Chapter 954

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly.Slapped it out with one palm.Directly fanned the two of them out.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Both Shen Ao and Huang Li vomited blood.

Zhang Tianhao chased after him like a shadow.He shouted loudly: "The flame chrysanthemum remains!"

Zhang Tianhao kicked Huang Li and Shen Ao fiercely.It made the two of them scream.Suddenly the buttocks exploded.A black flame began to burn on the two's buttocks.

"Do not……"

Shen Ao is deeply engraved with this injury!This was going to be his nightmare during this time.I never thought that it would come again this time.

Although Huang Li has never tasted the power of the flame chrysanthemum.But that day, watching Shen Ao being grilled with sausages, he actually felt a little gloating in his heart.Now that it was his turn, he felt even more creepy.

The two rolled on the ground desperately, just to try to wipe out the flame.But this group of flames was too powerful, no matter how they rolled, they couldn't be extinguished.After all, this is no ordinary flame.

Suddenly, Shen Ao felt his penis start to heat up.Immediately the hair stood on end.Knowing that it was followed by a fire.He wants to cry but has no tears.Desperately slapped that part of himself with the palm of his hand, trying to extinguish the fire in that place.But it is not available.


Soon, a smell of meat spread.

Shen Ao and Huang Li managed to extinguish the flames on their bodies.Shen Ao looked down at the little penis that had turned into black charcoal, and put his trembling hands on it.I thought to myself: Can this still work?

Huang Li also had the same idea.Huang Li also looked at his disfigured dick, filled with grief and indignation.He thought to himself: Should I cut it off?
Zhang Tianhao walked in front of the two of them, and said, "Hahaha... How about it, does it taste good?"

"Boy, I'll make you regret it. We'll see."

Huang Li and Shen Ao glanced at each other, and flew to take them away.

Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully and said, "Do you think I will let you go? You are the experience value of this master, so let me keep it!"

After the words fell, Zhang Tianhao stopped talking nonsense, and punched him with two punches.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Accompanied by two screams.Both Huang Li and Shen Ao were wiped out under Zhang Tianhao's bombardment.Turned into his experience value.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Huang Li, the experience value is 1000 million! Infuriating energy 10 million violent energy [-]"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Shen Ao, experience value is 3000 million! Infuriating energy 10 million violent energy [-]"

"Nie Zhan, you dare to kill the head of the Yunyue Sect Law Enforcement Hall, I want you to die." A vigorous voice sounded.

The visitor was naturally Zhou Tianding, the lord of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Yunyue Sect.

"Is it finally here?"

Zhang Tianhao's eyes narrowed and he sneered.He kicked hard on the ground and punched him.


A violent explosion sounded.

The invisible air wave spread out in all directions centered on the two of them.

Everything around Zhang Tianhao was reduced to ashes.Towering trees were uprooted.The ground beneath his feet cracked inch by inch.

Both Zhang Tianhao and Zhou Tianding were shocked back three steps.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhou Tianding.

Zhou Tianding's eyes were as sharp as knives, he stared at Zhang Tianhao, and asked indifferently: "Who are you, and why are you lurking in Yunyue Sect?"

Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhou Tianding with a faint smile and said: "Master Zhou doesn't like to hear these words. What is hidden, the disciple belongs to Yunyue Sect. I believe that Master Zhou should have checked the origin of the disciple. The origin of the disciple is legal and reasonable." , no problem."

Zhou Tianding was silent when he heard the words.Zhang Tianhao was right.He did investigate Zhang Tianhao's background.The strange thing is that Zhang Haotian's origin is very innocent, and he has not joined any forces before.And there is no problem with the appearance.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is as clear as water.Therefore, Zhou Tianding did not find any problems.But there is no problem, the biggest problem is itself.How can such an ordinary disciple have such a powerful cultivation base.It's unimaginable.

"Zhang Haotian, Ming people don't speak dark words. You are the biggest hidden danger of our Yunyue Sect. Based on the principle that I would rather kill the wrong than let you go, I must get rid of you." Zhou Tianding looked at Zhang Tianhao and said coldly the way.

Zhang Tianhao jokingly said with a smile: "It seems that, Master Zhou, you are very confident that you can defeat me?"

Zhou Tianding looked at Zhang Tianhao and sneered and said, "I know your strength is not weak, but this time, I have already prepared to kill you. It's not a problem."

After saying that, Zhou Tianding took out a big black sword.

This big black sword was tens of meters long and carried an aura of destruction.

"Saint artifact?"

Zhang Tianhao's expression froze slightly, with a trace of dignity.This giant sword is already able to threaten him.But leisurely, he thought of something, and a treacherous smile suddenly appeared on his face.

It should be noted that the thing he is most afraid of is the holy artifact.

"Do you think you can defeat me with this sword?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Zhou Tianding and sneered.

Zhou Tianding said lightly to Zhang Tianhao: "This is the sacred weapon given to me by the elder Taishang. There are not many warriors who have died in the hands of this Hei Ming sword. You will soon try its power for yourself." Zhou Tianding said to Zhang Tianhao. Zhang Tianhao smiled coldly.

Zhang Tianhao put his hands behind his back and said lightly: "Your Excellency's words make me more curious."

When the words fell, Zhang Tianhao took the Luobao money in his hand, ready to go.

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, go to hell!"

Zhou Tianding was obviously very confident in his Black Underworld Sword.After playing the seal formula, let the Hei Ming sword fall towards Zhang Tianhao's body.

"Drop the treasure money!"

Zhang Tianhao poured energy into the Luobao money.The two small wings on the Luobao money began to vibrate and flew up.He flew towards Hei Mingjian.

"what is this?"

Zhou Tianding was a little surprised when Zhang Tianhao threw out something the size of a copper coin.However, he did not take back the Hei Mingjian, and still drove the Hei Mingjian to kill Zhang Tianhao.


The Hei Ming Sword and Luo Bao Qian collided in the air.

At that moment, Zhou Tianding was shocked to find that his connection with Hei Mingjian had disappeared.And under the power of Luo Bao Qian, the Hei Ming Sword actually fell into Zhang Tianhao's hands.Zhang Tianhao didn't even look at the Black Underworld Sword, and casually threw it into the system space.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

The sound of gnawing came from Zhang Tianhao's ears.I'll go, he knows that Xiaolong must be nibbling on the Black Underworld Sword.Own system space and battle pet space.This guy Xiaolong will come to sweep up his spoils at any time.This black underworld sword looks pretty good.Originally, I was planning to go back and see if there was any other effect.But he didn't want to be devoured by this bastard little dragon.

"Xiaolong, damn it, can you leave me something, I don't want you to swallow it every time before it's warmed up." Zhang Tianhao said to Xiaolong with some dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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