The strongest fury system

Chapter 976 S-Class Treasure Chest

Chapter 976 S-Class Treasure Chest

Zhang Tianhao sat cross-legged on the bed in the residence.

Start counting the harvest this time
This time, he killed six elders of two sects, plus eight martial saints Zou Tong and He Qingfeng, and gained tens of billions of experience with the help of quadruple experience cards. The harvest is huge.If you can complete the upgrade task and upgrade several levels in a row, that is absolutely certain.

After killing the six elders of two sects, Zhang Tianhao got three cards.Three strengthening cards, this is a good thing!

Let's strengthen Zhao Ling'er first.Zhao Ling'er is now the strength of Wu Zunjing.But this strength can no longer help him.She must be strengthened.

"Ding dong! Is the 'enhanced card' used?" The system's prompt sounded.


"Ding dong! Please choose the target to strengthen?" The system's notification sounded again.

"Strengthen the permanent Xianxia card!" Zhang Tianhao said.

"Ding dong! The strengthening is successful. The strength of the card character is the first in martial arts!" The system's prompt sounded.

"Hey, how did you improve it so much? Originally, Zhao Ling'er's strength was already in the Wu Zun realm! According to the previous realm, strengthening cards can generally improve the strengthened cards to a real big realm!" Zhang Tianhao murmured. .Look a little puzzled.

But soon, Zhang Tianhao was relieved.He thought that in the past, the realm was too low.The effectiveness of the enhanced card is naturally relatively high.But this time, the level of the card he strengthened was very high.Naturally it looks less effective.But in fact no change.

"Continue to strengthen!"

Zhang Tianhao did not give up.At the realm of martial saints, it is very difficult to improve every time.But once it is improved, the strength will naturally increase by a large margin.After all, in the realm of martial saints.The promotion of each level is equivalent to the advancement of Wu Zunjing from the elementary level to the intermediate level, which is not the same.

"Ding dong! The strengthening is successful. The strength of the card character is Martial Saint Sanchong." The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, the effect is not bad.But for him, it was not enough.Keep improving.

"Continue to strengthen!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, the enhancement is successful. The strength of the card character is the sixth heaven of martial arts." The system's prompt sounded.

The Sixth Heaven of Martial Saints, with Zhao Linger's strength, can definitely beat a martial artist in the Martial Saint Realm.Of course, Zhao Linger didn't plan to use it against Hua Yuanzong this time.After all, although Zhao Linger is permanent.But each cooling time is three months!Naturally, he wasn't going to use this trump card like this.This can be used at critical times.Otherwise, he doesn't know if his journey to the Imperial Domain will go smoothly this time.With my hatred-inducing physique, maybe some people would be dissatisfied with me as soon as I went to the imperial domain, and then attack me.

Of course, although he didn't use the Zhao Linger card, Zhang Tianhao still had other cards.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the unblocking card in his hand, maybe the hope this time lies in it.

Item: unlock card
Level: Elementary

Description: The card that can unlock the seal, the degree of unlocking the seal depends on the level of the card.Unless the highest level card is completely unsealed.Otherwise, if the seal is lifted, it will be sealed again after the time limit expires.

Shit, Zhang Tianhao suddenly felt that he was too cheating.This unblocking will be sealed again, it seems that this is just a one-time thing.

Zhang Tianhao took out the pangu axe, a divine artifact. I don't know how far this unlocking card can unseal the Pangu axe. As long as it is unsealed by [-]%, it will give me the confidence to fight against high-level martial saints.

After putting away the Pan Gu ax and the unlocking card.Zhang Tianhao looked at the third card again.lucky card.

Item: Lucky Card
Level: Elementary

Description: It can increase the player's lucky value by ten times for a period of time.

This thing is good!Under certain circumstances, the power of a lucky card is even more terrifying than a divine weapon, it depends on how it is used.For example, increase the spike rate.It's a pity that Zhang Tianhao hasn't obtained the power with the instant kill attribute until now.One hundred knives must be used for the hundredth knives in order to have a [-]% instant kill attribute.The odds are too low.However, if the lucky card can be used, the chances will naturally be much higher.

After counting the items.Zhang Tianhao took out the sheepskin scroll he got from Yunyuezong's treasury.

Zhang Tianhao was about to unfold the treasure map, but found that it contained a burst of energy.prevent him from opening the parchment.

"Huh? And the energy enchantment?"

Zhang Tianhao was slightly taken aback.

How dare you hinder me with such a small amount of energy?
Zhang Tianhao spent a lot of effort, and finally scattered the energy on the parchment.The true appearance of the sheepskin scroll is fully displayed.

There is a mysterious line drawn on it.There are also some ancient texts.It's just that Zhang Tianhao has never learned these characters.It feels very strange.

Could it be the characters of the Phoenix Clan?
Zhang Tianhao guessed in his heart.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, you have completed the S-level mission and searched for the Phoenix Treasure Map. The S-level treasure box has been released, please pay attention to check it." The system's notification sounded.


Zhang Tianhao originally wondered that he had obtained the Phoenix Treasure Map, but the system did not prompt him to complete the task.At that time, I was still thinking about whether I got a fake Phoenix treasure map.It seems that I misunderstood. The reason should be that I did not open the energy barrier protecting the Phoenix Treasure Map, and the system programmed it to think that I had not completed the task.

Zhang Tianhao was also very curious at the moment, what good things he would get when he opened the Phoenix Treasure Map.Therefore, I couldn't hold back anymore and entered the system space.Opened the S-rank treasure chest.

He is still looking forward to the S-rank treasure chest.Although it is not the highest-level SSS-level treasure chest, there is a certain chance that it can explode artifacts or something.Of course, that requires super character.

"Ding dong! Found a treasure chest of S level, do you want to open it?" The system's prompt sounded.

"Open!" Zhang Tianhao said silently.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting a quadruple experience card!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting Wu Sheng Dan 3"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for getting the low-grade artifact (Tianluo Umbrella)"

Forehead!This is a character explosion!I really got the Tianluo Umbrella.Zhang Tianhao also got Tianluo Umbrella before.But that's just an imitation!But even if it is an imitation, it is very practical!I don't know how many times I saved Zhang Tianhao.Finally it was scrapped.But if the imitation of the deacon is the real original Tianluo Umbrella, it will undoubtedly be more powerful.

Zhang Tianhao forced himself to hold back "Putong!" "Putong!" He was beating his heart.Unable to resist, he opened the system panel and checked the power of Tianluo Umbrella.

Item: Tianluo Umbrella
Level: Low Grade Artifact

Cooling time: ten days

Description: Absolute defense.Can resist any attack for 20 seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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