The strongest fury system

Chapter 465 Goodbye Mother

Chapter 465 Goodbye Mother
"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and Zhang Tianhao immediately asked Song Sitian to knock on the door.

After Song Sitian opened the door, Liu Sanjin walked in from the outside. After seeing Zhang Tianhao wake up, he was very happy.Said: "Little brother, you are awake. That's great."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, looked at Liu Sanjin and asked, "Old Liu, where is Brother Xiao Jian?"

Mr. Liu laughed at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Don't worry, he's fine. He's outside now."

"Oh! That's great. Sitian, let's get out!"

A smile appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face.He's fine now.Although because of the use of the third-order Promise and the activation of the blood, no matter how strong he is.But it's not a big problem to take a day off.Zhang Tianhao walked out of the room, coincidentally Xiao Jian was also in the hall.

After seeing Zhang Tianhao, Xiao Jian nodded to him.It was a greeting.

Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly at Xiao Jian and said, "Brother Xiao Jian, I was worried about your safety at first, but now that you are fine, I am relieved."

Xiao Jian said seriously to Zhang Tianhao: "Brother Zhang, my family knows about our own affairs. If you hadn't killed those Martial Kings of the Tianmo Sect, our Tianhai Mercenary Corps would never have completed the task. It can be said that you It's the main force."

"Hahaha... Everyone has contributed, Brother Xiao, you don't have to be polite."

Zhang Tianhao's impression of Xiao Jian is undoubtedly much better.

"Brother Zhang, this time, I'm here to hand in the task. Now that the task is completed, we should leave too." Xiao Jian said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao asked, "Where is Brother Xiao planning to go next?"

Xiao Jian shook his head and said: "I don't know, our Tianhai mercenary group is home all over the world, and there is no fixed place to stay. But our next stop may be the Tyrannosaurus Empire. If Brother Zhang has time to go to the Tyrannosaurus Empire, You can go to the mercenary guild of the Tyrannosaurus Empire to find us. You should be able to contact me. But before that, I will send the little sister's bones home first."

"Okay, then don't delay Brother Xiao, take care!"


Looking at Xiao Jian's leaving figure, Zhang Tianhao sighed.Although Xiao Jian looked normal, the sadness in the corners of his eyes could not be stopped.He still lives in the shadow of his sister's death.

"Tianhao!" Yun Qiuyu's voice sounded behind Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao turned around and looked.Yun Qiuyu, Ning Xue, Song Sitian, and Gao Xinyu walked over.

"Tianhao, are you in good health?"

Ning Xue looked at Zhang Tianhao with concern and asked.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just a little bit out of strength."

"Well, I'm going to take Ningxue, Song Sitian, and Xinyu to go shopping as a landlord, are you going?" Yun Qiuyu looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked expectantly.

"Don't you want to go see your in-laws with me?" Zhang Tianhao blinked, and asked in a hurry.

"Meet your in-laws? Speech, what are you talking about? Who wants to go see your in-laws with you, silly!"

The girls Xiafei's cheeks were very shy, very shy.

"It seems that you don't want to go, so I'll take Sitian there." Zhang Tianhao said with a smile.

"My lord is making fun of me again!"

Song Sitian blushed and lowered her head shyly.

"Hmph, in order to prevent you from bullying Sitian, I'd better take a look at it!" Yun Qiuyu pretended to be indifferent.

"I'm going to see Aunt Qing Lian too. When I came here, Aunt Qing Lian took good care of me." Ning Xue also said with a smile.

Before that, Zhang Tianhao and others first came to the mercenary guild and handed over the task.Then I got a certificate for completing the A-level task.Zhang Tianhao needs to rely on this certificate to return to Tianwu Academy to hand in the task.Then, a group of people went to the Zhang family together.

Although when leaving Ninghai City, Zhang Tianhao strongly persuaded his mother to return to the main residence of the Zhang family.But my mother still likes to live outside because of her psychological shadow.

Zhang Tianhao had just arrived outside the courtyard where his mother was, when several warriors stopped them.


A muscular, burly young man looked at Zhang Tianhao vigilantly.

Most of these martial artists are in the realm of martial artists.The leader is a tall warrior, even a high-ranking warrior.

It seems that the cultivation base is not very high.However, it should be noted that this is in Ninghai City.There is not even a single Martial King in Ninghai City.The realm of a martial artist is here, and he is considered a master.It's just that Zhang Tianhao was a little surprised.He remembered that back then, the guards here were no more than warriors.The martial artist is already the leader of the guards.But at this moment, the leader of the guards here turned out to be a high-ranking martial artist.

Did something happen at home recently?Zhang Tianhao's expression became serious.

"I'm Zhang Tianhao!"

Zhang Tianhao signed up.

"You are the young master?" The leading guard was astonished.Obviously heard Zhang Tianhao's name.

The guard leader looked at Zhang Tianhao and said seriously: "What proof do you have?"

Although he was interrogated at the door of the house, but the other party was also for the safety of the family, so Zhang Tianhao would not be angry.Passed a token up.

"Have you seen the young master?"

After confirming that it was correct, the leader of the guard quickly moved out of the way.Let Zhang Tianhao and others enter.

"Young master, please forgive me!" The guard commander was terrified.

"Hey, you are conscientious, how can I blame you. You did a good job. In the future, no matter who you are, as long as you can't prove your identity, you will need to be interrogated to get in. You did a good job today. From now on, I will decide, you Double your salary every month." Zhang Tianhao patted the guard on the shoulder to encourage him.

"Thank you, young master." The guard leader was overjoyed.

"By the way, why haven't I seen you before?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the guard leader and asked.

"I was arranged by the Supreme Elder five days ago. I am responsible for the safety of this outer courtyard." The guard leader said.

"Well, even someone with your cultivation level has come to be a guard. Could something have happened at home?"

The guard replied to Zhang Tianhao: "Young Master, you will know after meeting the Supreme Elder. The specifics are not very clear to the subordinates."

Zhang Tianhao nodded and led the four girls into the courtyard.

At this moment, Li Qinglian had already heard the news of Zhang Tianhao's return, so he hurried over from the inner courtyard.

"Hao'er, you're finally back. I miss you so much." Li Qinglian's voice was very excited.

"Mother, the child is not filial! I've made you worry." Zhang Tianhao also stepped forward hurriedly, and said excitedly to Li Qinglian.

"Just come back, just come back."

As he spoke, Li Qinglian looked at the four girls standing behind Zhang Tianhao.Among the four girls, she only knew Ning Xue.Xi said: "Xue'er, you are here, last time you left in a hurry, Aunt Lian didn't send you off properly."

"Aunt Lian, I miss your cooking very much, that's why I begged Tianhao to follow." Ning Xue came to Li Qinglian's side and stuck out her tongue | with a smile.

Li Qinglian joked thoughtfully, "I'm afraid, you're not just thinking about Aunt Lian's cooking, are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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