The strongest fury system

Chapter 441 Bloodline Upgrade

Chapter 441 Bloodline Upgrade

Back at the residence, Zhang Tianhao immediately opened the C-level gift bag.Although it was only a C-level gift package, he was quite looking forward to it.I don't know what kind of surprise this big gift package will bring me.

Zhang Tianhao opened the big gift bag.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a bloodline bead or not?"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a copy of the armor repair scroll, do you want to use it?

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a copy of the 'Lingbo Weibu' secret book."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting 3000 berserk energy"

Tsk tsk, Zhang Tianhao is very satisfied.Although the things in the big gift bag don't seem to be many, they are very practical.Zhang Tianhao's blood value has stayed at [-]% for a long time.But the further back the power of this bloodline is, the more difficult it is to improve.So it has been delayed until now.Now with the Bloodline Orb, Zhang Tianhao can increase the power of the Bloodline to [-]% in one fell swoop.As long as the power of the bloodline reaches [-]%, the ability of the bloodline can be greatly enhanced.

Zhang Tianhao immediately devoured the bloodline bead.After the bloodline bead swallowed.He immediately felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be burning.

Hot, extremely hot.Apart from this, Zhang Tianhao couldn't find another adjective.


Under the scorching heat, Zhang Tianhao's clothes burned in violation of the laws of physics.In an instant, Zhang Tianhao was naked.Of course, Zhang Tianhao, who was practicing, would naturally not know.

At this moment, Song Sitian pushed the water bottle out of the room.Every time she knew that the young master was going to practice, she would boil water for the young master in advance and bring it in.In this way, the young master can drink water immediately after practicing.This is also the reason why Zhang Tianhao likes Song Sitianze, a girl.

Strange, why is it so hot?
As soon as Song Sitian entered the room, she felt that the room was steaming.Like a steam oven.Song Sitian couldn't help looking at Zhang Tianhao's place with some worry.It's just that when Song Sitian saw Zhang Tianhao's current appearance, Xia Fei's cheeks couldn't help.Because at this moment Zhang Tianhao was completely naked.Masculinity is evident.


Song Sitian was like a frightened deer, and immediately left the room where Zhang Tianhao was.

"It's too embarrassing. Is that the son's body? Why is it different from Sitian?"

It was the first time for Song Sitian to see a man's body, so she was naturally a little shy at the moment.

Zhang Tianhao didn't know this scene, he was still feeling the pain caused by the blood boiling in his body.This kind of pain is indescribable.

Finally when it's all over.The system prompt sounded in Zhang Tianhao's ear.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao's ancient Xingtian bloodline activation of 20%!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the new skill Whirlwind!"

The system alert sounded.

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the control panel of the system.Check it out, the bloodline attribute, but the attribute panel at this moment is slightly changed from the original one.

Player: Zhang Tianhao
Bloodline: Bloodline of Xingtian, the ancient god of war

Bloodline Skill: Whirlwind Big Whirlwind

Attack: 200
Defense: 200
Agility: 200

nice!All aspects have been greatly improved.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianhao felt that it was really right to increase his bloodline to 20% this time.Especially the big whirlwind, it's even more awesome!

Don't look at this big whirlwind seems to have only one more character.That power is absolutely incomparable.This big whirlwind is a range attack.For example, Whirlwind can attack all creatures within a radius of five meters.That big whirlwind can cover twenty squares.The attack range is several times larger.

If it is a range attack, it will be at the expense of weakening the attack power.But this big whirlwind, there is no such problem at all.Although the power of the Great Whirlwind Slash has increased, it has not weakened the attack power.

Tsk tsk, now this young master's God Demon Tyrant Body Art has been promoted to the sixth heaven of the Martial King.And the power of the bloodline is also stronger.The combination of the two, the bursting power is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Zhang Tianhao checked the second thing.Armor Repair Scroll.This battle emperor armor has gone through the time of slaying the Demon Dragon King, and it has lost 50000% of its weight, and it is almost scrapped.I don't know if this repair scroll can be repaired.He has also seen this repair scroll in the system store, it is so expensive!The same scroll as the repair scroll rewarded by the system this time requires at least [-] points.Zhang Tianhao's points are simply unaffordable.

"Ding dong! Found a pair of damaged War Emperor armor, do you want to use the repair scroll to repair it?" The system's prompt sounded.

"Repair!" Zhang Tianhao muttered silently.

After about ten seconds of silence, the system beep sounded again.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, you have successfully repaired the Zhandi armor."

Zhang Tianhao looked at the Zhandi armor in his hand, it was no different from the brand new one.This satisfied him greatly.Three days later, it was time to fight Xiao Fan.For Xiao Fan, Zhang Tianhao did not dare to underestimate the enemy in the slightest.Even Lan Haiping said that he was not fully sure about facing Xiao Fan at this moment.It can be seen that although Xiao Fan at this moment only has the cultivation base of the seventh level of the Martial King, he also has half the fighting power of the Martial Sect.And Zhang Tianhao is only the sixth heaven of Wu Wang at this moment.

However, the defense of the Zhandi armor is quite good, as long as he can use the defensive power of the Zhandi armor, he will have a little more confidence when facing Xiao Fan.

Finally, Zhang Tianhao took out the secret book of "Lingbo Weibu".

Zhang Tianhao was very excited when he saw Lingbo Weibu's movement.You know, this is the top movement technique of the Xiaoyao faction in Tianlong world.As long as you learn Lingbo Weibu, you can definitely improve your life by a few levels.Compared with this Lingbo Weibu, the ever-changing supernatural actions I have cultivated are not far behind at 01:30.

However, this Lingbo microstep upgrade requires a very high level of proficiency.Fortunately, getting started is very easy, otherwise, this Lingbo Weibu will be useless in the battle with Xiao Fan three days later.

"Ding dong! Found Lingbo Weibu secret book, do you want to practice?" The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao murmured in his heart: "Practice!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, he has successfully cultivated 'Lingbo Weibu'! The current level is entry level." The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao was delighted to see Lie Xin, opened his eyes and found that he was completely naked.Looking at the kettle on the table, she knew that the girl Song Sitian must have seen all this scene.That girl might think that she is a pervert.Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhao couldn't help shaking his head.

After changing his clothes, Zhang Tianhao poured a few glasses of water, then walked out of the room and came to the courtyard.Practice from the 'Lingbo micro-step'.Xuan'ao's movement technique, shadowy around the courtyard, looking ahead, suddenly behind.

(End of this chapter)

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