The strongest fury system

Chapter 922 Improved Defense Formation

Chapter 922 Improved Defense Formation

"You can come in now."

Zhang Tianhao shouted to Chen Xiaolu and Wu Mengjie outside the door.


Both Wu Mengjie and Chen Xiaolu walked in from the outside.

"What's the matter, Haotian?"

Both Wu Mengjie and Chen Xiaolu asked with hope.

"Just ask Li Jian and you'll know." Zhang Tianhao glanced at Li Jian beside him.

Li Jian immediately said excitedly to Wu Mengjie and Chen Xiaolu: "My dantian has finally been restored, and it is better than before."

"This one……"

Both Wu Mengjie and Chen Xiaolu were astonished, looking at Zhang Tianhao as if seeing an alien.

"Okay, don't be so strange, it's just that I have a special method, and it's not too strange." Zhang Tian looked at the surprised eyes of the two women and smiled slightly.

Wu Mengjie sighed deeply, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Haotian, sometimes I really feel that you and I are not from the same world."

"Hehe, then you can just treat me as an alien." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly.

Wu Mengjie and Chen Xiaolu.

"Okay, Li Jian has not fully recovered from his injuries, so let's not disturb his rest."

Zhang Tianhao glanced at Li Jian lying on the bed.

Although Li Jian took the healing elixir given by Zhang Tianhao back then, his dantian was abolished.Let his cultivation base be lost, and the whole person is in a state of despair.As a result, Zhang Tianhao's elixir did not exert [-]% of its efficacy.Now Zhang Tianhao has helped him recover his dantian, and it should recover within a few days.At that time, Zhang Tianhao will give him another big chance.Compared to Li Tie, Shi Lei, Nian Dashan and others.Li Jian's qualifications are stronger, and he should get a better inheritance.

Zhang Tianhao also went to the General Affairs Office of Yunyue Sect's Inner Sect to get the residence number plate.

"You are a newly promoted inner disciple. There are two other courtyards. One is on the west side, which is relatively remote, but it is relatively new. The other one is in a better location and is on the south side. Which one do you want?"

A brother with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked at the notebook in his hand and said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao thought for a while, and said to the senior brother, "Is there any rendering?"

"Yes!" The senior brother took the renderings.Tell Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao took a look at the renderings of the comparison of the two courtyards, and decisively took the one on the west.

"Brother, are you sure you want this building?" The senior brother frowned.

"Why is there a problem?" Zhang Tianhao asked.

"Well, about this building. In fact, a senior from the inner sect made a reservation before. He is going to change this courtyard, but changing the courtyard requires [-] contribution points, and he doesn't have so much for now. But it should be almost the same in these two days." The senior brother said.

"That is to say, this courtyard has no owner?"

Zhang Tianhao doesn't care who the opponent is, as long as he is unowned.

"It's Wuzhu, but junior brother, that person is one of the top [-] masters in the inner court, not easy to mess with, I advise junior brother to choose another one. This other one is in a good position." The senior brother kindly said to Zhang Tianhao reminded.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head and said, "No, this is the only one."

The senior brother had no choice but to complete the procedures for this courtyard for Zhang Tianhao.

Just after Zhang Tianhao left.A burly, fierce-looking young man walked in.He said to the senior brother who had done the formalities for Zhang Tianhao earlier: "Xie Feng, this is a card with [-] contribution points, can you change the courtyard for me?"

"Ge Zhuang, I'm sorry, the courtyard you asked for has been taken. You should change to something else." The senior brother smiled apologetically.

"What, someone claimed it, didn't you tell him my identity?" Ge Zhuang said coldly.


"Speaking of which, there are still people who dare to fight with me. It's really emboldened. I'm going to see who it is." Ge Zhuang turned around angrily and left.

Seeing Ge Zhuang leaving angrily.The senior brother also said helplessly: "Oh, senior brother reminded you, you can ask for blessings!"

The reason why Zhang Tianhao likes the courtyard in a slightly remote place is actually nothing more than a few things that he values.This place is remote, which is good for action, and what you do will not be discovered by interested people.

The second is that the houses here are relatively new, and he doesn't like living in places where other people have lived.

The third is the most important point.This place is closer to the treasure house of Yunyue Sect.

According to Zhang Tianhao's guess, the Phoenix Treasure Map should be in this treasure house.Naturally, the short distance makes it easy to step on the spot.Even if it is discovered, it is easy to get out.

Compared with the outer door, the residence of the inner door is much stronger.For example, the residence of the inner door has an independent courtyard, and ten maids are arranged to take care of food and daily life.These expenses are all calculated on Yun Yuezong's head.Of course, these are just small heads.For example, if the disciples of the outer sect get 100 yuan of mid-grade spirit stones per month, the disciples of the inner sect will get [-] yuan.These are far beyond the reach of outer disciples.No wonder so many outer sect disciples want to enter the inner sect even if they squeeze their heads.The welfare of this inner disciple brother is really great.

Of course, the benefits are far more than that, inner disciples can also participate in various secret realm experiences.None of these outer disciples have it.

There is also a formation in the courtyard of the inner gate.

It seems that there are array Taoists that are extremely scarce in the Northern Territory, but there are not none in the Eastern Territory.It's just that these formations look too childish to Zhang Tianhao.These formation restrictions, in Zhang Tianhao's view, are equivalent to those issued by a third-level formation Taoist.That power can at least withstand some great martial artist level.

Zhang Tianhao took a look, and found that the materials for arranging the array were fairly complete.without changing the original material.Zhang Tianhao started to change the pattern of the formation.

Zhang Tianhao's hand moved in the void on the pattern, and the mysterious pattern flashed on the pattern in the courtyard.It emitted a dazzling blue light.Many patterns have been rerouted.become more reasonable and coordinated.

"Okay, now this formation restriction should have the power of the sixth order!"

The sixth-level formation restriction can at least prevent warriors below the middle level of Wu Zong from entering his courtyard.Those who are above the middle level of Wu Zong need at least a lot of effort to get in.

Therefore, it is still very useful to have this array prohibition.At least Zhang Tianhao is still very satisfied.

"Well, I just opened a C-level treasure chest, let's improve my strength again."

After Zhang Tianhao released Song Sitian from the shrine and told her to tidy up the new home, he went back to his room to retreat.For the sake of safety, Zhang Tianhao naturally entered the Nine Heavens Palace.

From the treasure chest, a spirit level skill pill was opened.This skill pill is naturally used to improve the skill of alchemy.Now the skill of alchemy is more needed for Zhang Tianhao.As for the formation Taoist, I am only an eighth-level formation Taoist. Although it can be upgraded with the skill pill of the spiritual level, it is too wasteful.What's more, in terms of formation, Zhang Tianhao is not very urgent now.It is a good choice to improve the level of alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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