voice.

Zhang Yaobang ignored Zhang Tianhao and just looked at Gu Feiyun.

"Hmph, you have only two choices. One, let Zhang Tianhao take my three palms. Two, die!" Gu Feiyun floated in the air, expressionless, murderous.

(End of this chapter)

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