The strongest fury system

Chapter 937 Lu Yunxuan's Past

Chapter 937 Lu Yunxuan's Past
Li Jian shook his head and said with some confusion: "I don't know yet. The information of the inheritance only tells me that Dzogchen is not the end, but just the beginning. But Li Jian believes that as long as the inheritance is completely inherited, it will open the key to the next step." .”

"Well, then you work hard." Zhang Tianhao said with a smile.

"Okay, boss, I'm leaving. In the past few days, you have integrated all the inheritance, you know?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Jiandao.

Li Jian said to Zhang Tianhao excitedly: "Boss, Li Jian already knows."

Ten days later it will be the elite selection competition of the inner sect. At that time, if he does not have too many problems, he should be able to be selected successfully, but what he is most urgent now is to find the Phoenix map.Taking advantage of this time at night, you can go to see how the defense of the treasure house is, it can be regarded as a step.

At night, Zhang Tianhao quietly took out the Supreme Mask, changed into another outfit, and then headed towards the treasure house.

From Zhang Tianhao's residence to the treasure house, although it is close, it still takes two miles.Along the way, Zhang Tianhao could discover many terrifying auras.The vast majority of these breaths are above the Martial Emperor.

Sure enough, the treasure house of Yunyue Sect was well-defended.Zhang Tianhao passed a total of 28 checkpoints.However, with his strength, he would not be discovered by these checkpoints.

In the end, Zhang Tianhao came to the last level of Yunyuezong's treasure house.This last hurdle turned out not to be a person, but a mechanism person.Four high-ranking military officials.

"Not bad. Interesting."

Although Zhang Tianhao is very confident in his own strength, he has no confidence that he can sneak into the treasure house without making a sound from these organ people.If it were four high-ranking warriors, they would still have confidence.But the other party is obviously not.

However, Zhang Tianhao was not discouraged.This time, he was here to step on the spot.It's not that I'm planning to come to fetch the Phoenix Treasure Map this time.

Even if you want to take action, you will only do it after you have obtained the disciple qualification of the elite competition.

Zhang Tianhao had just returned to the courtyard when he heard the voice of the middle-aged man coming from the courtyard next door.

"But little friend Haotian, do you want to do me a favor and come over for a few drinks?"

Zhang Tianhao was slightly taken aback, and thought to himself: This guy's ears are very sensitive!Isn't his cultivation abolished?
But it happened that there was nothing to do, so Zhang Tianhao walked over.He said with a smile: "Brother Lu has a life, so he should do everything he can!"

Once entered the courtyard.Several jugs of wine were placed on the table in front of Brother Lu.It looks very cozy.Even so, Zhang Tianhao could still see a trace of loneliness from his eyes.

Previously, Zhang Tianhao wasn't sure yet, but now he was sure that Brother Lu's cultivation should have been abolished for some reason.It's just that the reason is hard to say.

Three rounds of wine.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Brother Lu, I want to know how did you lose your cultivation?"

Brother Lu smiled wryly and said, "You saw it too?"

Zhang Tianhao said with a smile: "After staying with Brother Lu for so long, if you can't see it anymore, then you are blind."

Brother Lu nodded slightly and said, "It's a long story!"

It turns out that Brother Lu's full name is Lu Yunxuan, and he is the younger brother of the master of Yunyue Sect.He used to be the number one genius of Yunyue Sect.The second disciple of the current Supreme Elder.

Ten years ago, he had reached the realm of a half-step martial saint.

When Zhang Tianhao heard this, he glanced at Lu Yunxuan in surprise, he could reach half-step Martial Saint in his 30s, no matter where he went, he could be regarded as an absolute genius.

At that time, it was the time when the spring breeze was proud.Only ten years ago, a sudden incident completely changed everything about him.

At that time, Lu Yunxuan, who had reached the half-step Martial Saint, went out to practice.He met Yan Linxia, ​​the true love of his life. At that time, Yan Linxia and Lu Yunxuan were hunting down the local prostitute who robbed women. At first, because of a misunderstanding, Yan Linxia misunderstood that Lu Yunxuan was the big prostitute.In the end, Lu Yunxuan resolved the misunderstanding.Together with Yan Linxia, ​​they caught the real big thief.It was also because of this matter that the two fell in love and decided to make a private decision for life.

At that time, Lu Yunxuan was already an uncle in his 30s.And Yan Linxia is just an eighteen-nine-year-old girl.But this age gap is naturally not a big problem for warriors.It's just that when the two were practicing, they met another young man.

That young man's name is He Qingfeng.Gentle and elegant, he seems to be a modest son.Lu Yunxuan and Yan Linxia had a good feeling for He Qingfeng at first.After the three of them have experienced together in various countries.He Qingfeng also coveted the beautiful Yan Linxia, ​​although he knew that Yan Linxia had He Qingfeng, he sternly refused.But He Qingfeng still didn't give up.And he became murderous towards Lu Yunxuan who hindered him.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhao felt something was wrong, and asked Lu Yunxuan, "Brother Lu, didn't you notice it at that time?"

Lu Yunxuan said guiltily: "Oh, at that time I was immersed in the friendship between the three of you, and at that time I was immersed in martial arts all the time, and I didn't know that people's hearts were sinister. And He Qingfeng concealed everything very well. I didn't watch it either. Come out. And several times Yan Linxia hesitated to talk to me. There were even a few insinuations to remind me. It's just that I trusted He Qingfeng too much at the time, so I didn't care. Looking at it now, if I could have said it earlier It is found that it will not lead to the current result."

Zhang Tianhao was actually very speechless.This Lu Yunxuan was frighteningly slow.However, it was because of his single-minded cultivation that he was able to cultivate to the half-step Martial Saint realm when he was in his thirties.Although there is a big gap compared to his own cultivation speed, it must be known that Lu Yunxuan has really improved.People don't have a system.

"and after?"

Zhang Tianhao didn't interrupt Lu Yunxuan, knowing that there should be a story about how Lu Yunxuan was abolished.

"Later, that wolfish and ambitious guy showed his face. He actually wanted to kill me. His cultivation level was far inferior to mine. When he was drinking, he put medicine in my wine. And in the Killers were planted all around. However, I used my cultivation to force myself to suppress the poison that was about to explode. I broke through the encirclement. But in the end, I was pierced through my dantian by a sword. Then I was forced to jump off the cliff." Lu Yunxuan wry smile.

"Brother Lu, have you picked up any magical secrets?" Zhang Tianhao asked Lu Yunxuan curiously.

Lu Yunxuan looked at Zhang Tianhao and said strangely: "That's not true, why did you say such a thing?"

"Isn't that what is said in the novels? You can pick up magical secrets if you fall off a cliff?" Zhang Tianhao joked.

Lu Yunxuan: "..."

"Then what happened afterwards?" Zhang Tianhao asked curiously.

"Later, I found out that I was not dead, so I returned to the sect with difficulty." Lu Yunxuan smiled wryly.

After Zhang Tianhao heard what happened to Lu Yunxuan, he felt a little angry.Then He Qingfeng is too despicable and shameless.You can do this to a good brother and a good friend.

(End of this chapter)

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