The strongest fury system

Chapter 93 2 Cards

Chapter 93 Two Cards
"Tianhao, are you serious?" Zhang Yaobang looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked seriously.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly and said: "Well, Grandpa, Tianhao is serious. Tianhao will not joke about his wealth and life."

"Okay, since Tianhao, you are serious, then grandpa will not stop you. But you have to think about it, grandpa only has you as a grandson now, and your mother only has you as a son." Zhang Yaobang looked at Zhang Tianhao solemnly. the way.

"Grandpa, don't worry, Tianhao will save it." Zhang Tianhao said seriously.

"Okay, by the way, Tianhao, have you gained anything this time?" Zhang Yaobang has been reluctant to ask about the harvest of Zhang Tianhao, the blood of the blood pool this time, because he is worried that it will put pressure on Zhang Tianhao, but at this moment, seeing that Zhang Tianhao has not Said, still can't bear it.

"Grandpa, this time I have awakened my blood." Zhang Tianhao knew that his grandfather was itchy, so he didn't say anything.

"Really?" Zhang Yaobang was overjoyed.

"Really, it's just that the bloodline has only awakened the first layer." Zhang Tianhao said honestly.

"Hahaha! Alright! Then you go!"

Zhang Yaobang was overjoyed and laughed out loud.I didn't ask too much detail, as long as the bloodline is awakened, that's enough.He had no idea what kind of heaven-defying bloodline Zhang Tianhao had awakened.

"The grandson has withdrawn."

Looking at the back of Zhang Tianhao leaving, Zhang Yaobang murmured: "Why do I always feel that I can't see through this grandson more and more."

After Zhang Tianhao returned to the room.Facing the powerful attack of the Supreme Elder who is coming soon.He has to be ready.He counted his current hole cards.

The summoning card of the Flaming Golden Warrior Lion is now considered tasteless to Zhang Tianhao.Flaming Golden Warrior Lion Dingtian is also the fighting power of the martial artist Jiuchongtian.Therefore, this is not Zhang Tianhao's trump card.

Although the Xueyinkuangdao is sharp, but he does not have the matching swordsmanship and martial skills.It is still unable to fully display the power of Xueyin Kuangdao.It can be said that now Zhang Tianhao is very eager to get a set of matching knife skills for Xueyin Kuangdao.But this kind of thing can't be rushed.

The blood of Xingtian, the ancient god of war, can definitely be said to be Zhang Tianhao's big trump card now.However, with the strength of his current physical body, he can only use the ancient Xingtian blood for 1 minute.And what's more regrettable is that although Zhang Tianhao's ancient Xingtian bloodline can superimpose with Wuji Berserk.But he knew that his body would definitely not be able to bear it.The quadruple attribute increase will definitely explode your body.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao didn't dare to take risks.

Moreover, even if the blood was activated, Zhang Tianhao also knew that it would be foolish to fight against King Wu based on this alone.Moreover, because of Zhang Tianhao's physical strength, he could only activate his blood for 1 minute.Therefore, the blood can only be used at critical moments.

The only thing that can give Zhang Tianhao the confidence to fight against King Wu is the two cards in Zhang Tianhao's hand.Looking at the two summoning cards in his hand.A gleam of hope flashed in Zhang Tianhao's eyes.

A summoning card and a possession card.Zhang Tianhao hasn't used it yet.I don't know what character will be summoned.If Tian Boguang, Lin Pingzhi and others are summoned, there is really no place to cry.But even so, Zhang Tianhao can only fight for his character.

After leaving the room, Zhang Tianhao thought of his younger sister Qin Zinan, who he hadn't seen for many days.He also misses it a little.Then came to my sister's room.

"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Tianhao knocked on the door.

Qin Zinan opened the room, saw that it was Zhang Tianhao, and rushed forward happily.The whole person is like a wombat, hanging around Zhang Tianhao's neck.

"Brother, you miss me!" Qin Zinan said softly.

"Hehe, it's so big and so naughty!"

Zhang Tianhao pinched Qin Zinan's nose fondly.

"No matter how old you are, you're still my brother!" Qin Zinan snorted.

Zhang Tianhao saw Qin Zinan hugging his neck, his tender body clinging to him.It made him feel a little embarrassed.

after all.Qin Zinan is also 14 years old.Everything that should develop in the delicate body has developed.She touched some places that shouldn't be touched.It made Zhang Tianhao feel a little embarrassed.However, it is not easy to remind clearly.

"Where is Jianfeng? Do you know?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Qin Zinan and asked.

Qin Zinan smiled and said, "You mean brother Jianfeng? When I saw him just now, it seemed that Xiao Min and I were going to a martial arts arena!"

"Oh, let's go and see them." Zhang Tianhao said with a smile.

When he came to the Martial Arts Field, Zhang Tianhao was going to practice Yan Yingpiao and Paiyun Zhang again.But found that Zhang Jianfeng was practicing.


Zhang Jianfeng swung his sword with three lights, splitting the wooden pile in front of him into three sections instantly.

"Papa papa!" Zhang Tianhao couldn't help applauding.

"Not bad! Jianfeng, have you recovered almost?
"Boss, are you back?" Zhang Jianfeng was also very happy to see Zhang Tianhao.

"Well! Seeing that you recovered so quickly, I am relieved." Zhang Tianhao was relieved.

"Hey, boss, it's thanks to you that I recovered so quickly." Zhang Jianfeng looked at Zhang Tianhao and smiled.

"Hehe, don't say that, this is all the result of your own hard work." Zhang Tianhao patted Zhang Jianfeng on the shoulder.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao noticed that the face of his sister beside him was a little pale.

"Zi Nan, how are you doing?"

Zhang Tianhao was a little surprised.He hurriedly supported the crumbling Qin Zinan.

"Brother, take the medicine, go back and take the medicine!" Qin Zinan reminded Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao suddenly seemed to think of something, and his expression changed.Hurriedly picked up Qin Zinan's delicate body, and hurried back to the house.I felt that my sister's body was as cold as snow, and the chill was piercing.It made him frown.I know, my sister is committing an old problem.

He took out a pill bottle beside the bed, poured out a crystal clear pill, and put it into Qin Zinan's mouth.Then he poured a glass of water for her to drink.

After swallowing this elixir, Qin Zinan's complexion improved a lot, and the biting chill on his body also subsided a lot.This relieved Zhang Tianhao a lot.

Qin Zinan had this disease since he was a child.Every outbreak is a disaster.At that time, my father and mother sought medical advice from various places, but nothing improved.At the age of eight, my sister could hardly bear it anymore.Even my father and mother were a little desperate.Fortunately, that time, I met a strange person passing by.The strange man felt the pulse of his sister.So he gave his father a bottle of pills and told him to swallow one when Qin Zinan had an attack.He also said that this elixir treats the symptoms but not the root cause.Whether she can survive depends on her future opportunities.

Originally, this pill could temporarily suppress the coldness in Qin Zinan's body.It's just that as I grow up, I have an attack once in the past two years, and then I have an attack once a year.More frequently recently.Almost once a month.The elixir given by that strange man was almost eaten.If at that time, my sister's illness broke out, without the suppression of the pill, Zhang Tianhao could hardly imagine it.

"Brother, don't worry, Zinan is fine." Qin Zinan looked at Zhang Tianhao and forced a smile.

"Zi Nan, my brother must find a way to get you an elixir to cure you." Zhang Tianhao looked at his sister's haggard face, feeling like a knife was twisting his heart.

"Brother, Zinan has the love of you and mother. Even if it is death, it is worth it." Qin Zinan forced a smile.

"You are not allowed to say this again, otherwise, brother will be angry." Zhang Tianhao said displeased.

"En!" Qin Zinan said obediently.

"Take a good rest. Brother will come to see you after your body recovers." Zhang Tianhao said to Qin Zinan.

After leaving his sister's room, Zhang Tianhao thought to himself: It doesn't matter if my sister's body can be delayed for a while, but I must find a way to control my sister's illness.

But the most important thing now is to face the attack of the Supreme Elder.Take advantage of this time to see if you can improve your cultivation again.

(End of this chapter)

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