The strongest fury system

Chapter 980: Artifact Pangu Axe

Chapter 980: Artifact Pangu Axe

Hua Zun was so determined now, he naturally knew that Lu Yunxuan's so-called breakthrough must have broken through the Second Heaven of Martial Saints.The second heaven of martial saints and the first heaven of martial saints are definitely not the same.Although it doesn't mean that there is a huge difference, it is also the one with a very large gap.

Just after Lu Yunxuan went to battle.

Zhang Tianhao fought against the old man of the second level of martial arts, this battle can be described as earth-shattering.

The surrounding land and buildings were cracked inch by inch under the shock wave erupted by the two of them.

After Zhang Tianhao tested his own strength comparison with the martial saint warriors, he knew that with his current strength, he could barely compete against the warriors of the second level of martial saints.At least it can remain unbeaten.

"It can be over!"

Zhang Tianhao was also a little impatient.He knew that after he tried his best, it was not impossible to kill this martial artist of the second level of martial arts.But he has a better way.Now that he knew the result, he wasn't going to grind any further.

"Kowloon Divine Fire Cover!"

Zhang Tianhao took out a treasure and threw it out.


The divine power in the air was stirring.

This is a huge net cover, under the net cover, Ma Zufeng felt that he had entered a dark space, and then countless flames rushed towards him from all directions.

"What is this place?"

Ma Zufeng shouted in surprise and anger.

Zhang Tianhao said with a joking smile, "Enjoy it!"


This is a divine weapon, the magic weapon of Daoist Taiyi in the world of Conferred Gods.

Even a god can be burned to death, let alone a small martial saint.Of course, although this magic weapon is powerful, it also depends on the person using it.Only the stronger the master is, the greater the power of this magic weapon will be.Otherwise, it would be unrealistic for you to let the Nine Dragons Divine Flame cover burn an Emperor Wu.

However, with Zhang Tianhao's current strength, it is still no problem to burn a small Martial Saint Erzhongtian to death.Of course, Zhang Tianhao has never tried it as a high-level Martial Saint, but it is estimated that the success rate does not exceed [-]%.

He Wangu, who was watching the battle from the side, realized the danger of Ma Zufeng at this moment, frowned, and slapped Zhang Tianhao with his palm.Obviously, he wanted to kill Zhang Tianhao and rescue Ma Zufeng.As a martial saint, He Wangu is naturally very clear about the meaning of Hua Yuanzong.

Zhang Tianhao, who was concentrating on controlling the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, had sensed the danger.His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly sacrificed the Tianluo Umbrella.


The Tianluo umbrella remained motionless.He Wangu's terrifying palm was blocked.

Zhang Tianhao put down the Tianluo Umbrella, looked at He Wangu and said coldly: "Elder He, isn't this the way your Hua Yuanzong is doing, despicable and shameless, only sneaking attacks in secret?"

"Boy, let me let him go and catch him without a fight. This elder can give you a happy death." He Wangu said to Zhang Tianhao.

"That's right, it's a pity that Elder He said this too late. Under the cover of my Nine Dragons Divine Fire, the old man on Mazu Peak has now become a scum. If you want to collect the body, you will not be able to find him." Zhang Tianhao laughed. stand up.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Ma Zufeng, the experience value is 80 billion true energy and [-] million violent energy ten"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao, the system rewards him with 20 billion experience points for leapfrogging!" The system's notification sounded.


"Boy, you have angered the old man and me. If that's the case, don't blame the old man for bullying the small and tearing you into pieces to avenge my son."

As He Wangu said, Zhang Tianhao was locked on by a chilling intent.

"Old man, you are finally going to make a move. It can also be over."

Zhang Tianhao took out the Pangu axe.

"Ding dong! The artifact Pangu Ax is currently under seal and needs to be unsealed before it can be used. May I ask if the player uses the unseal card?" The system's prompt sounded.

"Use!" Zhang Tianhao said silently.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for successfully unblocking. At present, [-]% of the Pangu Ax has been unblocked." The system's prompt sounded.

[-]% unblocked?
Zhang Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief, although more than [-]% of the seal was not released.But unblocking [-]% is enough.After all, this is one of the top ten ancient artifacts in the world of Xuanyuan.

"Boy, go to hell!"

He Wangu was furious, and slapped Zhang Tianhao's body with his palm.

"Get out of here!"

The Pangu ax erupted with terrifying pressure, and the surrounding space vibrated violently under the power released by the Pangu axe.

This suffocating power, even if it is only [-]%.But it also made the warriors around them suffocate, as if they couldn't breathe.

"What power is this? Why do I feel deeply disturbed?"

But He Wangu did not give up, he had to avenge the murder of his son.


Zhang Tianhao slashed fiercely on the palm print with an axe.That palm was torn apart in an instant.A suffocating force exploded the space around He Wangu layer by layer.


He Wangu was sent flying out.He vomited blood.

"Give me death!"

Zhang Tianhao grinned grimly.He doesn't waste time.Although this ancient ax is powerful, it's a scam!Not only did it untie [-]% of the seal.There is also a time limit.Only half an hour.He can't afford to waste time.

He Wangu was terrified, and shouted to the martial saints around: "Give it to me!"

Immediately, all the warriors around rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.Endless attacks, like raindrops, bombarded Zhang Tianhao.

"It seems that you are all looking for death." Zhang Tianhao narrowed his eyes and shouted loudly.

The Pan Gu ax in his hand swept out viciously.In an instant, those warriors who rushed towards Zhang Tianhao were all thrown away by the terrifying power of the Pangu ax he swung.It turned into a trace of blood mist in the space.

"Ding dong!"

"Ding dong!"

The system's notification sounded crazily.

Those Martial Venerables all turned into Zhang Tianhao's experience points.

"Kid to die!"

The two martial saints slapped out terrifying two claws, falling towards Zhang Tianhao's body.


With a swing of the Pangu ax in Zhang Tianhao's hand, it swept down on the two martial saints.The attack of the two claws is like the difference between a firefly and a bright moon under Zhang Tianhao's pangu axe.Instantly annihilated.A powerful force swept towards the two martial saints like a big wave.



The two martial saints screamed suddenly.It was swept into blood mist by Zhang Tianhao's Pangu axe.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Ma Cheng, experience value is 80 billion, true energy is [-] million, and violent energy is [-]"

"Ding dong! Because the player Zhang Tianhao leapfrogged and killed him, the system rewards him with 20 billion experience points!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for killing Liu Yanguang, the experience value is 80 billion, the true energy is [-] million, and the violent energy is [-]."



Zhang Tianhao was extremely excited. At this moment, the system's notification sound was simply the most beautiful singing to him.At this moment, his eyes locked on the seriously injured He Wangu.

(End of this chapter)

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