Chapter 911

"Mengjie, have you passed?"

Zhang Tianhao and others walked over.

Chen Xiaolu also looked at Wu Mengjie expectantly.

Wu Mengjie nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "I passed by luck."

"No. 290, Wu Mengjie passed the Wooden Man Lane assessment."

At this time, the elders beside him also spoke out.

A happy smile appeared on Wu Mengjie's face at the moment.Being able to pass through Wooden Man Alley is also a great affirmation of her strength.

The warriors around looked at Wu Mengjie with a trace of envy on their faces.After all, there are very few warriors who can pass.

"Next, No. 290 Li Jian." The elder shouted.

Li Jian looked solemn.Walk towards the wooden man alley.

"Haotian, do you think Li Jian can pass the test?" Wu Mengjie looked at Zhang Haotian and asked solemnly.

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, sighed and said: "Li Jian is still a little sure. Although Li Jian's body skills are not as good as Meng Jie's, his attack power is not weak, and his reaction is very sensitive. It's just that his cultivation level is lower. There is only half a step of Wu Zong, so it depends on luck, in my opinion, the probability of Li Jian passing is five or five."

Wu Mengjie nodded slightly, Zhang Tianhao's analysis was logical, and it was similar to her thoughts.

Li Jian has entered about forty breaths.It's just not out yet.This time has surpassed the time Wu Mengjie entered.

Chen Xiaolu and the others were a little worried at the moment.I don't know what happened to Li Jian.

Suddenly, at the other end of the wooden alley.A young man fell out.It was Li Jian.

"Li Jian!"

Chen Xiaolu and others rushed over immediately and looked at Li Jian.

Li Jian couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, forced a smile to Zhang Tianhao and the others, and said, "I finally passed."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly. Although passing the Wooden Man Lane does not mean that he can enter the inner door, it is still a hope.

Soon, it was Zhang Tianhao's turn.

For Zhang Tianhao, this Wooden Man Alley naturally wouldn't pose much of a challenge.He strolled into the wooden man alley.

"You said, can Haotian pass through the wooden puppet alley?" Chen Xiaolu asked curiously.

"Silly girl, what you should ask is how long it will take for Haotian to pass through the wooden puppet lane." Wu Mengjie shook her head.

Only then did Chen Xiaolu remember, Zhang Haotian's terrifying strength.Passing the Wooden Man Alley is naturally not too difficult.

Of course, this is just the thinking of Chen Xiaolu, Wu Mengjie and other insiders.Others naturally don't think so.

"This kid seems to be at the Seventh Heavenly Level of the Martial King. He probably got kicked out by the wooden man inside as soon as he entered?" A warrior said disdainfully.

"Yeah, after all, this kid only has the cultivation base of King Wu's Seventh Heavenly Layer, and any of those wooden men are at the peak of King Wu's cultivation. This kid, with such a weak strength, dares to take part in the assessment. It's just asking for trouble. .”

Zhang Tianhao naturally ignored other people's thoughts, and walked into the wooden puppet alley, his clothes shaking, his hands behind his back, as if strolling in a garden.One by one wooden figures came to kill him.

Although these are wooden figures, they are all refined in the appearance of humans.It looks like a human being.It's just that the expression looks very rigid.

Feel the strong attack.Zhang Tianhao said with great interest: "Sure enough, they are all at the peak strength of King Wu."

It's just that although those wooden men had very strong attack power, Zhang Tianhao just stepped on Lingbo.Body like a phantom, no matter how sharp and dense the attacks of those wooden figures were, they still couldn't touch Zhang Tianhao's clothes.

In fact, Zhang Tianhao was sure to rush out of Wooden Puppet Lane in one breath.But he knew that this would be too shocking.It didn't match his cultivation, so he finally decided to procrastinate.Among his deputy positions, there is also the profession of organist.So taking advantage of this time to study the organ people can also pass the time.

"Haotian took [-] breaths to go in, right? Why didn't he come out?" Chen Xiaolu said worriedly.

Li Jian said with a determined look on his face, "Don't worry, Haotian can definitely pass."

Wu Mengjie also nodded and said: "Haotian likes to keep a low profile, maybe he just doesn't want to attract too much attention."

"It's strange how this person has been in for so long, and he has neither passed nor been beaten out. It's so strange."

"Yeah, the longer you stay in it, the more difficult it is. It's just why he doesn't come out! But there is a time limit for breaking through the wooden puppet alley. If you don't come out after more than a hundred breaths, then even if you haven't been killed by the wooden puppet If the wooden figures in the alley are cleared out, it will also be regarded as a failure to break through the barrier."

Just when Zhang Tianhao entered Wooden Man Alley, he reached 99 breaths.Even Wu Mengjie and the others started to get anxious.

Only then did Zhang Tianhao come out of the Wooden Man Alley Shi Shiran.

Zhang Tianhao didn't come out until the elders presiding over the assessment were almost ready to cross out Zhang Tianhao's name, which made the elders presiding over the assessment extremely speechless.

"No. [-], Zhang Haotian, pass the customs!" The elder who presided over the assessment announced with a deep look at Zhang Tianhao.

"Damn it, is this the Seventh Heaven of the King of Martial Arts? It's a miracle that the Seventh Heaven of the Martial King can pass through the wooden puppet alley!"

"Yeah, I guess there is something wrong with the organ people inside. Otherwise, why can't even the warriors at the peak of Wuwang pass the level, and he can pass the level with a mere Wuwang Qichongtian."

Many warriors remain skeptical.

Just when the presiding elder was about to announce the end of this primary election.

"Elder, I'm not convinced." A young man with a horse face stood up.

"What do you mean?" The elder frowned.

"Elder, I don't believe that a martial artist from the Seventh Heaven of the Martial King can pass the examination, but I am a martial artist from the half-step Martial Sect. But I can't pass." The warrior said.

"Then what then?" the elder asked lightly.

"I wonder if there is something wrong with the mechanism in Wooden Man Lane." The warrior said.

"Your doubts are unnecessary. There is no problem with the organs in Wooden Man Lane."

After finishing speaking, the elder shouted: "Next!"

The next martial artist originally thought that there was a problem with the mechanism of the wooden puppet alley, which made the wooden puppet alley easier.Full of joy, he rushed into the wooden man alley.

It's just a pity that the warrior in the wooden man's alley was beaten out by the organ man in the wooden man's alley within five breaths.This time, no one dared to doubt Wooden Man Alley anymore.Even the horse-faced young man from before returned bitterly.I dare not have any other opinions.

This time, only 110 people finally passed the Wooden Man Alley. According to the assessment rules, the remaining 110 people were divided into eleven areas for assessment.

Each region competes for a place to enter the inner gate.Of course, there will be eleven people selected, but this time there are only ten places to enter the inner sect.This needs to be ranked according to the performance during the assessment.At that time, the quota for entering the inner gate will be decided again.

The second round of screening began the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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