The strongest fury system

Chapter 84 4 Great Geniuses

Chapter 84 The Four Great Geniuses
Zhang Zichong swayed, his body was like the shadow of an arrow, shooting towards him.In an instant, six six 36 knives were chopped out. 36 knife shadows with boundless murderous aura fell towards Zhang Tianhao's body like mercury pouring down the ground.


"Arhat Boxing!"

The Luohan fist of the perfect level blasted out.The momentum was like a broken bamboo, and the surging force tore apart the air on both sides. The 36 sword shadows were instantly annihilated.The light of the sword scattered,

Zhang Zichong felt as if his knife was chopping against an iron wall.A violent counter-shock force, knocked back.

Zhang Tianhao's fist drove straight in, and slammed on Zhang Zichong's body.It directly sent his whole body flying, blood spurting wildly.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Zhang Zichong fell to the ground, his expression extremely listless.

Zhang Tianhao walked up to Zhang Zichong, and said condescendingly, "Next time you see me, make a detour at last, otherwise, it's just not the case."

Zhang Zichong felt extremely humiliated, but he had no choice but to be inferior to others.I had no choice but to turn my face away and stop talking.

At this moment, a cold snort came.

"Boy, so you are here, saving me from looking for it."

A young man with a gloomy face came over.There was a young man in blue beside him.

Zhang Tianhao recognized that this young man was the one he planned to rob his pass before entering the blood pool.Unexpectedly, rescuers moved in at this moment.

"He's Zhang Feng. Could it be that this kid has provoked Zhang Feng again? Now it's a good show. Zhang Feng is one of the four masters of the younger generation of the Zhang family."

"That's right, it's okay for this kid to mess with Zhang Wensong and the others, but he even messed with Zhang Feng. It's like a birthday star hangs himself, and he thinks his life is too long."

The onlookers talked a lot, and some were even gloating.

Zhang Wensong and others were overjoyed when they saw that Zhang Feng seemed to have a conflict with Zhang Tianhao. They wished that Zhang Feng would teach this arrogant guy a lesson.

No one would think that Zhang Feng could not crush Zhang Tianhao.Zhang Feng is a martial artist with the cultivation base of Jiuzhongtian.The strength is not comparable to Zhang Tianhao.

"Brother, he was the one who did it to me, and he didn't take you seriously. You have to teach him a lesson, teach him a lesson." The young man looked at Zhang Tianhao coldly, with a look of complacency in his eyes.

This young man is called Zhang Zongwei, and he is Zhang Feng's younger brother.Originally, he was the younger brother of Zhang Feng, one of the four masters of the younger generation.It's easy for him to ask for a pass.It's just that he has always relied on his elder brother's face to do his best.Previously, in order to prove his strength, it was rare for him to prepare to obtain a pass without relying on his brother's strength.In the end, Zhang Tianhao, who came from the branch, was selected and prepared to rob him by his own strength.I didn't want to, but in the end I kicked it on the iron board.The pass was not obtained, and it suffered a big loss.Therefore, Zhang Zongwei couldn't bear it anymore, and found his brother to avenge himself.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the blue-clothed young man next to Zhang Zongwei, and at the first glance, he felt that this young man exuded a dangerous aura, which made him very vigilant.

"It was you who hit my brother? And you didn't take me seriously?" The young man in blue looked at Zhang Tianhao coldly.

"You are Zhang Feng?" Zhang Tianhao also stared at the young man.

"Since you know me, you should know what to do?" Zhang Feng smiled proudly.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, looked at Zhang Feng and asked, "Don't you ask me why I had a conflict with your brother?"

Zhang Feng smiled coldly and said, "No need, I only know that you hit my brother. That's enough."

As he said that, Zhang Feng looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Now I give you two choices. One, kneel down and kowtow to my brother to apologize, or two, fight with me and never die."

"Hahaha, how overbearing!"

Zhang Tianhao laughed angrily.Looking at Zhang Feng, he said, "So, then I choose to fight you. I would like to experience the demeanor of the so-called four masters of the younger generation."

Although Zhang Tianhao could see that Zhang Feng's cultivation level seemed to be higher than his own, it should be that of martial artist Jiu Chongtian.But his cultivation base has been promoted to the seventh heaven of martial arts.Although previously.Facing Zhang Song's five-man battle.But not happy.Facing the stronger Zhang Feng at this moment, he felt a little happy to see him.

"You will regret this."

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao chose to fight him, Zhang Feng immediately felt that he was being provoked.With an angry shout, he shot towards Zhang Tianhao like lightning.With a swing, layers of fist shadows covered Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Good come!"

Zhang Tianhao's blood was boiling, he did not retreat but advanced.Pounced on.Running Arhat Fist also punched the past.


The violent air wave spread out in all directions centered on the two of them.The ground under Zhang Tianhao's feet seemed to be unable to bear the strength of the two, and cracked in all directions.

The two were shaken away at the same time.

Zhang Tianhao took five steps back.Zhang Feng was shocked back three steps.On the scene, Zhang Tianhao was indeed at a disadvantage.Zhang Tianhao's blood boiled and he roared loudly.

"You also punch me!"

The Arhat Fist has reached its peak.A solid phantom of Arhat appeared behind Zhang Tianhao.Knock on the wooden fish, and there are bursts of Sanskrit sounds.

"Ten tricks for you, so what if you have a hundred tricks!"

Zhang Feng smiled disdainfully.Fist raised.This punch gathered his twelve layers of strength.The fist wind stirred, and a whirlwind blew up.

This punch triggered a crit.The double-amplified power instantly pushed Zhang Feng back seven or eight steps.But Zhang Tianhao only took three steps back.


Zhang Feng felt the blood in his body boiling.With that blow just now, Zhang Tianhao's strength suddenly doubled.He was caught off guard and suffered a big loss.

"elder brother!"

Zhang Zongwei was taken aback.It was the first time he saw his brother suffer such a big loss in front of his peers.Even the other three geniuses are at best on par with their elder brother.

At this moment, the corner on the side.Zhang Xueling, Zhang Gaoyuan, and Zhang Qixian also watched the battle closely.

"Xue Ling, what do you think is the origin of this kid? Can Zhang Feng suffer such a big loss?" Zhang Qixian looked at a beautiful and beautiful girl beside him and asked with a smile.

"This person is very strange, and I don't know his origin. However, Xue Ling knows that Zhang Feng should be angered." Zhang Xueling looked at the field thoughtfully.

Zhang Feng felt extremely angry at this moment.In front of so many young people, he suffered such a big loss, which made him lose face.

"You managed to piss me off. You are lucky to see my true strength."

Zhang Feng walked towards Zhang Tianhao step by step.Every step he takes, the chilling aura on his body will increase.

"Really? This young master is also looking forward to seeing your so-called true power." Zhang Tianhao said calmly while circulating the true energy in his body with all his strength.


Just when the two sides were on the verge of firing their swords.A streak of white light fell from the void.

"This is the second round of blood pool pass orders." Someone exclaimed.

This sudden change attracted both Zhang Tianhao and Zhang Feng's attention.The two sides have no intention of fighting again.

"Hmph, write down this account first, and settle it with you after the blood pool training is over." Zhang Feng gave Zhang Tianhao a cold look, and shot away.

(End of this chapter)

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