Chapter 451
Watching the breathing of the three women become more even.Obviously, the Resurrection Pill had an effect.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianhao exhaled.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao's eyes fell on him, Elder Song Xifeng smiled at Zhang Tianhao: "Boy Tianhao, can I let the old man watch this pill for a few days?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Song Xifeng with a slight smile and said, "Elder Song, if you like it, just take it! Take it as my gift!"

Song Xifeng was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Okay, that's great."

However, very soon, Song Xifeng still felt a little embarrassed and said: "Boy Tianhao, this elixir is too expensive, do you really want to give it to me?"

"Hehe, no matter how precious it is, it's not as important as my friends' lives. I know that my friends, but Elder Song is hesitating with the life-extending pill, otherwise, no matter how effective my pill is, it's useless." Zhang Tianhao said sincerely .

"Haha, then I'll be disrespectful." Song Xifeng smiled broadly.

Song Xifeng looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked, "Boy Tianhao, what's the name of your elixir?"

"Resurrection Pill!" Zhang Tianhao replied.

"Returning to Life Pill!" Song Xifeng murmured.

"It's worthy of the name! It can indeed be called the Resurrection Pill. Boy Zhang, how did you get this elixir? It can't be refined by ordinary-level alchemists. At least you need to be a king-level alchemist to refine this kind of pill." A pill. And this pill should be Wang Jie's pill." Song Xifeng said with a sigh.

Zhang Tianhao said with a smile: "I also got it by chance!"

Naturally, Zhang Tianhao would not tell Song Xifeng that his elixir was rewarded by the system.

After Song Xifeng got this elixir, he was eager to study its ingredients and left in a hurry.And Lan Haiping also left after the three daughters were fine, and after knowing that there was nothing for him here.In the end, only Zhang Tianhao and the three girls lying on the bed were left in the room.

"Sitian, you have worked hard these few days."

Looking at Song Sitian's haggard delicate face, Zhang Tianhao felt very distressed.In the past few days, there were three more wounded people in the room. If it wasn't for Song Sitian, it would have been a mess.

Song Sitian shook her head, and smiled at Zhang Tianhao: "Master, this is what Sitian should do. Sitian is a maid."

Zhang Tianhao gently put his arms around Song Sitian's fragrant shoulders, and said solemnly: "But my son, I have never treated Sitian as a servant."

Song Sitian's cheeks fluttered, and she lowered her head and muttered, "Young master, no matter what the future holds, Sitian only hopes to stay by your side forever."

The most difficult to accept the beauty of grace ah!
Looking at Song Sitian's expectant eyes, Zhang Tianhao smiled at her and said, "Sitian, you've worked hard for a few nights, go and have a rest, and just leave it to the young master."

Song Sitian shook her head and said, "No, Sitian is not tired."

Zhang Tianhao put on a straight face, and said to Song Sitian: "Why, is everything I said useless, my lord? Your eyes are bloodshot, and my lord will feel distressed."

Song Sitian saw that Zhang Tianhao seemed to be really angry, and immediately said: "Okay, young master, Sitian is going to rest, and I will leave this place to young master. If young master is too busy, you can call Sitian at any time."

"Well, good!" Zhang Tianhao nodded.

After Song Sitian went back to the room to rest, Zhang Tianhao looked at the three girls on the bed.I feel very distressed.Thinking of the scene where they resisted Xiao Long for themselves, I felt a faint feeling in my heart.Whenever Zhang Tianhao thought of the scene where the three girls were sent flying, Zhang Tianhao felt a heart-piercing feeling in his heart.

"I hope you can recover as soon as possible."

Zhang Tianhao gently covered the three girls with quilts.Just walked out.In the courtyard, a beautiful figure stood under the peach tree, blowing the jade xiao, the melodious sound of xiao, as if weeping, seemed to be telling something.

After Xiao Sheng fell, Zhang Tianhao looked at Gao Xinyu slightly surprised and asked: "Miss Gao, why are you still here?"

"What are you talking about? Don't you welcome me? You really are killing a donkey!" Gao Xinyu glared at Zhang Tianhao, a little dissatisfied.

Zhang Tianhao smiled and said, "Of course, that's not the case. It's just that I woke up very late. It's just a little strange."

Gao Xinyu took a deep look at Zhang Tianhao, and said thoughtfully: "Actually, this lady likes to be in the dark, and if you can't figure out some problems, you can't get old. I can't sleep, so, this time, I just Came to find you."

Zhang Tianhao also looked at Gao Xinyu curiously and asked, "What is it that bothers you so much, Ms. Gao?"

Gao Xinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "I want to know what kind of power it is that makes three such beautiful girls risk their lives for you."

Zhang Tianhao was a little stunned, and he didn't seem to expect that Gao Xinyu was interested in this.He said with a wry smile: "Maybe this is love, Miss Gao will know in the future. Of course, if you meet the right person."

"Love!" Gao Xin murmured.

Gao Xinyu suddenly thought of something.Looking at Zhang Tianhao, he snorted and said: "You are a big carrot, and you are dating three girls at the same time."

Zhang Tianhao touched his nose, and said very depressed: "I'm innocent!"

"If you were innocent, you wouldn't fall in love with three girls at the same time. Alas, no wonder my mother said that the world is as black as crows. You really don't deceive me." Gao Xinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and said.

Zhang Tianhao smiled wryly and said, "Love is a subtle feeling that happens suddenly and naturally, and there is no way to control it. You will know it later. When the time comes, you won't think so."

"You say that, are you laughing at me for not having a relationship?" Gao Xinyu said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao: "..."

Gao Xinyu's beautiful big eyes suddenly stared at Zhang Tianhao without blinking.

Gao Xinyu looked at Zhang Tianhao strangely, and said resentfully: "Why, look at me with such eyes, although I am very handsome, but if you look at me like this, I will still be very shy."

Gao Xinyu suddenly walked in front of Zhang Tianhao.Standing on tiptoe, she leaned into Zhang Tianhao's ear and said, "I'm suddenly interested in you, maybe I'll compete with them."

After speaking, Gao Xinyu turned around and flew away.

"Zhang Tianhao, I hate you." A girl's voice came from the void.

"Damn it, didn't you say you were interested in me? Why do you hate me again? It really is a woman's heart attack!" Zhang Tianhao shook his head.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Zhang Tianhao suddenly wanted to drink.But Dou Bi and Ying Da are still in the outer courtyard, otherwise they would have been fine, now they can only be three people.Zhang Tianhao poured a glass of wine and drank alone.

Seven days later, Ning Xue and Ye Yunshang woke up one after another. Yun Qiuyu also woke up on the seventh day because her cultivation was the lowest and the injury was the heaviest.This is the happiest news Zhang Tianhao has received these days.

(End of this chapter)

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