The strongest fury system

Chapter 551 Kill All

Chapter 551 Kill All
But at this moment, Zhang Tianhao only had one word.kill!

No matter how many come, Zhang Tianhao will kill as many.

However, as more and more warriors appeared, Zhang Tianhao felt a little annoyed.Although he was not afraid, the successive attacks and killings had greatly hindered his next plan.

After killing a wave of enemies again.Zhang Tianhao came to a small stream.He began to organize his belongings.

In Zhang Tianhao's view, if the other party wants to locate his whereabouts, he can only play tricks on himself.Finally, he remembered something.This is a number plate received from the academy alliance. Only through this number plate can one enter the teleportation array.Only with this number plate can the opponent have a chance to do something.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhao took out the number plate.He buried him in the sand by the creek, and then he swept up the big tree by himself.Wait for the pursuers.

Sure enough, in less than half a stick of incense, more than a dozen Martial Kings appeared by the stream.

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed, and he murmured: "These thirteen Martial Kings, five high-ranking Martial Kings, and eight middle-ranking Martial Kings, are really generous!"

The group of warriors searched along the creek, and finally dug out a number plate by the creek.It was the number plate that Zhang Tianhao had just buried.

"Let that kid find out so soon?" A Martial King asked a little puzzled.

"That kid is a thief, it doesn't matter, as long as he is still in the forest of the devil king, we will find him sooner or later." Another warrior with dark eyes said.

"Let's go!" The leading Wu King in white said coldly.

"Wait a minute!"

A figure swept down from the big tree.It was Zhang Tianhao.

The thirteen Martial Kings were slightly stunned, and the leading Martial King in white looked at Zhang Tianhao and frowned and said, "Who is your Excellency?"

Zhang Tianhao smiled coldly and said, "Aren't you looking for me? Now that Master Ben appears in front of you, you don't recognize him?"

"You are Zhang Tianhao?" The leader Wu Wang looked at Zhang Tianhao in surprise.

"That's right!"

Zhang Tianhao nodded.

"Hahaha... Zhang Tianhao, if there is a way to heaven, if you don't go, if you don't go to hell, you will come here." The leader of the Wu King in white laughed.

"Go! Take him down!"

King Wu in white shouted to his companions.

Thirteen Martial Kings rushed towards Zhang Tianhao together.


The Blood God Knife was unsheathed, and the blood-colored knife shadow filled the void.

"A chilling glance!"

Zhang Tianhao slashed out and slashed towards one of the middle-ranked Martial Kings.The sharp sword light cut through the void, and beheaded the middle-ranked Martial King fiercely.


The middle-ranked Martial King let out a scream, facing this fierce blow.Without the ability to resist, he was instantly cut into two pieces.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, for killing Du Wenlong, the experience value is 100000 True Qi, 10000 Furious Energy 10"

At the same time, the other Martial Kings also killed them together.The fierce attack covered Zhang Tianhao.

"Frozen three feet!"

Zhi Yinhan's knife slashed towards those warriors.

The two middle-level martial kings were instantly frozen into two ice sculptures by Zhang Tianhao's knife.

"God can change everything!"

Zhang Tianhao escaped the attacks of several Wu Kings with his swift movements.He dodged to the back of the two frozen middle-ranked Martial Kings, and slashed them down.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Zhang Tianhao's saber landed on the necks of the two middle-ranked Martial Kings almost simultaneously.

The two middle-level martial kings screamed, and their heads flew out of the body almost at the same time.

Zhang Tianhao killed the three Martial Kings almost in the blink of an eye.Not only did this not frighten the remaining ten Martial Kings.Instead, the ten martial kings were aroused to kill him frantically.

"Lingbo microsteps!"

Zhang Tianhao's feet trampled on the void.Once again, he culled and killed the ten Martial Kings.Combining the ever-changing movements and Lingbo's micro-steps, he easily escaped the attacks of the ten Martial Kings.

"Kill!" Zhang Tianhao's eyes froze.

"Red apricots in the snow!"

Zhang Tianhao chopped out layers of saber light, and the endless saber light formed an illusion.

The illusion made the expressions of the ten Martial Kings slightly stunned for an instant, and everyone saw the scene that they least wanted to see in their hearts.

The five high-ranking Martial Kings were fine, and they reacted quickly.But the other five Martial Kings were a little slower.

"Cold Blade Ice Heart!"

Zhang Tianhao's expression was incomparably solemn, and with the swiping of the knife, the temperature around him instantly dropped by hundreds of degrees.The endless cold current, following Zhang Tianhao's saber, fell towards the five middle-level martial kings.

By the time the five middle-level martial kings reacted, the saber had already reached them, and the group of people had lost the opportunity at this moment.


The five middle-level martial kings suddenly screamed.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Under this knife, the five Martial Kings all turned into ice sculptures, fell from the air, and were all shattered into pieces of meat.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"

A series of system beeps sounded.

The five high-level martial kings did not expect that more than half of their companions would be killed in a short period of time.The five high-ranking Martial Kings looked at Zhang Tianhao with fear in their eyes.

"Let's not keep our hands anymore, otherwise, if the enemy is not killed, we will have to confess here." One of the high-ranking Martial Kings said with a very dignified expression.


"Heavenly Kill Seven Ultimate Slash!"

"Three swords against the current!"

"Overlord Seven Kill Sword!"

"Devil God Slash!"

"Seven Star Gun!"

The five Martial Kings all used their tricks to suppress the bottom of the box.Endless murderous intentions rushed towards Zhang Tianhao like a torrent.

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly.The tallest of these people is only Wu Wang Bachongtian, although there are many people, they can't pose too much threat to him.

"The move is over, let's send you on the road now!"

Zhang Tianhao said solemnly.That's like a god who judges all living beings.

A series of sword lights slashed out like lightning.It fell towards the five Martial Kings.

Seventeen knives instantly annihilated the attacks of the five high-level martial kings.

The five high-ranking Martial Kings instantly felt the energy and blood in their bodies boiling.Fly out.

"No. 18 knife!" Zhang Tianhao's face showed a strong murderous intent.

This is an extremely overbearing knife.

A powerful coercion emanated from Zhang Tianhao's knife.It's as if this is not a knife, but a towering mountain.


The five high-ranking Martial Kings all showed horror on their faces.But under the shroud of that terrifying knife, each one was unable to resist.

In the end, that terrifying knife tore the bodies of five high-level martial kings to pieces.

"Ding dong!" "Ding dong!" "Ding dong!" "Ding dong!"


The notification sound of the five-channel system sounded.These five high-level martial kings were all beheaded by Zhang Tianhao.It's just a pity that the cultivation of these five high-level martial kings is not high.The highest one is only at the same level as Zhang Tianhao, and cannot provide too high experience value.

(End of this chapter)

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