The strongest fury system

Chapter 5 Damn you!

Chapter 5 Damn you!

Just arrived outside Xiyuan where Zhang Yan is
There was a pool of blood on the ground.But what caught his attention was a silver hairpin next to the bloodstain.This silver hairpin was given to his sister by Zhang Tianhao, but it appeared here at this moment.

"My sister is injured." A violent anger filled my heart.

Zhang Tianhao rushed straight towards Xiyuan, but four guards stood in front of Zhang Tianhao.

"This is the important place of the Zhang family, and idlers are not allowed to enter." A leading guard shouted.

"Keep your dog eyes wide open, is this young master just another idler?" Zhang Tianhao raised his head with a murderous look on his face.

The leading guard saw Zhang Tianhao clearly, and immediately said disdainfully: "So it's you trash!"

"The next offense is disrespectful to the young master...what should I do..."

Amid Zhang Tianhao's furious roar, the Arhat Fist struck out.

Three domineering fist shadows came out with a violent strike, creating a terrifying air wave that instantly squeezed the air in front of them to the sides.

Before the three guards could clearly see the figure in front of them, they hit their chests with three punches.The three guards screamed a few times, and flew out in an instant, vomiting blood.

Zhang Tianhao pinched the neck of the stunned and terrified leading guard, and said coldly, "Where is my sister, tell me! Or die!"

The guard was terrified, although he didn't answer, his eyes betrayed him.

Zhang Tianhao followed the guard's eyes and saw that it was a wing.

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly, and knocked the guard in his hand away with one palm.The body swept up like an arrow, and rushed towards the wing.

"Bold, don't back down."

The four guards shouted angrily and stopped in front of Zhang Tianhao.Because of the distance, they still don't know what happened ahead.

"Where is my sister?" Zhang Tianhao stopped and his voice was cold.

"So it's you trash. My boss just went in, and your sister will be very happy." A thin-faced guard smiled ambiguously.

"that is!"

Several guards looked at Zhang Tianhao gloatingly, with sarcasm on their faces.

"Don't come...don't come..." Qin Zinan's scream came from inside the room.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhao's murderous intent exploded, and monstrous anger gushed out of his body.

"Bastard, you are all going to die!"

"Arhat Boxing!"

Under the rage, Zhang Tianhao didn't hold back.Attack with anger.

The four punches struck the four guards fiercely with a destructive momentum.Amidst the screams, the four guards had their sternum shattered and were sent flying, with horror on their faces.

Zhang Tianhao kicked the door open.He noticed a burly man with a wretched and wretched smile on his face, and his younger sister, Qin Zinan, was curled up in a corner, trembling, her face full of panic.

Zhang Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his sister was fine.Seeing his flustered and helpless younger sister, his heart was filled with murderous intent.

"Dare to insult my sister, die for me!"

The leader of the guards was a little stunned, Jian Zhang Tianhao came over with murderous intent, was shocked, and quickly greeted him with a palm.


The two forces collided.

Zhang Tianhao didn't move, the guard screamed, spitting blood, and was blown away.Zhang Tianhao followed like a shadow, pinching the guard's neck with his palm.


"Crack!"Zhang Tianhao broke the guard's neck.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to the player for killing the guard leader and getting 200 experience points!"

"Congratulations player, you got a healing talisman!"

Zhang Tianhao ignored the system prompt and turned to look at his sister on the ground.At this moment, Qin Zinan looked at Zhang Tianhao, his pretty face was full of surprises.

"elder brother!"

Qin Zinan threw herself into Zhang Tianhao's arms.Weeping with joy.

Seeing Qin Zinan's body full of scars, Zhang Tianhao was extremely angry.He looked at Qin Zinan and said, "Zinan, that wicked woman Zhang Yan treats you like this?"

"Brother, as long as you're fine." Qin Zinan shook his head.

"This is not a place to talk, let's leave first." Zhang Tianhao took his younger sister Qin Zinan's hand.

Zhang Tianhao and Qin Zinan just walked out the door.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy. Do you think you can come to Xiyuan whenever you want, and leave whenever you want?" A mocking female voice came.

Dozens of guards surrounded it from all directions.The one in the middle is an eighteen or nine-year-old girl.At the moment, she was looking at him with a gloomy expression.

"Zhang Yan, how dare you hurt my sister?" Zhang Tianhao glared at Zhang Yan with murderous intent.

"Hmph, you humble trash, how dare you accuse me? Who gave you the guts?"

Zhang Yan pointed at Zhang Tianhao and yelled angrily: "Catch me, Miss Ben, I want to tear him into pieces."

The guards agreed abruptly, and were about to rush forward.


Zhang Tianhao glared at the guards.He shouted: "I am the well-known young master of the Zhang family, do you want to rebel?"

The guards were stunned and froze for a moment.Although they were extremely disdainful of Zhang Tianhao.But Zhang Tianhao is indeed a justifiable young master.Although Zhang Yanwu temporarily acted as the Patriarch.But as long as Zhang Yanwu has not officially become the patriarch for a day.Zhang Tianhao is still the young master of the Zhang family.

(End of this chapter)

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