The strongest fury system

Chapter 8 The Scary Snow Wolf King

Chapter 8 The Scary Snow Wolf King

Jin Bao, the son of the fifth elder of the Zhang family.They grew up together and are also the most trustworthy brothers.

"Jin Bao, I'm going away for at most three months. But I'm worried about my sister and mother, I hope you can take care of them for me." Zhang Tianhao looked at Jin Bao and said solemnly.

"Boss, don't worry, as long as I, Jin Bao, will not let anyone hurt them." Jin Bao's face was firm.

"Then I'm relieved." Zhang Tianhao smiled with satisfaction.

This time, Zhang Tianhao's goal was to go to the Black Smoke Mountain, a hundred miles away, where there were countless monsters for him to upgrade.

two months later
In the Smoky Mountains twenty miles away from Ninghai City
"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Snow Wolf, experience value is 50 and true energy value is 20"


"Pfft!" Zhang Tianhao cut a snow wolf in half with a sharp knife.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing the leader of the snow wolf with an experience value of 80 and infuriating energy of 100"

"Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a wolf skin!"

After two months of killing spree

Zhang Tianhao's level soared
Now it is the seventh heaven of warriors.The improvement of his cultivation has significantly improved his attack power and defense.

Zhang Tianhao clicked on the property panel

Player: Zhang Tianhao
Level: Level 7 (Seventh Heaven of Warriors)

True Qi: 1000
Martial Arts: Arhat Boxing (Small Success)
Ability: Stepless Rage
Charisma: 1
Luck Point: 1
Attack: 7 (+1))
Defense 7
Agile 7
It's just that Zhang Tianhao is still very dissatisfied.It wasn't slow to upgrade at the beginning, but in the later stage, the experience of these second-level monsters made it difficult for him to upgrade.But it is not without gains, at least his Arhat Fist has achieved a small success, and the critical strike rate has increased to %2.Don't underestimate the [-]% increase in critical strike rate. Sometimes the increase in critical strike rate is the key to victory. After all, in many cases, doubling the attack will catch the enemy by surprise.

There are tens of thousands of monsters in the Smoky Mountains.During this period of time, Zhang Tianhao only wandered around the periphery, not daring to go deep.

During this period, most of Zhang Tianhao's kills were Tier [-] monsters.Thousands of snow wolves died in his hands.He was about to become the Snow Wolf Terminator.However, the experience of the second-level monsters has been greatly reduced now, which is not enough for Zhang Tianhao to upgrade quickly. It should be known that with the improvement of his cultivation base, the experience value of killing monsters lower than his level will be lower and lower.

"One month later will be the day of the clan competition. I must upgrade to the ninth level of warriors as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will definitely not be Zhang Zhentian's opponent." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Zhang Zhentian awakened the blood of Rising Sun and Tianyang, which was unprecedentedly powerful.No matter how confident Zhang Tianhao was, he did not dare to be careless.Now the opponent is very likely to break through as a martial artist. If he did not reach the ninth level of martial artist during the clan competition, he would not have many chances to defeat Zhang Zhentian.

Zhang Tianhao made up his mind and prepared to go deep into the Black Smoke Mountain to kill higher-level monsters.Before Zhang Tianhao went deep, he felt a warning sign in his heart.


A snow-white wolf stood a hundred meters away, staring at Zhang Tianhao with ferocious and vicious eyes, as if it was about to pounce on him at any time and devour him.

"Snow wolf?"

Zhang Tianhao's heart shook slightly, and he looked at the snow wolf warily.This snow wolf is bigger than ordinary snow wolves, so it should be the snow wolf king.And it's still the third-rank Snow Wolf King.

Zhang Tianhao's expression became serious.Tier [-] Warcraft is already very strong, let alone the king of Tier [-].Although they are all Tier [-] monsters, there is a huge gap in strength.A Tier [-] Warcraft King can easily kill ordinary Tier [-] Warcraft.

It seems that this snow wolf king is the leader of those snow wolves before, and it just appeared at this moment?Zhang Tianhao was a little surprised.

But Zhang Tianhao didn't know that when it killed the snow wolf group, the snow wolf king was at a critical juncture from being promoted from a second-tier monster to a third-tier monster.When it was promoted, it was ready to lead the group to open up the territory with high spirits, only to find that the group was slaughtered by Zhang Tianhao, and he became a polished commander.Naturally hated Zhang Tianhao.


Snow Wolf King rushed towards Zhang Tianhao like an arrow.As fast as lightning, even Zhang Tianhao could only vaguely see a blur of white shadows.The sharp wolf claws tore through the void and grabbed him.

Zhang Tianhao hastened to dodge.

The Snow Wolf King roared, and his sharp wolf claws enveloped Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tianhao managed to avoid Snow Wolf King's claws.The Snow Wolf King's sharp claws tore through Zhang Tianhao's clothes, making him feel chilly.

After two months of killing, Zhang Tianhao's agility has improved a lot, and the snow wolf king's claws can directly disembowel him.


Lohan Boxing

The domineering punch slammed towards the Snow Wolf King with an unstoppable momentum. The wind of the punch shook the entire void, as if to annihilate the Snow Wolf King.

Snow Wolf King did not dodge.He bumped into Zhang Tianhao head-on with his sharp claws.

"Bang!"Void vibration.

Zhang Tianhao was shocked back five steps, and there were five more footprints under his feet.And the Snow Wolf King landed on the ground, nothing happened, just looked at him with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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