The strongest fury system

Chapter 74 Another Beast Tide

Chapter 74 Another Beast Tide
"Let's go, no matter what you say, we won't agree to accompany you." The mercenary said rudely.

Seeing what the other party said so resolutely, Zhang Tianhao was helpless.Since the other party is unwilling, it is not easy for him to insist.Turn around and leave.

"Wait a moment!"

A pleasant female voice came from a carriage.

Immediately, a masked woman in a blue skirt stepped out of the carriage.

"Miss Hailan, why did you come down?" A middle-aged mercenary looked at the woman and smiled.

"Uncle Kuer, I heard a voice, come down and have a look." The lady named Hailan smiled slightly.

Zhang Tianhao turned around and looked at Hai Lan. Although the other party was wearing a mask, judging from his posture and voice, the other party should not be too loud.In their twenties at most.

"Did you get robbed by robbers in Hei Mo Ridge?" Hai Lan looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked gently.

Zhang Tianhao lowered his head and looked at the blood all over his body.I know that the other party has misunderstood.In fact, these bloodstains were all left by him when he killed the monsters in the Black Demon Ridge.Because there is no place to take a bath, he can only do this first.

"Yes, I met many robbers as soon as I got here, and they robbed me of my belongings." Zhang Tianhao was so blessed that he said that he was pitiful.

Hearing what Zhang Tianhao said, Hai Lan also believed it, with pity in her eyes.Because Zhang Tianhao did not bring anything with him, it was impossible for a person to go out without any packages.The most obvious thing is that Zhang Tianhao has a lot of blood on his body.Obviously after a brutal fight.

"Then follow us!" Hai Lan looked at Zhang Tianhao and said softly.

"Miss Hailan, aren't you worried about his origin? What if he plots something wrong?" Uncle Kuer gave Zhang Tianhao a wary look.

Hailan heard the words, but shook her head and insisted: "I believe in my own judgment. Moreover, he is alone, no matter what, it is impossible to make big waves."

Perhaps Hai Lan's words made sense.Besides, Zhang Tianhao was alone.There are hundreds of mercenaries.Naturally, he would not be afraid of Zhang Tianhao alone.Moreover, after using the breath-holding formula, Zhang Tianhao's superficial cultivation level is only the martial artist Jiuchongtian.

"Little brother, are you going to the Heavenly Wind Kingdom when you come to Black Demon Ridge?" Hailan Meimou stared at Zhang Tianhao and asked curiously.

Zhang Tianhao nodded, pretending to be helpless and said: "Yes, because I wanted to take a shortcut, I took the Black Demon Ridge. I didn't expect to be unlucky. I ran into a group of robbers and robbed me of everything."

"Well, we also need to go to Kaiyang City, the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom. What about you!" Hailan asked again.

"Me too!" A gleam of joy appeared on Zhang Tianhao's face.

"Hehe, then you can come with us! It's just on the way." Hailan smiled.

Zhang Tianhao didn't expect his luck to be so good. This business group happened to be going to the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom.This will save him a lot of trouble.Because the Zhang family is also in the Tianfeng Kingdom.It's not that Zhang Tianhao is afraid of danger, after all, he is a road idiot.

"Miss Hailan."

Kur wanted to persuade again.But Hai Lan waved her hand and said, "That's it."

Kur was helpless, after all, Hailan was the employer.Certain wishes of the employer.The mercenary group still needs respect.

Ku Er stared fiercely at Zhang Tianhao's face, but Zhang Tianhao was very calm.This made Nakur feel that there was something wrong with Zhang Tianhao.After all, the coercion he exudes as a martial artist of the fourth level of martial arts is definitely not something that a martial artist who is less than the martial artist can resist.But Zhang Tianhao seemed to be fine.How could this not reassure Kool.But since Hailan has already made a decision, Kuer can't object now.I can only remind myself to be careful with this person.

Zhang Tianhao was still very grateful to Hailan who invited him to pass by.In the carriage, after chatting with Hailan, Zhang Tianhao knew that Hailan belonged to Tonghua Commercial Bank.From the Principality of Tiemeng in the sixteen countries of Xijiang.As for the so-called Tonghua Commercial Bank, Zhang Tianhao had never heard of it.Should be a small chamber of commerce.Hailan inquired about Zhang Tianhao's background intentionally or unintentionally, and Zhang Tianhao knew that Hailan was also probing directly.Yes, answer carefully.He just told Hailan that he came directly from a small nameless family.This time it came out as an experience.

And Zhang Tianhao also has a certain understanding of the mercenary group hired by Hailan outside. He knows that this mercenary group is a D-level mercenary group, called Tianwei mercenary group.

Don't look, the D-rank mercenary group seems to be very weak.But you must know that there is still a big gap between a rated mercenary group and an unrated mercenary group. D-level mercenary regiments require advanced mercenary regiments to apply.Before the high-level mercenary regiment, there are elementary and intermediate levels, which need to be gradually accumulated and upgraded through tasks.Therefore, the D-level mercenary regiment is already a large mercenary regiment that many mercenary regiments look up to.

After Hailan inquired for a while, but found no news from Zhang Tianhao, she stopped talking.Just cross your legs and close your eyes to adjust your breath.

Gradually, the business group entered the second half of the Black Devil Ridge.This is where bandits and robbers frequently haunt.Even large mercenaries must be careful when entering here.After all, some bandits and robbers don't play their cards according to common sense.

Along the way, the business group encountered some small thieves.But in the face of the power of the bandits of the merchant group, those bandits and bandits can't make any big waves.

It's just that Uncle Ku'er's dissatisfaction with Zhang Tianhao is getting stronger and stronger.Because Zhang Tianhao stayed in the carriage when these bandits appeared, and did not make a move, all of them were mercenaries

"It's half a day's journey ahead and we'll be out of the Black Demon Ridge, everyone hurry up," Kuer said.

The business group knew that it was not suitable to stay overnight in Heimoling.The business group was preparing to leave the Black Demon Ridge before dark.Moreover, there are continuous mountain ranges on both sides of the Black Demon Ridge, and only a passable canyon in the middle.Camping in this place is very dangerous.Experienced business groups would not do such stupid things.

But things sometimes backfire.

Zhang Tianhao, who was sitting on the carriage with his eyes closed and adjusting his breath, seemed to sense some dangerous aura and opened his eyes.

"Everyone stop!" Uncle Kuer looked serious.

Hailan knew something was wrong, and quickly asked, "Uncle Kuer, what happened?"

"Miss Hailan, something is wrong ahead." Kuer frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Hai Lan asked quickly.

"It's too quiet. Under normal circumstances, even if it's quiet here, it's impossible to be like this. It's too abnormal. There should be someone ambushing in front!" Kuer is worthy of being the head of the mercenary group nearby, and he immediately noticed the situation. .

"Then what should we do?" Hai Lan's expression changed.

"Let's see the situation first." Kur said solemnly.

At this moment, the sound of howling monsters suddenly came from all around.

"Damn it, why are there so many monsters. Are we out of the monster zone?"

The mercenaries of the Tianwei Mercenary Group were all shocked at the monsters approaching all around them, their faces pale.There were at least a thousand of these magical beasts, and they were dense and continuous, bringing heavy pressure to the mercenaries of the Tianwei Mercenary Group.

(End of this chapter)

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