Chapter 98
In the Li family in Ninghai City, Li Yuanting stood in front of a middle-aged man, who was Li Zhengdao, the manager of the Li family.

"Damn it, that kid from the Zhang family is back. But Thunder Squad, so far, there is no sign of it at all. It seems that Thunder Squad is completely wiped out." Li Yuanting was gloomy and terrifying.

The Thunder Squad was created by the Li family spending countless resources.I didn't want to, but the whole army was wiped out.Li Yuanting was a little hard to accept.

"Patriarch, my subordinates suggest that I contact Heavenly Punishment immediately. Let Heavenly Punishment deal with this kid." Li Zhengdao said.

Li Yuanting pondered for a while, finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, you can contact Tian Punishment again and say that we promised him the price."

Originally, Li Yuanting contacted the Heaven's Punishment Killer Organization, but the Heaven's Punishment Killer Organization is terrifying.But the asking price is too high. 300 million silver taels, and the price will be increased according to the strength of the opponent. 300 million is nothing to Li Yuanting.But it still doesn't feel worthwhile to use it against a junior of the Zhang family.But this time, the entire Thunder team was annihilated, and Li Yuanting had to make up his mind.

"Patriarch, after seven days it will be time for Wuhai to practice. Should we take advantage of this time to suppress the members of the Zhang family?" Li Zhengdao asked.

Li Yuanting pondered for a while, with a gleam in his eyes, he nodded to Li Zhengdao and said, "Well, I have recruited back all the masters from the Li family's overseas training and various colleges. Your son Haofeng should have broken through as a great martial artist, right? "

Li Zhengdao nodded and said: "Thank you for your relationship with the Patriarch. Quanzi has joined Tiangang Academy and entered the inner sect last year. This year he broke through as a great martial artist."

"Hao Feng is a genius of our Li family! Three years ago, he swept away the invincible opponents of the Li family. I really want to know what kind of strength he is at this moment."

Li Zhengdao said with a smile: "Patriarch, you should be able to see Haofeng soon, and Haofeng will be back tomorrow."

"Hahaha... that's great. With him, maybe this time, he can be beheaded in the sea of ​​fog without the punishment of heaven." Li Yuanting laughed loudly.

For Li Haofeng, Li Yuanting is extremely confident.Li Haofeng just turned 15 this year. Three years ago, when the Li family competed, he was [-] years old.The first rank of martial artist swept away the entire younger generation of the Li family.Among them, there are many martial artists of the third rank of martial arts masters.At that time, he was favored by the teachers of Tiangang Academy and became a warrior of Tiangang Academy.At this time, he even joined the inner courtyard.Become a warrior in the inner courtyard.His strength, even himself as the Patriarch at this moment, is absolutely no match for him.

Next, in the Zhang family in Ninghai City
During this period of time, a piece of news was widely circulated among Zhang's family in Ninghai City.Ye Qingrou, a disciple with a different surname from the Zhang family, is coming back.

Ye Qingrou can be said to be a legend of the Zhang family.Before Zhang Zhentian and the former Ye absolute genius. At the age of 14, he became a middle-level martial artist.After that, he was favored by Tianwu Academy and became a student of Tianwu Academy.At this moment, Ye Qingrou is about to return after being summoned by the Patriarch.Ye Qingrou is only 17 years old this year, only one year older than Zhang Tianhao.It is said that Ye Qingrou is now a great martial artist.Now some people have compared Ye Qingrou to the number one master of the Zhang family's younger generation.

As for Zhang Tianhao, although he was already a nine-fold martial artist, Zhang Yaobang kept this news tightly sealed.Now no one in the Zhang family knows Zhang Tianhao's true strength.

Tomorrow is the time for the opening of the secret realm, and this time it will take another month for the secret realm to open.Qin Zinan was very unhappy.Because Zhang Tianhao was always away from home during this time.Either go out to experience, or go to the family to awaken the blood.Now I have to enter the secret realm to practice again.Qin Zinan was already unhappy.

Zhang Tianhao also knew that he rarely accompanied his sister during this time, so he planned to take his sister shopping tonight.One day Zhang Tianhao was willing to take him shopping, Qin Zinan was overjoyed.I have long forgotten the dissatisfaction before.

Walking on the street, Zhang Tianhao plays the role of a good brother.As long as the other party likes something, Zhang Tianhao will buy it for Qin Zinan regardless of the price.It seems that after the last auction, Qin Zinan knew that Zhang Tianhao was rich, so he was willing to accept it.Coming out of a jewelry store, I saw two silver hairpins on my younger sister's head, which complemented my younger sister.Let there be no more kindness.

Looking at Qin Zinan's happy smile, Zhang Tianhao was also extremely happy.As long as his sister likes it, he will do whatever he wants.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao felt a killing intent burst out from behind him.

But the killing intent was fleeting.

"What's going on?" Zhang Tianhao became vigilant.

"Zi Nan, let's go back!"

Although Qin Zinan hadn't enjoyed himself yet.But seeing his brother's serious expression, Qin Zinan obediently agreed.

However, although Zhang Tianhao returned to the mansion from the street.But no source of murderous intent was found.

"Could it be my illusion?" Zhang Tianhao was a little confused, but he was not sure.

Watching Zhang Tianhao enter the mansion
A middle-aged man came out from the corner.His eyes showed murderous intent and said: "You are very vigilant! It seems that I have underestimated you a little. But you will become the dead soul of my subordinates..."

In the martial arts arena,
Zhang Tianhao practiced for a while.Let your proficiency in the first form of Aohan Liujue continue to improve.However, the proficiency of the first form of Aohan Liujue needs [-] if you want to achieve mastery from a small success.Even Zhang Tianhao couldn't reach this level of proficiency in just a few days.After all, Aohan Liujue consumes a lot of energy.It is necessary to replenish the true qi pill constantly.This process has affected a lot of progress.

Looking at the sky is already very dark.His younger sister, Qin Zinan, who had been watching him practice, smiled and said, "Brother, it's getting late. Tomorrow is the day to open the secret realm. You should rest early."

Zhang Tianhao nodded upon hearing this.After taking the towel handed over by Qin Zinan, he wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Well, that's fine! You also go to bed early."

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blows.Roll up bursts of dust.

Zhang Tianhao and Qin Zinan subconsciously closed their eyes.


A murderous aura erupted from behind.It made Zhang Tianhao feel cold.

Zhang Tianhao felt a black shadow rush towards Qin Zinan at the speed of a phantom.A sword stabbed at her.

"Sister be careful!"

Zhang Tianhao was shocked and quickly stood in front of his sister.In an instant, Zhang Tianhao felt an incomparable burst of power.That murderous intent was aimed at him.It turned out that dealing with Qin Zinan was just a false move, and the opponent's target was him from the beginning to the end.

This sword was so fast that it was hard for the eyes to catch it.And the other party's timing is really clever.He could dodge, but he couldn't, because behind him was his younger sister, Qin Zinan.Obviously, the other party has already considered this point.

"God of War Xingtian bloodline activated!"

In an instant, Zhang Tianhao's speed, defense, attack, and even strength increased several times.

(End of this chapter)

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