The strongest fury system

Chapter 970 2 Cases Killed

Chapter 970

"It's ridiculous to be heretic. No matter whether it's heretic or not, as long as the strength is strong, that's the right way." Zou Tong sneered.

"Stubborn and restless." Hua Zun looked at Zou Tong.

"In any case, I must take back the position of the suzerain of Yunyue Sect." Zou Tong laughed loudly.

"You think you have this ability?" Hua Zun laughed loudly.

"Hahaha... Elder Hua, you are only the first level of Martial Saint. Elder Wrinkle has cultivated the resources of our Hua Yuanzong for so many years, and now you are now the third level of Martial Saint. Do you think you can resist? What's more, there is this Sovereign." He Qingfeng said lightly.

Hua Zun's figure froze suddenly.That's right.Zou Tong's strength alone is not something he can resist.He is only the first level of martial sage, but Zou Tong is the third level of martial sage, there is no way to make up for this gap.From a certain point of view, Wrinkled Copper is right, his cultivation aptitude is indeed not as good as his.

"Hmph, even so, our Yunyue Sect can fight you to the death. Our Yunyue Sect has thousands of disciples and hundreds of elders. If you give it a go, you won't take much advantage." Hua Zun gritted his teeth.

"Elder Hua, it's a pity that you haven't recognized the reality! Are you sure you still have the qualifications to fight with us?"

At this moment, hundreds of figures appeared.The weakest of these people are warriors in the Wu Zunjing realm.Among them are more than a dozen half-step martial saints and six martial saints.

"This is Baiyangmen and Tianxingzong?"

Hua Zun was a little surprised.

"Elder Hua, it seems that you are still very slow! I can tell you that they have already attached to our Huayuanzong, and will be our Huayuanzong's affiliated sect in the future. And you Yunyuezong has been unwilling to join for so many years. Now Our Hua Yuanzong can only use this method. If you want to blame, it's your ignorance of flattery." He Qingfeng laughed loudly.

"Who on earth let them in. Why didn't the guardian array open?" Hua Zun was furious.

In Hua Zun's view, facing so many masters in the Protectorate formation, even if it can't play a big role, it won't let people come in silently.

"It's me!" A cold voice sounded.

This person is the second elder of Yunyue Sect, Qiu Gui.

"Why, Yunyuezong treated you well, why did you betray Yunyuezong?" Hua Zun looked at Qiu Gui angrily.

Qiu Gui said coldly: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in. The Yunyue Sect treats me well, but I have made a lot of contributions to the Yunyue Sect over the years. But in the Yunyue Sect, I can count as doing it." No matter how good it is, I am only the second elder, and there is no room for improvement, but in Hua Yuanzong, I can develop better."

Hua Zun looked at Qiu Gui who spoke plausibly, and was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.He gritted his teeth at Qiu Gui: "Okay, okay, it seems that your conscience has been eaten by dogs. I'm waiting for your tragic end in the future."

"Hahaha... Supreme Elder, you'd better leave me alone, you'd better see what Yunyuezong is doing now. Qiugui advises you, you should join Huayuanzong wisely." Qiugui said proudly.

Hua Zun's original fighting spirit was all gone at this moment.If it was said that when he faced He Qingfeng and Zou Tong alone before, he still dared to think about breaking the net with each other.But now, with all the masters from Baiyangmen and Tianxingzong appearing together, Yunyuezong has no more chances.

After all, Yunyue Sect was originally the weakest among the three major sects.What's more, now that the two sects are joining forces, the Yunyue Sect will never have any chance.With the strength of Yunyue Sect, facing the combination of the three major sects, it is just an egg against a stone.

"Sect Master He, what are you waiting for? Just kill this old brat, and the Yunyue Sect will no longer have any resistance." It was Bai Qingfeng, the Sect Master of Baiyang Sect, who spoke.

"Zou Tong, I'll leave this Huazun to you, it's just a matter of ending what happened back then." He Qingfeng said to Zou Tong.

Zou Tong smashed his mouth and said: "Observe, suzerain. Hua Zun will be handed over to me. The old man went to reincarnation too early, and I can't settle the account with him. But this account, I can only calculate it with myself. Poor Hua Zun's body."

Zou Tong exuded the aura of the third heaven of martial saints.A lingering killing intent locked on Hua Zun.

Hua Zun felt terrified, he naturally knew that he would never be the opponent's opponent anyway, after all the level gap was too great.

"I'll give you a chance to surrender to Hua Yuanzong. Brother, I can let go of the past and spare your life." Zou Tong looked at Hui Zun and said lightly.

"Hahaha, this is impossible. I, Hua Zun, can only die standing up, and I will never live on my knees." Hua Zun also has his own arrogance, so naturally he would not do such a thing of surrender.

"Hehe, doesn't that disciple who has been taught endlessly have a lot of backbone?" Zou Tong smiled.

"Bastard, you are not allowed to be disrespectful to the master." Seeing that the wrinkled copper insulted the master, Hua Zun was furious.

"In that case, let me take you down and torture you to see if your bones are really as hard as you show."

Zou Tong snorted coldly, waved his hand, and patted Hua Zun.

"Black Fiend Palm!"

The black shadow of the palm blasted towards Hua Zun's body with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops.

"Who dares to harm my master."

At this moment, a domineering breath came from the void.

The man was extremely fast, he reached Zou Tong in the blink of an eye, and greeted him with a palm.


The man "Kick!" "Kick!" "Kick!" He took seven or eight steps back in a row, while Zou Tong just swayed.


When Hua Zun saw Lu Yunxuan, he was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, Brother Lu, you are finally willing to show up." Zhang Tianhao had also been waiting for Lu Yunxuan, but this guy was too smudged.

"Lu Yunxuan, you have recovered your cultivation. How is it possible?" He Qingfeng looked at Lu Yunxuan in shock.

"He Qingfeng, I've let you down. At first you abolished my dantian, but God took pity on me and finally let me recover my dantian. Shouldn't we settle this grudge?" Lu Yunxuan looked at He Qingfeng with a strong A killing intent erupted from Lu Yunxuan's body.

"If you want to take revenge on the deputy suzerain, you have to pass me first." Zou Tong grinned from the side.

As he said that, Wrinkled Copper charged towards Lu Yunxuan.

Hua Zun knew how powerful wrinkled copper was, and the cultivation base of a martial sage at the third level was not comparable to that of Lu Yunxuan, a martial sage who had just broken through.

"Yunxuan, help you as a teacher."

Hua Zun joined the battle group and helped Lu Yunxuan fight against Zou Tong.

"Hahaha, Hua Zun, since you want to die with your apprentice, then I will fulfill you."

Zou Tong laughed loudly, and the offensive became more violent.Although Hua Zun and Lu Yunxuan joined forces to deal with Zou Tong, but Zou Tong is the third heaven of martial saints.Strengthen their two small realms.The master-student teaming up is just a mere support.And still defend more and attack less.

(End of this chapter)

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