The strongest fury system

Chapter 444 Big Boss Light

Chapter 444 Big Boss Light
"What, how could he discover my real body?" Xiao Fan's complexion changed.Great surprise.


In haste, Xiao Fan had no choice but to block with a palm.

Under a shock, Xiao Fan was pushed back.The bloody prison that was played earlier was also broken up.

"Yan Ying floats!"

Zhang Tianhao used Yan Yingpiao to the limit, turned into a series of extremely fast figures and rushed out, and came in front of Xiao Fan.The Seven Injury Fist blasted out again.


"Cracked lung!"


The domineering three punches blasted out forcefully.Every punch seemed to blow away the void in front of him.

The void in front of Xiao Fan exploded layer by layer.

"Blood Fiend Sirius Strike!"

Behind Xiao Fan, there was a terrifying sky wolf.The huge phantom of Sirius, condescending and ferocious.


Sirius roared, and Void rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

This Sirius was extremely terrifying, with blood-red eyes fluttering with extreme ferocity and bloodthirsty.

Although it was just a phantom, it could bring Zhang Tianhao extreme danger.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Three explosions sounded.

The three punches directly hit the phantom of the wolf.A violent explosion erupted on Sirius' body.The ferocious power only weakened the wolf a lot.At that time, the wolf was still tenaciously rushing towards Zhang Tianhao.

"Hide away!"

The fourth form of the Seven Injuries Fist blasted out.Boom on the wolf.


When Zhang Tianhao punched out the phantom of the wolf.Sirius' claw also hit Zhang Tianhao's body.

Although it's just a phantom, it doesn't mean that the Sirian phantom has no attack power.This claw made Zhang Tianhao feel a piercing pain.It was as if his entire chest was about to burst open.

The two sides faced each other, motionless.

"Zhang Tianhao. You are stronger than I expected." Xiao Fan looked at Zhang Tianhao coldly.

Zhang Tianhao stared at Xiao Fan, but smiled coldly: "You are weaker than I expected."

"Arrogant, originally I thought that [-]% of the unblocked power would be able to deal with you, but now it is necessary to use stronger power to deal with you. Don't worry, it was just a warm-up before, and now is the real start."

Xiao Fan looked at Zhang Tianhao and smiled coldly.

At this moment, Xiao Fan exuded a power twice as powerful as before.Zhang Tianhao's expression gradually became serious.Only now did he believe it.Xiao Fan said that he only used [-]% of his strength, not exaggerating.

Moreover, Zhang Tianhao was also surprised, the word "unseal" proved that Xiao Fan's power was sealed.Then why seal it again?Could it be the characteristic of Xiao Fan's cultivation technique?
What Zhang Tianhao thought was right.The kung fu practiced by Xiao Fan has a characteristic, that is, it needs to suppress the power in the body.This power needs to be untied step by step.It's just that the more he unlocks, the speed at which he advances next time will be affected.But at this moment, facing the increasingly powerful Zhang Tianhao, Xiao Fan couldn't care less about other things.

"Blood palm!"

Xiao Fan's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared in front of him in the next second.

Fast, the speed was extremely fast, after Xiao Fan unsealed [-]% of his power.The speed has also increased to the extreme.

"Bang!" Zhang Tianhao snorted.The whole person was blown out.

Before waiting, Zhang Tianhao landed.Xiao Fan appeared beside him again.Another palm was slapped on his body.


Zhang Tianhao's face was pale, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

A dozen consecutive palms were slapped on Zhang Tianhao's body.

If it weren't for the protection of Zhang Tianhao's Zhandi armor, Zhang Tianhao would have burped a long time ago.

"Ding dong! It is detected that the Emperor's armor on the player is about to collapse. Do you want to use a devastating blow?"

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed, the blow of destruction was extremely terrifying.When he was outside Tianwu City, he faced the siege of many students in the inner court, and he used the destructive blow to destroy many Wu Wang's attacks.The power of that devastating blow is still fresh in his memory.

A destructive blow is to gather all the remaining power of the Zhandi armor into one blow, and its power is naturally not weak.

Every holy armor has a fatal blow.This is an attack condensed by destroying armor.And this time the fatal blow of the armor is the blade of death.Fortunately, there is no need to use a medium weapon for this attack.It can be displayed directly.

"Blade of Death!"

Zhang Tianhao shouted loudly.Facing Xiao Fan who was flying in the air, he blasted out with one blow.

Xiao Fan originally thought that Zhang Tianhao would be killed soon, but suddenly, a terrifying breath of death emanated out of nowhere in front of him.

"No..." Xiao Fan turned pale with shock.

Hastily clapped out.


The two forces collided together in the void.

Within a few meters, layers exploded.Xiao Fan screamed, and was blown out of the air.

Even Zhang Tianhao was sent flying for more than ten steps, with his feet sticking to the ground, he slid directly for more than ten meters.

The student fighters who were watching under the stage of life and death were all dumbfounded at the moment.Is the power of this blow really something that a Martial King can use?To many people, this looks more like two Wu Zong are fighting.

The blood in Zhang Tianhao's body was boiling, and he couldn't hold it anymore, and spat out a mouthful of blood.Looking at the blood groove above his head, the blood has dropped by half.

I wiped it, and within a short time, Lao Tzu's blood was knocked out by one-third.But that destructive blow just now should have killed you, right?

At this moment, the ground in front of the stage of life and death was in a mess, and a huge hole five meters square was blown out by a powerful force.

But as soon as Zhang Tianhao's idea appeared, he denied it himself.It's stupid, why do I still look at the enemy in the old way, the enemy is dead or not, the system is the most clear.Now there is no notification sound from the system, so naturally the other party is not dead yet.


There was a sound.A blood man got up from the ground.It was Xiao Fan.It's just that at this moment Xiao Fan no longer has the original jade tree facing the wind, and his whole body is covered in blood.His hair was like a bird's nest, his clothes were ragged, like a beggar, but at this moment, Xiao Fan exuded a terrifying and murderous aura.

But in Zhang Tianhao's eyes, at this moment Xiao Fan is golden all over.

"Sure enough, it's the boss. At this time, the light of the big boss burst out." Zhang Tianhao was not only not shocked at the moment, but felt a burst of excitement.

"So strong and terrifying!" Zhang Tianhao frowned, realizing that Xiao Fan at this moment was even more terrifying than before.

A blood knife appeared in Xiao Fan's hand.Staring at Zhang Tianhao in front of him, he said, "Zhang Tianhao, you are honored to see my full strength. Tremble!"

After saying that, Xiao Fan disappeared in the same place, and appeared in front of Zhang Tianhao in the next second, slashing down fiercely with his sword.


This knife is terrible.Like a roaring dragon, the blood-colored knife shadow grabbed Zhang Tianhao's body.

(End of this chapter)

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