The strongest fury system

Chapter 86 Two Great Geniuses Team Up

Chapter 86
"So you did it?" Zhang Feng stared at Zhang Tianhao with cold eyes.

"Really? To snatch the pass, the able one wins. If I snatch it, it will be mine. What? Do you have an opinion?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhang Feng.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao no longer has any fear of the so-called four geniuses of the Zhang family.Even with all the means, it is not difficult to defeat the opponent.

"It seems that you won't cry when you see the coffin. Before the teleportation array starts, I will suppress you as soon as possible." Zhang Feng looked at Zhang Tianhao and sneered.

"Really? Do you think you can do it?" Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully.

"What if we were added?"

Two figures appeared.It was Zhang Qixian and Zhang Gaoyuan.

"It seems that this time, the three geniuses are preparing to join forces to fight against the enemy."

The children of the Zhang family nearby were very excited.This branch genius that suddenly appeared, this time, will be jointly suppressed by the genius of his own clan.The geniuses who appeared in the original branch defeated the geniuses of their own clan one after another.This is very uncomfortable for the children of the family. When, in their eyes, the geniuses of the branches of the indigenous family can be crushed on them.

Therefore, the descendants of the Zhang family all hope that someone can suppress Zhang Tianhao and teach him a good lesson, letting him know that the descendants of the clan are inviolable.

Only one other genius, Zhang Xueling, the only female genius of the younger generation of the four clans, did not make a move.Even making any excuses can't change this fact.

"Are you going to bully the few with the more?" Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly.

Even so, Zhang Tianhao was also slightly wary.All three of them are martial masters with the cultivation base of Jiuchongtian, which is enough to put a little pressure on him.Of course, it's just a little bit.

"Hmph, you just need to hand over the token." Zhang Qixian said lightly.

"Hahaha, maybe you think you've got me. But I'll let you know what despair is. Come on, let me teach you the methods of your Zhang family." Zhang Tianhao exuded a powerful aura.At the same time, the blood boils.

"Then you will definitely regret it until you tremble."

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao is still alive at this moment.Zhang Feng sneered.

The three of them shot at the same time, with powerful attacks, they hit Zhang Tianhao from all directions.

Void, trembling energy.Flying sand and walking stones.The hurricane that rolled up made the young people watching couldn't help but retreat hundreds of meters before they got out of the attack range.

"Yan Ying floats!"

"Arhat Boxing!"

Zhang Tianhao used the two martial arts to the limit.The sky is dim and the earth is dark, and the sky and the earth are pale.


Zhang Tianhao knocked back Zhang Qixian's attack with one punch.A critical strike was triggered, instantly wounding him.Zhang Qixian was caught off guard by the strange power increase.

Senior Zhang Qi retreated more than a dozen steps, the blood in his body was shaking.He said with a sudden change of expression: "This person is weird, everyone, don't keep your hands."

The three roared and all used their martial arts.

"Vajra Shock Demon Fist!"

"Big Wave Palm!"

"Three Claws of Sirius!"

Three attacks, with the potential to destroy Zhang Tianhao, covered Zhang Tianhao from three directions.The tearing power seemed to completely smash the person in front of him.

Zhang Tianhao also felt the pressure.The cultivation base of these three people surpassed him.In terms of combat power, the combination of the three of them, coupled with martial arts, is absolutely terrifying.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao no longer held back.

"Unleash the Unlimited Frenzy!"

The Huajing-level Arhat Fist has been used to its limit.

The Arhat Fist, which had been increased four times, blasted out facing the three of them.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Zhang Qixian, Zhang Feng, and Zhang Gaoyuan suddenly felt an extremely domineering force rushing towards them.With a muffled grunt, he flew back upside down.

"Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!"

All three were injured.

"You guys take my palm too!"

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"

The surrounding temperature instantly dropped by tens of degrees.

The three palms containing terrifying power were slapped towards the three of them.

Paiyunzhang consumes zhenqi extremely, Zhang Tianhao never uses it lightly.But at this moment, in order to teach them an unforgettable lesson, Zhang Tianhao no longer held back.

It seems to feel the fear of this palm.

Zhang Qixian, Zhang Feng, and Zhang Gaoyuan used all their strength to resist.


The three of them felt a bone-chilling force crashing into their bodies.Freeze their meridians.He quickly circulated his true energy, trying to expel these cold currents.

But how could Zhang Haotian give them this chance.Like a flash of lightning, he bullied himself towards the three of them.Three punches came down violently.Hit the three of them.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The three punches exploded on the three of them.Knock the three of them out.Sticking to the ground, it slid over twenty meters.Deep skid marks were left on the ground.

The scene was suddenly dead silent, and no one seemed to have thought that the number one genius of the dignified Zhang family was so defeated.And there was no luck in losing.

Among the four geniuses, Zhang Xueling, the only girl who didn't make a move, was also dumbfounded, her beautiful eyes filled with disbelief.These three are all masters of the younger generation.At this moment, he was defeated like this.Or teamed up and defeated.What is even more unimaginable is that the one who defeated them was not a genius from their own clan, but a genius from a branch of the Zhang family.The resources that have been cultivated since childhood cannot be compared with the geniuses of their own race.That's it, the genius of the clan was still defeated.

Zhang Xueling took a deep breath.She asked herself, if she had joined the war, would the ending have changed.But she already had an answer in her heart.The ending doesn't change at all.Perhaps it will only delay a little time for failure.

Zhang Zongwei also couldn't believe that his elder brother joined forces with the other two geniuses of the family, but he was still defeated.The elder brother who had always been invincible in his heart was actually defeated by a branch genius.He was a little lost, and his expression was even extremely terrified.

"What kind of geniuses, just three idiots, dare to call themselves geniuses, so the pig can also be called a genius?" Zhang Tianhao said disdainfully after clasping his hands.

"Puff puff!"

Facing such taunts from Zhang Tianhao, the three geniuses couldn't bear it any longer, and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.The three geniuses were extremely humiliated. They were so humiliated by Zhang Tianhao in front of so many children of the family. This was something they had never experienced in their entire lives.But they were speechless, and the three teamed up and were defeated.Any verbal response is useless.


The ground trembled for a while, and the teleportation array began to operate.

Those who have tokens are very excited at the moment.Because the effect of refining the intermediate blood pool is ten times higher than that of the primary blood pool.It is very possible for them to awaken their blood and step into the ranks of geniuses.

Zhang Tianhao was the first to walk towards the teleportation array.No one around dared to fight with him.Single-handedly defeating the three great geniuses of his clan, this sturdy fighting power won him awe.

Zhang Tianhao stepped into the teleportation formation, and gave the three Tianjiao a cold look.A white light flashed on his body and disappeared above the teleportation array.

Zhang Qixian, Zhang Gaoyuan, and Zhang Feng followed closely behind.Still no one dares to fight.Although the three geniuses were defeated by Zhang Tianhao alone, they are still the three geniuses, and their essence has not changed.


The three geniuses put all their strength into their hearts, preparing to train and awaken their blood in the blood pool, and when the time comes, they will completely crush and humiliate Zhang Tianhao in order to avenge their humiliation.

(End of this chapter)

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