The strongest fury system

Chapter 480 Gives You Two Hands and One Leg

Chapter 480 Letting You Do Both

Zhang Tianhao lightly brushed off his clothes, and said teasingly to Su Jianwen: "Your Excellency, did you not have dinner last night, or did you cook too much last night? You don't have any strength at all. That's it, you still let my left hand?"


Su Jianwen looked at Zhang Tianhao's mocking expression.He felt ashamed, especially in front of so many beauties, which made him feel unbearable.With a lunge, he rushed towards Zhang Tianhao again.

"Storm Rock Fist!"

In an instant, Su Jianwen threw out more than thirty punches.Layers of fist shadows bombarded Zhang Tianhao like raindrops.

Zhang Tianhao still didn't move.It's just a slight display of the bronze wall body.This martial artist of the first level of the great martial artist, even if he used his full iron body, the opponent could only tickle him.

Su Jianwen's attack hit Zhang Tianhao's body.He couldn't even touch the corners of Zhang Tianhao's clothes, all of which were blocked by the protective qi.The gas mask didn't budge.There wasn't even a single ripple.This made Su Jianwen dumbfounded.

"Have you played enough? Can you replace me?"

Zhang Tianhao laughed loudly, and punched straight out.

Zhang Tianhao's punch had no tricks, but in front of Su Jianwen's eyes, this punch seemed fast but slow.Su Jianwen had the illusion that he couldn't avoid it no matter what.He was bombarded by a punch.

Su Jianwen screamed, and the whole person flew upside down like a kite with a broken string for more than ten meters, and fell to the ground with a "pop!".

"Wow!" Su Jianwen felt the blood in his body boil, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.


The four young men and women were about to rush forward, but they were stopped by Su Jianwen's wave.He gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't lost yet!"

Su Jianwen flashed his spear out from the interspatial bag.He said coldly to Zhang Tianhao: "I confirm that I underestimated you, but this time, I will not lose again!"

Su Jianwen rushed towards Zhang Tianhao with a stride, and shot him fiercely.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said sarcastically, "It's too slow."

"Break it for me!"

Zhang Tianhao punched out.This punch hit the tip of Su Jianwen's spear.The violent impact force directly knocked Su Jianwen back.

Zhang Tianhao didn't pursue, but just looked at Su Jianwen with a faint smile and said, "Go on, let me see your strength."

Su Jianwen felt humiliated.With a loud roar, he strode towards Zhang Tianhao with a stride.In an instant, heavy spear shadows appeared.

"Never Shadow Gun!"

At that moment, dozens of gun shadows enveloped Zhang Tianhao.The fierce murderous intent locked on Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly.Su Jianwen's attack power is still very strong.Among the same level, it is indeed a leader.Of course, this time he was facing Zhang Tianhao.

"It's still too slow."

Zhang Tianhao sneered lightly.The shot was like lightning, and he slapped again.It hit Su Jianwen in the face.This slap directly sent his whole body flying.

When it fell to the ground, several teeth fell out.Mouth full of blood.

"How could it be so strong?" Su Jianwen was extremely surprised.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Su Jianwen and said coldly, "Just because you are like this, you still want to give me a right hand? Hehe, just like you, I can let you have both hands and one foot!"

As he said that, Zhang Tianhao also put on a cool and independent look.He hooked his hands to Su Jianwen and shouted: "Come on, come again! Just like you, I can beat you with one foot."

Su Jianwen was ashamed and indignant, he was a genius among the freshmen of Liuyun Academy this year.In Liuyun Academy, he is respected by students from the outer academy and loved by his instructors.I don't want to be humiliated by this country bumpkin when I come to the backwaters of Vasi country at this moment.It is tolerable, which is unbearable.

"You said that?" Su Jianwen shouted angrily.

Su Jianwen had been extremely humiliated by Zhang Tianhao at this moment, even if he was shameless at this moment, he was ready to get this place back.

"Of course I said it." Zhang Tianhao looked at Su Jianwen and smiled slightly.Still maintaining the independent posture of the golden rooster.

Su Jianwen felt crazy when he saw Zhang Tianhao's golden rooster's independent posture.

"Give me death!"

Su Jianwen flew towards Zhang Tianhao and stabbed him with a single shot.

"Never Shadow Gun!"

This shot is invisible, it can be said that it is almost to the extreme.Under the rage, Su Jianwen also used this spear to a peak.

Zhang Tianhao smiled mockingly.Unleash the myriad changes of divine action, kick on the ground with one foot, and sway around.Su Jianwen's shot missed.


Su Jianwen was taken aback.They are preparing to search for Zhang Tianhao's whereabouts.Zhang Tianhao came behind him strangely.

"The chrysanthemum remains!"

Zhang Tianhao kicked out with one foot.It hit Su Jianwen's hip.


With this kick, Su Jianwen's pants were blown apart.Chrysanthemum was devastated.At the chrysanthemum, the severe pain made him want to poop out.The whole person slammed forward fiercely.Get down on the ground.Two flamboyant butt balls were exposed like this, fluttering in the wind.

In an instant, the audience was dead silent.

Ning Xue, Yun Qiuyu, Song Sitian, and Gao Xinyu spat.Although it was not the first time I saw Zhang Tianhao perform such a wretched move.But every time it still makes them feel very dirty.

Su Jianwen felt the chill behind him, and felt that everyone looked at him with pity.And some don't know what's going on.When he found out that he was naked, a wave of shame and resentment welled up in his heart.Suddenly fainted.

"Hey! I said it long ago. To deal with you, one foot is not enough for me. Why do people nowadays, to be honest, always think that I am bragging!" Zhang Tianhao shook his head with an innocent look.

"You... who the hell are you to humiliate the students of our Liuyun College so much? Are you not afraid that our Liuyun College will blame you? Su Jianwen is a senior student of the vice president of our Liuyun College's Outer School." Xue Fang looked at Zhang Tianhao threatening road.

Although Zhang Tianhao is very good at fighting, Xue Fang still thinks that the students of Liuyun Academy are superior.Usually, as long as she moves out of Liuyun Academy's name, ordinary warriors will show some face.

"Can you be more mature, if you can't beat it, just change the background, if you can't compare the background, you can compare yourself to me, it's really childish." Zhang Tianhao shook his head.

At this time, the very handsome girl from Liuyun College walked up to Zhang Tianhao, looked at Zhang Tianhao and muttered, "Are you Zhang Tianhao's senior?"

"Huh? You know me?" Zhang Tianhao looked at the girl carefully, and indeed felt that she looked very familiar.

"Senior Tianhao, don't you remember me? You helped me, Senior Tianhao, during the assessments of the colleges last year." The girl lowered her head, not daring to look at Zhang Tianhao, she was very shy.

(End of this chapter)

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