The strongest fury system

Chapter 486 The fierce battle is in full swing

Chapter 486 The fierce battle is in full swing

This punch is even more powerful.The void oscillates.The space seemed to be blown up.

"Break me!"

Young Master Blood snorted coldly.Turn claws into fists.

"Blood Killing Fist!"

This punch carried a powerful evil spirit.The blood-red shadow of the fist filled the entire void, covering Zhang Tianhao's body.

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, advancing instead of retreating.Using [-]% of his strength, he bombarded Young Master Xue's body.

"Spirit flying!"

This punch was the seventh punch of Zhang Tianhao's Seven Injury Fist, and it gathered all the strength of Zhang Tianhao's body.Both the strength of the body and the power of refining qi were poured into this punch.


The two forces collided together in the void.Compressed to the ultimate strength.burst out from between the two.Both Zhang Tianhao and Young Master Xue were shocked back seven or eight steps.The ground beneath his feet trembled violently.It spread out in all directions like a spider web.

Zhang Tianhao couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.And Young Master Blood's complexion was also a little pale.Both of them were in rags.

Young Master Xue looked at Zhang Tianhao, wiped away the blood slightly overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and murmured to Zhang Tianhao: "Not bad, it seems that I underestimated you before, and you are qualified to be my opponent. I deserve to be taken seriously."

Zhang Tianhao didn't say a word, at this moment he had found out that this bloody young man was indeed worthy of his name.Absolutely half-step Wu Zong's strength.If you are head-to-head, it will not be easy to defeat him.Of course, Zhang Tianhao will not give up.

"Pick me up again."

Young Master Xue turned into a blurred blood shadow and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao's heart is one of the purlins, this bloody young man's body skills are very strong.He suddenly realized that he couldn't see the figure of the bloody young man clearly.

"It doesn't matter if I catch you with ten moves." Zhang Tianhao laughed loudly, and went up to meet him not to be outdone.

"Lingbo microsteps!"

Since Zhang Tianhao couldn't find the figure to capture the other party, he used body skills to fight body skills.When it comes to body skills, his Lingbo Weibu is also in the realm of Xiaocheng.Compared with the opponent's agility, it is even worse.

Young Master Xue was a little shocked to find that he was unable to capture Zhang Tianhao's movement skills, Zhang Tianhao's movement skills were indeed very mysterious.Mr. Xue thought to himself that he had a wide range of knowledge, but he didn't have the slightest clue about this movement technique, and he couldn't understand the mystery of this movement technique.

The two fought fast, fighting with hundreds of moves in an instant.Under the heavy blow, Zhang Tianhao and Mr. Blood retreated seven or eight steps each.

Master Xue snorted coldly, showed a knife, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Let's win with weapons!"

"Right on my mind!"

Zhang Tianhao responded, and flashed out the blood sword.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Zhang Tianhao threw himself at Young Master Blood, and instantly slashed seventeen knives.Layer upon layer of knife shadows enveloped Mr. Xue, crushing him down towards the opponent.

"Blood shadows flying!"

Zhang Tianhao was surprised to find that the Bloody Young Master in front of him had disappeared.It turned into hundreds of blood shadows.

This time, Zhang Tianhao was instantly stunned.The eighteen knives beheaded the eighteen knives.But he knew that it was not the real body of Young Master Blood at all.

In the next second, Mr. Blood appeared on Zhang Tianhao's body.Cut it down with a knife.

This time, it came too suddenly.That knife slashed fiercely on Zhang Tianhao's body.It knocked him out of the air.

Zhang Tianhao was sent flying more than [-] meters away. He fell to the ground and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"go to hell!"

Young Master Xue appeared in front of Zhang Tianhao again.

"Frozen three feet!"

Zhang Tianhao slashed out with a single blow.

The surrounding temperature dropped tens of degrees in an instant, and it was freezing cold.It was as if even the air was about to be frozen.

Young Master Xue's speed slowed down slightly for a second.It was this second that gave Zhang Tianhao an opportunity.Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, and once again rushed towards the place where Young Master Xue was.Slashed out with a knife.

"Red apricots in the snow!"

The Blood God Saber in Zhang Tianhao's hand chopped out seven to seven forty-nine knives to form an illusion.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao is already the King of Martial Arts, and the Aohan Liujue he used is more than ten times stronger than before.

Young Master Blood is a demon cultivator.Above the state of mind, it is indeed their weakness.In Zhang Tianhao's illusion, there appeared past events that made him unbearable to turn around.It made his mind tremble slightly.He seemed to have seen those innocent souls who died under his hands in the past.As the young rudder master of the Northern Territory sub-helm of the Tianmo Sect, Mr. Blood has blood on his hands.But at this moment, those innocent souls who died under his hands in the past seemed to have revived.One by one, covered in blood, they crawled towards Mr. Blood.

" none of you are real, you are all illusions, mere illusions, what can I do." Young Master Blood shouted loudly.

Young Master Xue deserves to be the [-]th peerless genius on the Hidden Dragon Ranking.The moment quickly recovered.However, although he was not held back by the illusion for a long time.But for Zhang Tianhao, it was completely enough.

"Slash with a hundred knives!"

Zhang Tianhao will come out as a powerful Hundred Swordsman.One cut eighteen knives.These eighteen blades of light flashed a dazzling white awn.

"Break it for me!"

Seeing the sword light in front of him, covering himself.Young Master Blood roared angrily.

"Blood knife cut!"

The endless sword light turned into an evil blood dragon, and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

The seventeen knives in front collided fiercely with the blood dragon in the void.The sword glow shattered, but the blood dragon shrank a lot.But still with a ferocious expression, he continued to rush towards Zhang Tianhao.

"No.18 Knife"

13107200 catties of strength.A dragon chant sounded in the void.

The power of a dragon, according to legend, only the strong of Wu Zong can use the power of a dragon to crush Young Master Blood.In the void, the shadow of a mighty dragon can be seen faintly, roaring in the void following the momentum of the knife.


The two forces collided again.

The blood dragon was shattered by Zhang Tianhao's terrifying power.With a whimper, it dissipated into the void.The endless sword light continued to crush down on Young Master Xue's body.

Young Master Blood turned pale and let out a loud roar.blood evil spirit,

A protective air mask appeared in front of Young Master Blood.A wall of air that seemed to be substantial was formed to block in front of him.


With this knife beheaded down.

Young Master Xue's protective air shield was instantly chopped to pieces.Young Master Blood screamed, and even flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.After breaking eight big trees.fell to the ground.

"Wow!" Master Xue couldn't help spitting out another mouthful of blood.

"Master Blood, you must die!"

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, and flew towards Young Master Blood.Cut it down with a knife.

Suddenly, the shadow of blood flickered in front of Zhang Tianhao's eyes.Young Master Blood disappeared in front of him.

"What about people?"

Zhang Tianhao's expression changed, and he cried out secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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