Chapter 932

Fifth-order Promise Fury
Zhang Tianhao instantly activated the supernatural power of Wuji Berserk.

32 times the power of all attributes.It made Zhang Tianhao feel as if his whole body was full of strength.Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.He patted the woman with a palm.

"Boom!" An explosion sounded.

Even if Zhang Tianhao's strength has been increased by 32 times, it is only barely equal to the opponent's strength.After all, the other party has reached the realm of a human warrior.This strength is naturally much stronger than before.

Where the hell is this monster?
Zhang Tianhao said to the system: "System, show me the other party's attributes?"

"After checking, the attributes of the target character are listed in the system panel, and players can go to check it by themselves." The system's voice sounded.

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system panel to check the attributes of this woman.

Character: Demon Saint

Body: Tianxin Vine
Strength: It is equivalent to the first level of martial arts of human beings.

Description: It was the 3-year-old Tianxin Vine that gave birth to spiritual wisdom, which was cultivated from the original body.

It turned out to be Tianxin Vine!Zhang Tianhao couldn't help being overjoyed.It must be known that he is now refining the soul nourishing pill, but he is short of the main medicine, which is Tianxinvine.This day the heart vine is the most important among them.Tianxinvine is rare even in the entire Zhenwu Continent.Originally, Zhang Tianhao had given up after not finding the Tianxin Vine in the Medicine Garden Hall.I never thought that the body of this demon saint is Tianxin Vine.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

"God-slaying knife technique!"

The blood sword in Zhang Tianhao's hand slashed out.In particular, the Three Swords of Feng Mo has been promoted by him to the Transformation Realm at this moment, and he can fully display this power.

"Break it for me!"

Zhang Tianhao's double-knife style made Yaosheng a little tired of parrying.However, after reaching the realm of a demon saint, his strength recovered too quickly.The endless tentacles turned into giant hands and patted Zhang Tianhao's body.


In the next second, Zhang Tianhao disappeared in place, avoiding the attack of the tentacles transformed from endless roots, and appeared behind the demon saint.Killed with a knife.

"Three swords to seal the devil!"

"Hundred Swords Cut No. 80!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for using the 'Three Swords of Sealing Demons' to trigger the seal attribute." The system's notification sound suddenly sounded.

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed, he never thought that he would accidentally trigger the magic-sealing attribute when he used the three swords to seal the devil.


The demon saint was taken aback, feeling that one-third of his power was instantly sealed.

At the same time, the power of Zhang Tianhao's Hundred Swords Cut No. 80 also poured down.

This knife almost made the space stagnate.There was a violent tremor.

The demon saint also slapped Zhang Tianhao, and charged towards Zhang Tianhao.

However, the power of Hundred Swords Slash, coupled with the 32 times increase in all attributes, is not easy.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded.

In an instant, this knife annihilated the demon saint's palm.This knife directly hit the demon saint's body.


The demon saint uttered an extremely miserable scream.The body was blown out.Zhang Tianhao could see that the blood tank on the head of the demon saint was instantly emptied by two-thirds.

It can be said that this blow cost half the life of the demon saint.

Just as Zhang Tianhao was about to chase after him, the demon saint disappeared.

"Grass, you run fast. But this young master will not let you go. Just because you are the Tianxin Vine that I can't find everywhere, I must find you." Zhang Tianhao showed a stern smile on his face.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the small map provided by the system.After analyzing it, I have almost been to the Medicine Garden Hall, only there is a shadow in the innermost part.It should be that place.

Although the demon saint is strong, he also has one of the most fatal weaknesses.That is, if its body is destroyed by itself, it will be finished.

Now in the past, taking advantage of it being injured and unable to fuse with his own body, he got the Tianxin Vine.Zhang Tianhao rushed towards the innermost part of the Medicine Garden Hall.

Sure enough, there is an enchantment that is about to collapse in the innermost part, and the evil spirit is soaring here.

"Break it for me!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily, and slashed towards the enchantment with his knife.

"Boom!" sounded.

Under Zhang Tianhao's powerful bombardment, that knife directly broke the barrier.


A giant hand broke out from the barrier and grabbed Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Killing cross cut!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily, and killed him with a bang.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded.

The giant hand was shaken away by Zhang Tianhao, but the huge counter-shock force also knocked him back more than ten steps.

"Damn it, if you want to come in here, I will kill you."

The coquettish woman looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly.

"Kill me, I also want to see, how are you going to kill me?"

Zhang Tianhao knew that the demon saint was wounded by himself.But after all, it is equivalent to the strength of a human warrior.To kill her, it takes a little effort.

Just at this time.The alluring woman suddenly opened her mouth, and a bead about the size of a pigeon egg shot out of her mouth, crushing towards Zhang Tianhao.

This is?This is Neidan?
Zhang Tianhao has also heard that all demon cultivators, after reaching a certain level, will breed inner alchemy in their bodies, and the inner alchemy contains the energy of demon cultivators.Has terrifying power.When the life and death of the demon cultivator are at stake, the inner alchemy will be sacrificed, and the lethality is extremely terrifying.

"Break it for me!"

Zhang Tianhao roared angrily.He used the God-slaying knife technique.

"The ten directions are extinct!"

"Break up the world!"

Zhang Tianhao slashed twice in an instant.These extremely terrifying two knives slashed fiercely on the inner alchemy.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The inner alchemy suffocated slightly, and was shaken away by the inner alchemy, and the inner alchemy continued to bombard Zhang Tianhao.

"I wipe!"

Zhang Tianhao felt that the inner alchemy seemed to contain the power to destroy the world.Wherever it went, the space vibrated.

"Reverse the chaos!"

The third knife of the Tushen Saber Technique followed the trend.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

Zhang Tianhao slashed for the third time and struck the inner alchemy forcefully.

Neidan was shocked violently.But an extremely strong force bounced back from the inner alchemy instead, making Zhang Tianhao feel a powerful energy storm rebounded from the inner alchemy.In an instant, Zhang Tianhao was thrown out.


Zhang Tianhao was knocked flying on the wall.bounced back.Lie on the ground.

"Wow!" Zhang Tianhao's face was extremely pale, he felt a sweetness in his throat, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Ge Laozi's forehead!"

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao felt that he was about to fall apart.The inner alchemy of this demon saint is indeed terrifying.


Seeing that Zhang Tianhao was injured by her inner alchemy, the coquettish woman sneered, and with a wave of her hand, the inner alchemy turned around and blasted down towards Zhang Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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