The strongest fury system

Chapter 488 The Ninth Knife

Chapter 488 Destruction of Heaven and Earth No.19 Knife
But he snorted coldly.Said: "Is it useful?"

Young Master Blood frantically absorbed the surrounding blood energy.In the entire mountain forest, under the shroud of blood mist, crazily plundering the essence of life.Hundreds of meters, thousands of meters of flowers and trees withered.

The aura on Young Master Blood's body skyrocketed crazily.


three times

five times

ten times

Zhang Tianhao found that the bloody young master in front of him exuded an extremely dazzling golden light.This is a mutant boss.It turns out that Young Master Blood is a mutant boss.But Zhang Tianhao didn't care about anything else.No matter what, he will explode the opponent.

Zhang Tianhao slashed out [-] times to Young Master Xue's frenzied slashing.

The gorgeous and terrifying sword light slashed down in the void.

Young Master Blood snorted coldly, and slapped out his palm.The blood-colored giant palm covers a radius of tens of meters, covering the sky and the sun.

The complexions of Ye Yunshang, Song Sitian, Yun Qiuyu, Gao Xinyu, Ning Xue and Jin Bao changed drastically.Looking at the bloody giant palm in front of him in fear, he felt creepy, as if a mountain was pressing down on him.

The seventeen blade lights were instantly crushed.Under this bloody giant palm.Seventeen knives slammed on it, but a faint ripple was rolled up.

"No. 18 knife!"

Finally, a crisp dragon chant sounded in the void.

"Break it for me!"

Zhang Tianhao almost exerted all his strength and blasted out the No.18 knife.Under this knife, the world changed color.As if there was a roar of a giant dragon roaring down, it blasted down towards the blood palm.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded.

The blood-colored giant palm became much dimmer.Cracked inch by inch.But still did not collapse.Still rolling down on Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Zhang Tianhao, you have become stronger, but it's useless. My master, who has used the secret method, is so powerful that he is even afraid of himself. You should die in peace of mind. Your woman, I will help you to take pity on her." Blood The young man laughed triumphantly.

"go to hell!"

The bloody giant palm pressed down on Zhang Tianhao covering the sky and the sun.The surrounding earth was crushed by this force and began to tremble.The towering giant tree was crushed and fell down.Flying sand and rolling stones is like the end of the world.

Under the crushing of that bloody giant palm.Zhang Tianhao roared wildly: "Am I going to fail again, no... absolutely impossible..."

Zhang Tianhao felt almost collapsed all over.He roared crazily.Unwilling, extremely unwilling.It was as if that unwillingness had aroused the potential in Zhang Tianhao's body.

"No. 19 knife!"

This is the No.19 knife that has never appeared before.

No.19 knife has the power of two dragons.Under the increase of blood and infinite rage. The No.19 knife has already far surpassed its original power.

In an instant, the horrifying sword light shot out.Under this knife, several void cracks were punched in front of him.

Young Master Blood suddenly felt his whole body tremble, as if an inexplicable sense of danger enveloped his whole body.

"Death to me!"

Young Master Xue's face also became ferocious.The bloody giant palm crushed down on Zhang Tianhao's body.Covering the sky and blocking the sun, flying sand and walking stones.

"Break it for me!"

Zhang Tianhao endured his body that was about to collapse, and slashed down with a single knife.

At the same moment, Zhang Tianhao felt the power in his body boiling.The seven orifices bleed.


The bloody giant palm was split in half by Zhang Tianhao's knife.The sword light slammed on Master Xue's body fiercely.


Young Master Blood let out a roar.In the next second, he was crushed into slag by the knife glow.

"Explode me!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Master Blood, with an experience value of 950000 True Qi, 95000 Furious Energy, and 10""

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the Stone of Knowledge!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting Fengshen leg! Do you want to use it?"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for winning the big prize draw. Do you want to use it once?"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a monkey hair from Monkey King!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for obtaining the holy artifact, the Heavenly Killing Sword!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a sacred artifact repair coupon, do you want to use it?"

Gone, just gone?

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao suddenly remembered that he forgot to use the berserk energy.I wipe!Zhang Tianhao felt a little regretful when he patted himself on the head.

But Zhang Tianhao was thinking, although the blood son is a mutant boss.But after all, it was only a half-step Wu Zong. The quality of the BOSS is somewhat lacking.Using violent energy, the chance of bursting out the artifact is not high.

Suddenly, the time for Zhang Tianhao's Wuji Berserk and bloodline usage has passed.Invisible violent power surged out of Zhang Tianhao's body.Zhang Tianhao's face turned pale, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.There is some blackness in front of my eyes.He knew the aftereffects had begun.And this time, when the body was already extremely weak, he used the infinite rage and blood.The sequelae are even greater.

Zhang Tianhao staggered to Ye Yunshang and helped her up.Concerned: "Yunshang, are you... all right?"

Ye Yunshang looked at Zhang Tianhao coldly and said, "I'm fine."

After speaking, Ye Yunshang turned around and was about to leave.

"Yunshang, I'm sorry! Can you forgive me?" Zhang Tianhao shouted to Ye Yunshang in a hoarse voice.

"No, don't you want to break with me?" Ye Yunshang's delicate body trembled, as if she was very sad.

Before Zhang Tianhao could say anything, Ye Yunshang choked up and said, "Do you know how much my heart ached when you said to me the four words, I really wish I could die at that time. But I didn't I am willing, I, Ye Yunshang, have loved and hated, but I have never been abandoned. I don’t know what I did wrong. I went through life and death for the other party! But what did I get? Just those four words?”

Zhang Tianhao smiled wryly.He said hoarsely: "Thousands of mistakes, ten thousand mistakes, it's all my fault. I failed you. I deserve death. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just want to tell you a story."

"A long time ago, there was a college. A boy and a girl fell in love. The boy loved the girl very much. Inadvertently, I learned that the girl liked a necklace. The necklace was very expensive, and the boy didn't buy it. The boy’s family was very poor, but for the girl, he spent a year frugally, even working part-time to earn money in his spare time, just to buy that necklace. During that year, he spent almost every day Only ate one meal and finally managed to scrape together enough money to buy that necklace."

Ye Yunshang, the girls around, and even Jin Bao were deeply attracted by the story Zhang Tianhao told.They are all waiting for the next article.

"At the girl's birthday party. The boy brought the necklace as her birthday present. But a third party appeared. It turned out that the girl had moved on when the boy was working to earn money to buy her a necklace. I fell in love with a rich man.

The boy fell out of love.Despite the pain in his heart, the boy gave the girl the necklace he bought with the money he earned from part-time jobs, and blessed her. "Zhang Tianhao smiled bitterly.

Ye Yunshang was a little crazy.She knew that the boy in this story was Zhang Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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