Chapter 88
Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised. This time, the access token seemed to contain extremely powerful power compared to the previous access tokens.It is more difficult to obtain.Even so, Zhang Tianhao didn't care.Now, he is already a martial artist with the cultivation base of Nine Heavens.Obtaining a pass token is naturally a no-brainer.

After the previous young man made a move, there were more than a dozen waves of young people who made a move.However, it is much more difficult to obtain the access tokens of these advanced blood pools than before.

Yes, though many try.But there are almost no people who actually get blood pool tokens.

Finally, those young warriors knew that it was impossible for one person alone to seize the token, so several people got together and joined hands to snatch the token.Of course, how to distribute the tokens in the capture is a later matter.

These methods are indeed good.With several people working together, someone finally took the token.There is also a token, unexpectedly, dodged the siege of several people, and flew towards Zhang Tianhao's place.

"That's interesting. The token flew towards me automatically before I made a move." Zhang Tianhao smiled faintly.

As soon as the token flew in front of Zhang Tianhao, Zhang Tianhao made a lightning strike.

"Hey, caught empty?"

Zhang Tianhao was slightly taken aback.Watch that token fly away.He froze for a moment, turned his palm over, and waved out layers of palm shadows.Grab that token.

Token evaded the first few grabs though.But under the shadow of Zhang Tianhao's layer upon layer of claws, he was still caught.The token was held tightly in Zhang Tianhao's hand.

It's just that the token contains a lot of power.Although tightly held by Zhang Tianhao, he still wants to break free at any time.

"Stop it!"

Zhang Tianhao erupted with a powerful force, erasing the energy on the token, and the token stopped struggling immediately.It was put away by him.

"Boy, we discovered that token first, hand it over quickly." The young men looked at Zhang Tianhao provocatively.

Zhang Tianhao smiled lightly and said, "If I say no, what will happen to you?"

When the leading young man saw Zhang Tianhao clearly, his eyes were fixed.He recognized Zhang Tianhao as the one who defeated the three geniuses.His expression was slightly frightened.But thinking about it, there are dozens of people on my side.He might not necessarily be afraid of Zhang Tianhao, and suddenly he regained his confidence.He smiled coldly and said, "I advise you to hand over the pass order, otherwise everyone will lose face."

"Face is given by people, but unfortunately, I don't know you well." Zhang Tianhao smiled half-smile.

"You... Damn..."

Seeing that Zhang Tianhao was so rude, the leading young man was also angry.Shouted to the companions behind him: "Everyone, don't be afraid of him, there are so many of us, enough to crush him."

More than [-] family youths roared and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao frantically.Each perform their strongest attack.For a time, there were waves of turmoil.The energy of the void surged.

Zhang Qixian, Zhang Feng, Zhang Gaoyuan and the others beside him felt a little gloated when they saw Zhang Tianhao clashing with these people.Even if they were surrounded by so many people, they would feel a little panicked.Now they also wanted to see how Zhang Tianhao would deal with it.


After punching a young man flying, Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly and advanced instead of retreating.


Zhang Tianhao scattered a young man's attack with a punch, and his fist drove straight in, hitting the young man's chest.Knocked him out fiercely.He vomited blood.

"Arhat Boxing!"

Dacheng-level Arhat Fist was unleashed, and more than a dozen punches were thrown out in an instant.At this moment, Zhang Tianhao is already a martial artist of the ninth level, and his cultivation base is more than ten times stronger than now.The Arhat Fist of the Dacheng level is even stronger than the Arhat Fist of the Transformation Realm when the martial artist was in the seventh heaven.

In an instant, more than a dozen youths were sent flying by Zhang Tianhao, vomiting blood.

Without stopping for a moment, Zhang Tianhao rushed to the other side again.A powerful iron fist swept out.Another large group of youths were swept out.

After a few breaths, the people on the ground lay down on the ground.

Zhang Tianhao walked up to the leading young man, and asked with a teasing smile, "Do you still want me to hand over the token now?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

The young man's face was ashen, he never thought that Zhang Tianhao was so powerful.

"Hmph! Get out!"

Zhang Tianhao kicked the young man away and vomited blood again.

Zhang Qixian, Zhang Gaoyuan, and Zhang Feng were also a little surprised.

"This guy's strength is stronger than before. I didn't even see his cultivation level. He obviously practiced a technique to hide his cultivation level." Zhang Qixian said.

Zhang Feng nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as we awaken a stronger bloodline, defeating him is no problem."

Shocked by Zhang Tianhao's thunderous tactics, all the young people of the same clan looked at him in fear.

Zhang Qixian, Zhang Feng, and Zhang Gaoyuan also began to fight for the last pass token.The three of them were not weak, and they quickly got three tokens.Obtained the opportunity to refine the advanced blood pool.

Zhang Xueling was not weak either, and easily got the last token.

"Bastard, this time the blood pool is washed out, and it will be your death."

The three of Zhang Qixian looked at Zhang Tianhao without hiding the murderous intent in their eyes.

Zhang Tianhao sneered, and thought to himself: Looking at me so arrogantly, it seems that if you don't show me how powerful you are, you won't know how many eyes Prince Ma has.

Zhang Tianhao walked towards the three of them step by step.

"What does this guy mean, is he trying to provoke a conflict again?" A young man asked in surprise.

"This is a good show, and neither side is easy to mess with." A young man with mischievous eyebrows said excitedly.

"What do you want?"

Zhang Qixian watched Zhang Tianhao approaching, his heart tightened, but he asked calmly on his face.

"Hand over the access token, or I will destroy you." Zhang Tianhao said coldly.

"you dare!"

Zhang Qixian, Zhang Feng, and Zhang Gaoyuan were extremely angry.As the three major geniuses of the Zhang family's younger generation, when were they threatened so much?

Zhang Tianhao said with a cold smile: "I'll count to three, if you don't hand it over, I'll do it myself."




"It seems that you will not shed tears when you see the coffin. I will do it myself." Zhang Tianhao sneered.

"We won't hand it over, if you have the ability, you can get it yourself!"

The three of Zhang Qixian have been trained in the intermediate blood pool, and their cultivation base has been strengthened a lot.Naturally dare to challenge him.

"Then lie down for me!"

Zhang Tianhao threw three punches in an instant.Kuangba's fist enveloped the three of them in front of them.

Feel the terrifying power of Zhang Tianhao's punch.The three of them will unleash their strongest martial arts.

"Three Claws of Sirius!"

"Big Wave Palm!"

"Vajra Shock Demon Fist!"

"Boom!" "Boom~" "Boom!"

The four forces collided instantly.Zhang Tianhao remained motionless, but the three of Zhang Qixian were directly shocked back seven or eight steps.

Yan Ying floats!
Zhang Tianhao transformed into three figures and rushed towards them.

"Arhat Boxing!"

The powerful punch instantly tore apart the defenses of the three of them and hit them.

"Wow wow wow!"

The three of them screamed and flew upside down, vomiting blood.

(End of this chapter)

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