The strongest fury system

Chapter 454 Shadow Bat King

Chapter 454 Shadow Bat King
"Tianhao, with your cultivation, you can't stop him?"

Ye Yunshang looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

Zhang Tianhao smiled wryly and said: "This person's cultivation is not very strong, but his concealment ability is very strong, and his speed is fast. He can't fight to the death, and he will retreat when he touches it. He is very difficult to deal with."

After Zhang Tianhao's description.Ye Yunshang's expression changed suddenly.He murmured, "Impossible, could it be him?"

"Why, do you know who the other party is?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Ye Yunshang and asked.

Ye Yunshang nodded to Zhang Tianhao and said, "This person should be punished by heaven."

"Heavenly Punishment, didn't I kill the opponent's gold medal killer? Could it be that there are more advanced ones?" Zhang Tianhao asked Ye Yunshang in surprise.

Ye Yunshang smiled wryly and said to Zhang Tianhao: "This day's punishment is not limited to silver, bronze, and gold, three levels of killers. The top one is the ace killer."

"Ace Killer?" Zhang Tianhao was slightly astonished.

"Well, in Heaven's Punishment, the most terrifying thing is not the gold medal killer, but the ace killer. When the ace killer appears, everyone who hears it will be terrified." Ye Yunshang said seriously.

Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, and murmured: "I want to see who makes who feel scared."

Ye Yunshang smiled bitterly at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Tianhao, this killer, if I'm not mistaken, should be the Shadow Bat King. The most terrifying thing about him is his speed and disguise. He will always kill you when you let your guard down the most. A fatal blow to you."

Zhang Tianhao thought of the past, if not before, he had a trace of vigilance, coupled with the resistance of Tianzun's armor.Your injuries will be worse.

"Tianhao, you must be careful. This ghost killer will appear at any time. And you don't even know where he is hiding, and it is very likely that he is hiding beside us." Ye Yunshang said solemnly.

Zhang Tianhao said seriously: "I know."

After the five girls left.Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his pupils.He murmured: "God's punishment, you have provoked me several times, and one day, I will definitely destroy you all."

Zhang Tianhao released Xiaolong from the battle pet space.

Zhang Tianhao asked Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, can you catch the breath of that killer?"

Xiaolong nodded to Zhang Tianhao and said, "Boss is fine."

Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied watching Xiaolong sniffing the scent left by the killer.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Long have been devouring the elixirs and treasures they gave them during this time.Cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds.At this moment, Xiaolong and Xiaohei have also reached the level of third-order king beasts.

Three days later, the business group started to set off

This caravan employs the A-level mercenary group, the Tianhai mercenary group, about 100 people, each of whom has a cultivation level above that of a great martial artist.The group leader is a young man named Xiao Jian who is about [-] years old.King Wu's middle-level cultivation.Sword eyebrows and bright eyes.The deputy leader is her younger sister, about [-] years old, named Xiao Lin, and a junior martial artist.

Xiao Jian was kind to Zhang Tianhao and the others.But his younger sister Xiao Lin was not so easy to talk to.People who originally thought Zhang Tianhao and others were business groups were being polite.It was only later that I accidentally learned that Zhang Tianhao and the others were just gangsters, so I couldn't help but start to sneer.

"Hmph, some people are just useless. If they don't have money, they pretend to be rich and take so many girls out. Don't be a gangster, pay for the guards yourself." Xiao Lin said disdainfully.

"Xiao Lin, what are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense."

Saying that, Xiao Jian said apologetically to Zhang Tianhao: "My sister is outspoken, so don't argue with him."

"It's ok."

Zhang Tianhao glanced at Xiao Lin lightly, and returned to the carriage.

According to Zhang Tianhao's request, the five girls all wore masks, so no one in the mercenary group could see their true colors.

When Zhang Tianhao returned to the carriage.Xiao Lin said to Xiao Jian with some dissatisfaction: "Brother, are you too timid and afraid of getting into trouble! Just that person, what are you afraid of! I'm right, they are cowards!"

Xiao Jian blamed Xiao Lin: "As a mercenary group, we are living a life of licking blood. If we can not offend others, we should try our best not to offend others."

"Oh fine!"

Although Xiao Lin said so, she still didn't think so.

It takes about half a month to travel from the Tianwu City of the Zixiao Empire to the Wasi Kingdom.Of course, this is a case of cutting corners, otherwise it will take longer.Only in the case of cutting corners.It is inevitable to cross the mountains.This will meet many bandits and robbers.Fortunately, the role of the Tianhai mercenary group as an A-level mercenary group was manifested at this time.Along the way, although many bandits and robbers were encountered, they were still cleaned up one by one.

After Xiao Lin and Xiao Jian repelled another group of robbers.Xiao Lin looked at the carriage where Zhang Tianhao was, and was furious.These successive batches of bandits and robbers appeared, but Zhang Tianhao and others did not come out to help, and sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.It made her very upset.

Xiao Lin came to the carriage where Zhang Tianhao and the others were, and said angrily, "Get out of the carriage!"

"Is something wrong?"

Zhang Tianhao came out of the carriage, looking like a dick.

"Have you grown any eggs? You're just a gangster. But, with so many bandits coming, you don't want to contribute. People like you are scum." Xiao Lin glared at Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiao Lin with a half-smile and said, "Whether I have balls or not, you will know if you try it, girl?"


Xiao Lin roared angrily, and slashed down on Zhang Tianhao's body with a whip.

This whip is as fast as lightning.Incomparably fierce.

A cold light flashed in Zhang Tianhao's eyes, and he struck like lightning, grabbing Xiao Lin's whip.He smiled lightly and said, "It's so hot, I'm afraid the girl won't be able to get married in the future."


Xiao Lin was furious, and whipped the whip in her hand fiercely.But I can't get it back.This made her very angry.Shouted to Zhang Tianhao: "Let go!"

"You told me to let it go." Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly.

As soon as Zhang Tianhao let go, Xiao Lin was caught off guard and was brought down by a strong force and fell to the ground.


Zhang Tianhao smiled and said: "You told me to let it go, so I let it go, don't blame me!"


Xiao Lin swung the whip again, and slammed it down on Zhang Tianhao's body.

However, Zhang Tianhao was extremely comfortable.Exercising 'God's Variety' is like strolling in the courtyard.Although Xiao Lin's attacks were fierce, they still couldn't reach his body.It was as if Zhang Tianhao was made of air.

Xiao Lin gritted her teeth angrily, but there was nothing she could do.


Another sharp murderous aura came from the void.Xiao Jian stabbed down with his sword, and Duoduo's sharp sword stabbed towards Zhang Tianhao's body like raindrops.

This sword completely blocked all Zhang Tianhao's escape routes.From Xiao Jian's point of view, Zhang Tianhao had no choice but to block his own sword forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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