The strongest fury system

Chapter 460 See Through

Chapter 460 See Through
"You mean Xiao Lin?" Zhang Tianhao frowned.

"Yeah, when I woke up at night, I found that my sister was missing. I was so anxious. I have sent someone to look for her. But there is no news so far." Xiao Jian smiled wryly.

"Sorry, I haven't seen your sister." Zhang Tianhao said to Xiao Jian apologetically.

When Xiao Jian heard this, he felt a little sad.Said: "Okay, if you have any news, let me know immediately."

After Xiao Jian left.

Zhang Tianhao frowned and murmured, "Where will Xiao Lin go so late?"

However, this matter has little to do with him.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao turned around and left.Just as he was about to return to the tent to rest, suddenly, a figure walked in from outside the tent.It was Xiao Lin.

"Why are you?" Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.

Xiao Lin lowered her head and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Brother Tianhao, I can't sleep, can you accompany me to relieve my boredom?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned.He took a deep look at Xiao Lin, and said lightly: "It's not suitable for a lonely man and a widow at such a late night?"

"Brother Hao that day, come with me for a walk outside!" Xiao Lin looked at Zhang Tianhao with anticipation in her eyes.

"Your brother is still looking for you, why don't you go back and tell him he's safe? He's dying of anxiety." Zhang Tianhao looked at Xiao Lin and persuaded.

"I don't want to go back. I ran out because I had a fight with him. He usually controls me too strictly, and I'm so annoying." Xiao Lin looked very depressed.

After a little hesitation, a teasing smile flashed across the corner of Zhang Tianhao's mouth.He nodded and said, "Okay! Let's go to the west side! My female relatives are by the side, don't let them misunderstand."

"En!" Xiao Lin nodded.

Under Zhang Tianhao's deliberate leadership, the two came to the northwest of the camp.This is far from the camp.He looked at Xiao Lin and asked, "Just say what you have to say! I'm going back to rest!"

"Brother Tianhao, Xiao Lin provoked you several times before, and you saved Xiao Lin and her brother regardless of the past. Xiao Lin can't repay you. Tonight, let Xiao Lin accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Lin put her hands on the belt and was ready to undress.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly had three lines on his forehead.Immediately turned around, said righteously: "What are you doing, I'm not a casual person."

Just when Zhang Tianhao turned around, but didn't want to, Xiao Lin showed a ferocious look on her face, she drew her long sword out of its sheath, and stabbed at Zhang Tianhao's body.

This sword, fast and fast, pierced Zhang Tianhao's back like lightning in the dark night sky.

"go to hell!"

Xiao Lin drank loudly.

This sword can be said to be the best of Xiao Lin's strength.In her opinion, even Wu Zong might not be able to escape unscathed under such circumstances.

However, just when Xiao Lin's sword was about to stab Zhang Tianhao, the figure in front of her disappeared.

In the next second, Zhang Tianhao appeared behind Xiao Lin.Looking at her with a sneer.

"Clap clap clap..."

Zhang Tianhao clapped his hands, looked at Xiao Lin with a mocking look and said, "I have to say, your acting is really good. I have been thinking for a long time when you are going to make a move. Your timing is very good."

"Zhang Tianhao, you have humiliated me several times. I will take revenge. Today is your death day." Xiao Lin looked at Zhang Tianhao and gritted her teeth.

"Stop pretending, you're not Xiao Lin. If I'm right, you should be the Shadow Bat King, am I right?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the Shadow Bat King and said.

Xiao Lin was silent, raised her head, looked at Zhang Tianhao and said in puzzlement, "I thought the disguise was perfect, how did you find out?"

When he said this, his voice had changed from a female voice to a male voice.

"You also said that you admit it. In fact, you have too many flaws." Zhang Tianhao shook his head.

"Hmph, you are talking nonsense, there is absolutely no way my disguise will be flawed." Shadow Bat King was a little unconvinced.

"I know you are not convinced, so let me tell you a few flaws."

"First, Xiao Lin uses a whip. You are suddenly carrying a sword, don't you think it's strange? A warrior always carries the weapon with him, even in critical moments. This is the second life of a warrior. So , which makes people suspicious." Zhang Tianhao smiled lightly.

"Okay, this is my negligence, what about the second point?" Shadow Bat King nodded.

"The second point is the look in your eyes. You look at me with a murderous look, and this kind of murderous look is produced by killing countless people. It is definitely not owned by a little girl like Xiao Lin." Zhang Tianhao looked at the Shadow Bat King. Said lightly.

The Shadow Bat King said coldly: "Is there any more?"

"The last one is actually the most important one. I have noticed your breath a long time ago. As long as you approach me, I can detect it. Therefore, when you approached me, you have actually been exposed. This For a while, you should have been hiding in the Tianhai Mercenary Group, but you have been confused with the Tianhai Mercenary Group, and I really have no way of finding you, so during this time, I have been waiting for you to appear." Zhang Tianhao looked at Shadow Bat King said with a half-smile.

The Shadow Bat King was silent for a long while, and suddenly burst out laughing.Looking at Zhang Tianhao, he said, "That's right, even so, so what, I will still find another chance. One day, it will be your death."

"Hehe, do you think you can still leave?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the Shadow Bat King and smiled coldly.

The Shadow Bat King looked at Zhang Tianhao disdainfully and said, "I, the Shadow Bat King, want to leave, but no one can stop me yet."

Zhang Tianhao calmly smiled and said, "Really?"

"There will be a period later!"

After the Shadow Bat King finished speaking, he turned into a black shadow and flew away into the distance.

There was a cold light in Zhang Tianhao's eyes, and he said coldly, "I've said it before, this time, don't leave."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhao stomped his feet fiercely.

A violent wind swirled all around, and the Phantom Slaying Formation was activated.

As early as knowing that the Shadow Bat King was most likely hiding in the caravan, Zhang Tianhao had set up the Phantom Slaying Formation in advance.

Because he knew that the speed of the Shadow Bat King was even slightly behind him.It is not difficult to defeat the opponent.It is rare to kill the opponent.Therefore, he set up the phantom killing array.The phantom killing formation is only a fourth-order formation.But he didn't want to use the phantom killing array to kill the opponent, but just rely on the phantom killing array to stop the opponent, that's enough.

"This this formation?"

The voice of the Shadow Bat King was a little shocked.He fell into a phantom.Shadow Bat King is a martial artist in the middle rank of King Wu.Naturally, it will not be affected by the illusion of this phantom killing array.However, this formation still held him back.Made him lose his way.


Zhang Tianhao unsheathed the Blood God Knife, swept it away like an arrow, cast Aohan Sixth Level, and slashed down with one blow.

"A chilling glance!"

"Ghost Killing Sword Art!"

The Shadow Bat King roared, stabbing out heavy sword shadows.With the display of the sword technique, the surrounding wind gusts.Murderous aura boiling,.

(End of this chapter)

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