Chapter 946
At this moment, under the battle stage.The flame on Hao Ze's body finally went out.Only his buttocks were pitch black.The whole lower body is exposed.There was a smell of meat all around.Several younger brothers of Hao Ze surrounded Hao Ze, looking at him and asking for his warmth.

"I...why can't I feel the bottom?" Hao Ze asked worriedly.

Hao Ze's younger brothers looked at each other in blank dismay.He thought to himself: Your bottom has been burnt like this, so it’s no wonder it’s still usable!

Even so, Hao Ze's younger brothers didn't say much.Look at his black sausage.One of the boys took out a dagger and handed it to Hao Ze.Said to him: "Brother Hao..."

Looking at the dagger in his little brother's hand.Hao Ze: "..."

"What do you mean?" Hao Ze looked at the dagger.

"Brother Hao, your root is burnt like that. It should not be usable anymore. You should cut it off." The younger brother said sadly.

"Get lost..." Hao Ze was angry.

Another younger brother said to Hao Ze: "Brother Hao, I also know that you are in pain. But we younger brothers are also doing it for your own good. If you don't cut it, how can you release the water!"

"You guys get lost too..." Hao Ze was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, wondering if these younger brothers were his own.It was too much to persuade him to be a eunuch one by one.

Yun Haiyang stood on the battle platform.He encouraged Zhang Tianhao, Li Jian, and Xu Zhan who had successfully challenged the challenge.He handed the tokens as elite disciples to the three of them.Then it drifted away.

Looking at the token in his hand, which symbolizes elite disciples, Zhang Tianhao was very excited.He murmured: "Finally I have become an elite disciple, and now I have entered the top ranks of Yunyue Sect."

The difference between elite disciples and inner disciples is huge.Not only can you enjoy more cultivation resources, but also many invisible benefits.For example, entering a higher-level secret realm.All discounts are [-]% off in the Yunyue Sect Trading Hall.

There is also the opportunity to enter the imperial domain.In the Eastern Region, the teleportation arrays that enter the Emperor's Region are all in the hands of various sects.However, it takes a lot of crystals to use a teleportation array.Even the major sects will not use it easily.

However, although elite disciples can have a chance to enter the imperial domain.But use is also conditional.For example, if an elite disciple wants to use a cross-domain teleportation array to enter the imperial domain, he needs 50000 contribution points.

When Zhang Tianhao saw this, he was speechless.Why didn't I think about it before.Originally there were 10,000+ contribution points.But at that time, I thought it was useless and squandered it.Now there are only a few thousand points left for 10,000+ contribution points.

wipe it up.But Zhang Tianhao didn't care too much.Isn't it just some contribution points?Go back and do some tasks by yourself, and it will be there soon.

"Haotian, you are elite disciples now. You have to cover Xiaolu and me from now on!" Wu Mengjie joked while looking at Zhang Tianhao and Li Jian.

"Hahaha... Mengjie, you are joking. Do you still need us to cover you? If you shout at the inner door, there are probably countless flower protectors." Zhang Tianhao smiled slightly at Wu Mengjie.

When Wu Mengjie heard the words, she immediately angrily said to Zhang Tianhao: "What do you mean by that? Are you really going to leave me alone?"

When Wu Mengjie heard this, she felt ambiguous, her face turned red, and she looked at Zhang Tianhao with a guilty conscience.But he found that Zhang Tianhao didn't seem to have heard the implication.Relieved, but a little disappointed.

"Hehe, okay, Mengjie, can't I cover you and Xiaolu?" Zhang Tianhao said helplessly.

"Hee hee, brother Haotian, you'd better just cover Meng Jie. I can protect myself." Chen Xiaolu giggled.

"Xiao Lu, what are you talking about?" Wu Mengjie gave Chen Xiaolu a pull.

At this moment, Yang Yanfang came over.He glanced at Zhang Tianhao and Wu Mengjie, then looked at Zhang Tianhao and said, "Haotian, congratulations, I knew you would definitely become an elite disciple."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Yanfang." Zhang Tianhao said.

"Okay, you just became an elite disciple and you should have more things to do, so I won't bother you, next time I have time to go to Senior Sister's to do it. Senior Sister is the host, entertaining you." Yang Yanfang smiled.

"Definitely." Zhang Tianhao said.

"Hmph, the drunkard's intention is not to drink!" Chen Xiaolu pursed her lips.

Zhang Tianhao glanced at Chen Xiaolu and said, "Xiaolu, Senior Sister Yanfang is a good person, don't be so petty."

Chen Xiaolu curled her lips and said, "I'm not a small belly, I'm just worried about someone."

After Chen Xiaolu, Wu Mengjie and Zhang Tianhao said a few words, they also left immediately.Only Zhang Tianhao and Li Jian were left.

"Boss, are we going to move to Qingyun Mountain?" Li Jian looked at Zhang Tianhao and asked with a smile.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head, and said flatly: "I am not really here to become an elite disciple."

"Boss, I know that you are going to the imperial domain. But boss, you have now obtained the authority of elite disciples. When will you leave the eastern domain?" Li Jian looked at Zhang Tianhao and said excitedly.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Li Jian and asked, "Li Jian, are you ready to leave the Eastern Region with me?"

Li Jian looked at Zhang Tianhao seriously and said, "Boss, both of Li Jian's parents died since he was a child, and a younger sister in the family also married the year before last, so the family can say that there is no concern."

Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied with Li Jian's firm determination. With Li Jian's talent, taking him to the Emperor's Domain should be of great help to him.After I have established a firm foothold in the Imperial Domain.Then bring those brothers from the Northern Territory to the Imperial Territory, and maybe they can prop up a piece of sky in the Imperial Territory.

For Zhang Tianhao, only in the Imperial Domain can one truly pursue the pinnacle of martial arts. After all, the conditions in the Imperial Domain are not comparable to other domains.

"We will not leave the imperial domain at this moment, the time is not yet ripe." Zhang Tianhao said to Li Jian seriously.

Li Jian was a little confused, not knowing what opportunity to wait for.But looking at Zhang Tianhao's silence, he didn't ask any more questions, he just knew that everything should be done by the boss.

Late that night, in a secret room of a mansion in the inner gate.

An old man opened his eyes.This old man is Huang Li.

"Hahaha, this time the old man finally succeeded in breaking through Wu Zun, hahaha..."

Just as Huang Li came out of the secret room, a middle-aged man and woman were surprised and delighted to see him come out.


Seeing Huang Li, the middle-aged couple quickly shouted.

"Well, why didn't Keming come here? He's so ignorant." Huang Li was a little unhappy.

"Father, Keming has been missing for more than a month." The woman said sadly.

"What, did you find out, where did Keming go?" Huang Li's face darkened, and the temperature around him dropped dozens of degrees in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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