Chapter 472
"One moment, another moment. It's not the same." Murong smiled contemptuously.

"Boy, today, I want to avenge my cousin."

Nangong Hai roared angrily, and charged towards Zhang Tianhao.Take it with one palm.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully.Put away the Blood God Knife.This Nangong Hai is not worthy of him using a knife.Exercising Swallow Shadow Floating, shaking like floating light.Instead of retreating, he went forward with a punch.


Nangong Hai felt as if his palm had been slapped on an iron wall.His body was shaken back seven steps, and he felt a surge of blood against his will, almost spurting out.

In fact, Zhang Tianhao didn't use one percent of his punch.He hasn't even displayed his martial arts yet.But even so, it was not something Nangong Hai, a half-step martial king, could contend with.

Nangong Hai drew out a knife.The black saber carried a fierce murderous aura.

"Crazy Slash!"

Nangong Hai appeared in front of Zhang Tianhao strangely while shaking like a phantom.Slashed down with a sharp knife.The shadow of a knife like a stormy sea enveloped Zhang Tianhao's body.


Zhang Tianhao blasted out with a punch, this punch was head-to-head, and he was too lazy to find any flaws.He didn't even use his true energy, he just used pure physical strength.

But even so, with the strength of his body, the light of Nangong Hai's knife was shattered inch by inch.I felt that my knife was like cutting on a copper wall and an iron wall.His hand was numb from the shock, and the knife in his hand almost flew out of his hand.This shocked Nangong Hai.

"How can it be so strong."

Nangong Hai originally overestimated Zhang Tianhao's strength as much as possible.But at this moment, he found that he still underestimated Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, and said to Nangong Hai mockingly: "Speaking of which, you are much worse than your cousin Nangong Jin. At least, your brother Nangong Jin can still pose a threat to me."

Zhang Tianhao's words were biased towards Nangong Hai.The strength of Nangong Hai and Nangong Jin is between equals.It's just that when Zhang Tianhao met Nangong Jin, his cultivation level was still lower than Nangong Jin's.But at this moment, Zhang Tianhao's cultivation has already advanced to the realm of Martial King.His cultivation base surpassed that of Nangong Haihai by more than a hundred streets.Naturally, it gave Nangong Jin the illusion that his combat power was stronger than Nangong Hai's.

"Go to hell!" Nangong Hai was furious.

What Nangong Hai taboos the most is that some people say that he is not as good as Nangong Jin.At this moment, Zhang Tianhao was exposing his scars, and Nangong Hai was going crazy.

"The lore of mad knife slash!"

Nangong Hai instantly turned into hundreds of sword shadows, and the numerous sword shadows enveloped Zhang Tianhao's entire body.Every knife, alternate reality and reality, reveals infinite murderous intent.


Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly, advancing instead of retreating, darting out like a phantom.He punched out with one punch.

This punch exploded a three-meter radius.


Dozens of knife shadows were instantly disintegrated by Zhang Tianhao's punch.The surrounding sword shadows instantly collapsed.Zhang Hao's punch drove straight in, killing Nangong Hai's real body.

Nangong Hai felt the murderous intent of Zhang Tianhao's punch, and his face turned pale with fright.The figure retreated violently, trying to avoid Zhang Tianhao's blow backwards.

But how could Zhang Tianhao make him wish, he chased after him like a shadow, and punched him.This punch directly hit Nangong Hai's chest.


Nangong Hai screamed.A mouthful of blood was spurted out, and the whole person flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"Lie!" He fell to the ground with a sound.


Zhang Tianhao sneered, and was about to kill him.

"Murong Jingtian, Murong Patriarch, you don't want to make a move, do you want to watch me die?" Nangong Hai shouted while looking in the direction of Murong Jingtian and Murong Patriarch.

This scene is a long story, but in fact it happened in a very short period of time.Murong Jingtian and Patriarch Murong didn't even react yet.This is said to be the first day after Nangong Jin that the Nangong family lost like this.Of course, the two of them couldn't let Nangong Hai die in the palace.Otherwise, they will absolutely not be able to bear the anger of the Nangong family.

Murong Jingtian rushed towards Zhang Tianhao first.Murong Jingtian also made great progress during this period.Relying on the elixir of the Heavenly Sword Sect, his cultivation has also broken through to the half-step Martial King in this year.It's just that the accumulation is not as good as that of Murong Patriarch. Therefore, there is still a big hurdle to be separated from King Wu, but the half-step King Wu's cultivation is enough to make him look down on the entire Vasi Kingdom, and the previously extinguished ambition is burning again.

"Heavenly Desolation Fist!"

In the void, heavy fist shadows crushed down like boulders.Cover Zhang Tianhao's body.


Zhang Tianhao roared and punched out.


The two fists collided together in the void.

The violent vigor swept out in all directions centered on the two of them.

Murong Jingtian let out a muffled snort, and staggered back eight|nine steps.The floor tiles under his feet cracked inch by inch in all directions like a spider web.


A surge of reverse blood surged from Murong Jingtian's body.

This is Zhang Tianhao's sake for Murong Ziqian's sake, after all, the person in front of him is his father-in-law anyway, so Zhang Tianhao must look at it for Murong Ziqian's sake.Show him mercy.

"Falling God Palm!"

Patriarch Murong was also killed.

The shadows of palms all over the sky covered the sky and the sun, and with surging power, they exploded down.Flying sand and rocks all around, dusty.Under this domineering force, the earth trembled violently.


Zhang Tianhao was extremely disdainful.Regardless of the fact that Patriarch Murong is the King of Wu, this palm seems to have an astonishing momentum.But even if he stood up and let the opponent hit him, Patriarch Murong would never want to hurt him.

After all, Zhang Tianhao is a high-ranking Martial King.

Zhang Tianhao wanted to test the defense of his bronze wall body.Therefore, with hands behind their backs, do not dodge or avoid.

Murong Jingtian and Nangong Hai saw that Patriarch Murong made a move.Everyone is happy.Seeing Zhang Tianhao accepting this move without dodging or evading, everyone said that Zhang Tianhao was frightened.

Murong Jingtian sighed secretly: If you are not from the Zhang family, then with your talent, you are still qualified to be my son-in-law of Murong Jingtian.

However, Zhang Tianhao's figure was quickly covered by another stunningly talented figure.The same peerless talent of that young man is already shining brightly at this moment.In Murong Jingtian's opinion, this person is more suitable for his daughter.If the daughter really married him, the Murong family would definitely be forever.

Suddenly, Patriarch Murong's palm hit Zhang Tianhao's body.

Originally, Patriarch Murong thought that under his own palm, Zhang Tianhao would be wiped out.But when his palm hit Zhang Tianhao, he suddenly felt that his palm seemed to hit an iron wall.Patriarch Murong's wrists became numb due to the shock.

"What!" Patriarch Murong felt incredible.

"Is it good to play? Is it my turn?"

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, and slapped him out with a slap.

"Slap!", Zhang Tianhao slapped Patriarch Murong hard with this slap.

(End of this chapter)

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