The strongest fury system

Chapter 928 Incarnation of a Bandit

Chapter 928 Incarnation of a Bandit
In a hidden place in the medicine garden.On a huge flower bud, a figure of a woman slowly appeared, this is an extremely coquettish cheek.Paled face.Blood red eyes with extreme greed.She murmured: "A lot of fresh flesh and blood have come! As long as you have your blood, this Flower Venerable is expected to become a Flower Demon, Jie Jie Jie..."

Zhang Tianhao flew over the medicine garden, searching for precious medicinal materials.Because he has a small map, he can quickly search for medicinal materials.Finally in the medicine garden, Zhang Tianhao found the Dilan Root again, and it was still a thousand years old, so the only thing Yanghun Pill lacked was the Tianxin Vine.But this Tianxinvine is a ninth-rank medicinal material.Zhang Tianhao can't guarantee whether there will be one here.

At this moment, the people from Baiyangmen and Tianxingmen are going crazy.The medicinal herbs planted in this medicine garden are all extremely rare medicinal herbs, and they are all old medicinal herbs.They are at least a thousand years old.If any one of them is taken out here, it will probably cause a sensation.

Several times, people from Tianxingmen and Baiyangmen were about to fight.Fortunately, both sides know that the other party is not easy to mess with, and the strength is not much different.Otherwise, they would have started fighting long ago.This is also because the elders on both sides are suppressing.

"Hey, those Yunyue Sect disciples have come in." A Baiyang Sect disciple pointed to the Yunyue Sect disciple who appeared in front of him and said in surprise.

Sure enough, under the guidance of that Baiyangmen disciple, a group of people saw Yunyuezong's disciple.


Originally, the mutual anger between Baiyangmen and Tianxingzong was vented on Yunyuezong's disciples at this moment.

"Hmph, I told you not to come, but you came in anyway, do you think our words are dumb?" A Martial Emperor disciple of Baiyangmen said angrily.

The disciples of Yunyue Sect are all a little scared at this moment, obviously they also know that their strength is indeed far behind Baiyang Sect and Tianxing Sect.At this moment, none of them dared to speak.

"Why can't we come in? We discovered this place, and we opened the barrier." Yang Yanfang argued hard.

"Hehe! You're pretty cool." The Martial Emperor of Baiyangmen looked at Yang Yanfang with lustful eyes.

After all, Yang Yanfang is one of the three beauties of the Yunyue Sect's outer sect, even if she enters the inner sect, she is an out-and-out beauty, which naturally attracted the disciples of the Baiyang Sect.

"Jie Jie Jie, little girl, as long as you are willing to be my woman, I can protect you from being bullied in this secret territory. You can take as many medicinal materials as you like here." The status of Baiyangmen is not low, it is very arrogant.

"Don't..." Yang Yanfang took a few steps back with a look of fear on her face.

"Little girl, don't go!" Seeing this, the Martial Emperor took a few steps and approached Yang Yanfang.

The disciples of Yunyue Sect were very angry when they saw their senior sister being bullied.Many of them are still admirers of Yang Yanfang, and they are even more angry now.They stood up together, looked at the Martial Emperor and said, "Don't go too far..."


The Martial Emperor slapped out several palms, knocking all the disciples of Yunyue Sect flying.Those disciples of Yunyue Sect had no power to resist at all, so they vomited blood after being hit.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao happened to come out from another tunnel, and happened to see the bullied Yang Yanfang and several Yunyuezong disciples who were blown away.

Originally, Zhang Tianhao didn't have a good impression of Yunyue Sect's disciples.Seeing that these Yunyue Sect disciples would stand up for Yang Yanfang now, the impression changed a lot.I feel that the disciples of Yunyue Sect are not all so unbearable.It was worthy of his protection, and Zhang Tianhao was upset that the Martial Emperor dared to bully Yang Yanfang.After all, Zhang Tianhao already regarded Yang Yanfang as his friend.Naturally, at this moment, he would not just sit back and watch his friends not bully him.

But even if Zhang Tianhao made a move, he couldn't go out as his true self, otherwise it would be difficult to explain when he returned to the sect.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao still used the supreme mask to cover up his appearance.

"Fuck me, is it so lively here?"

Zhang Tianhao walked out swaggeringly.

The Martial Emperor of Baiyangmen, who was about to continue to belittle Yang Yanfang, saw a young man who looked like a ruffian approaching.Frowning, he asked Zhang Tianhao, "Who are you?"

"Your uncle!" Zhang Tianhao said.

The Martial Emperor froze for a moment, but didn't react.He muttered: "You are my uncle, my uncle is not here!"

The Martial Emperor of Baiyangmen chewed Zhang Tianhao's words for a while, and immediately came to his senses.

"Bastard! You are courting death!" The Martial Emperor roared angrily, and slapped Zhang Tianhao with his palm.

It's just that before the Martial Emperor's palm hit Zhang Tianhao's body, he was slapped on the cheek by Zhang Tianhao's palm.

"Crack!" sound.

The Martial Emperor let out a scream.The whole person fell and flew out.

Seeing that their disciples were being bullied, the people of Baiyangmen rushed towards Zhang Tianhao together.

"Many people bully few people, right?" Zhang Tianhao punched out.

This punch turned into several phantoms in mid-air, and exploded in front of those disciples of Baiyangmen.Blast them out.

"Clap clap clap!"

All the people from Baiyangmen bled to death from their seven orifices.

"Ding dong!"

The system prompt sounded in Zhang Tianhao's ear.

However, the ranks of these Baiyangmen disciples were not high, so Zhang Tianhao didn't care.

"Who are you? Why do you want to fight against our Baiyangmen people?"

The elders leading the team from Baiyangmen walked towards Zhang Tianhao step by step, their beards and hair all stretched out.Extremely angry.A strong murderous intent locked Zhang Tianhao.

"Wu Zun?"

Zhang Tianhao frowned slightly, it seemed that Baiyangmen was indeed stronger than Yunyuezong.No wonder Cheng Biao swallowed his humiliation in the face of Baiyangmen's humiliation. His strength is indeed stronger.The cultivation of this Baiyangmen elder is impressively the first level of Wu Zun.

"Who am I? It's okay to tell you, my surname is Robber. Hurry up and open the storage bags on your bodies to see if there is anything I like, otherwise I will be rude." Zhang Tianhao laughed jokingly.

"Oh, it's okay to want our storage bag, just see if you have the ability."

After finishing speaking, the elder punched Zhang Tianhao.

"Stubborn and restless!"

Zhang Tianhao punched him casually.This punch directly sent the elder flying away, and he let out a shrill scream and fell to the ground.

Quiet as a chill
The disciples of Baiyangmen couldn't believe it, this seemingly ordinary young man.They could actually defeat their elders with one punch.This is the number one master of Baiyangmen entering the secret realm this time.At this moment, the number one master was actually defeated.

"Who else?"

Zhang Tianhao said domineeringly.

The disciples of Yunyue Sect were very relieved.The people from Baiyangmen were acting like a bully just now, now someone finally came out to deal with them.

"Hand over the storage bag, otherwise, die!" Zhang Tianhao walked towards the disciples of Baiyangmen.

(End of this chapter)

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