Chapter 983

Lu Yunxuan said disdainfully: "My lord, this time Hua Yuanzong almost left behind Hua Yuanzong except for the suzerain Wan Jinhai, and they all died here at this moment. It can be said that Hua Yuanzong has dropped from a super-class power in the Eastern Region to the lowest level. Wait. We are not afraid of Hua Yuanzong right now."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly and said: "Although this is the case, we can't take it lightly. It's best to go and kill it!"

Of course Zhang Tianhao was not so kind, and wanted to help Yun Yuezong eradicate the remnants of the enemy, but after all, Hua Yuanzong, as the veritable number one sect in the Eastern Region at the moment, had an absolutely extraordinary background.It should be of great benefit if it is eradicated.

What Zhang Tianhao said, in the eyes of Hua Zun and Lu Yunxuan, was indeed very reasonable.Therefore, everyone agreed in a hurry.Judging from Zhang Tianhao's words, it seemed that he was going to take action against Hua Yuanzong this time. With this unrivaled master to attack together, they would naturally have nothing to fear, otherwise even Hua Yuanzong's main master would be wiped out.But Hua Yuanzong is still a martial saint!This Martial Saint is the third heaven of Martial Saints.Although not as good as He Wangu.But that's about it.Even if Lu Yunxuan and Hua Zun joined forces, they would not be able to defeat them.

In today's battle, although most of Zhang Tianhao used the Pangu ax to destroy the enemy.But he also used the power of his blood, so he also felt a little weak.I went back to my residence early to meditate to restore my strength.Although Zhang Tianhao does not rely on practice to upgrade.But the power of "God of War Atlas" was of great help to him.

This one-hour breath adjustment revived Zhang Tianhao's spirit.

"Well, let's start counting today's harvest!" Zhang Tianhao thought to himself happily.

This time, apart from that one life, there are actually other good things.For example, the spirit-level skill pill.Zhang Tianhao has also seen this spiritual level skill in the cheating system mall.That value is absolutely cheating.Because a spiritual skill pill would cost 30 points in the system mall.Zhang Tianhao added up his remaining points including the rewards this time, and it was not enough to buy a skill pill.

"Well, I don't know which skill to improve this time?"

The first thing Zhang Tianhao thought of was naturally the array skills.Although alchemy can also be improved.But some are wasted.Because he is now a spirit rank alchemist.The strength of alchemy has already surpassed most of the alchemists in Zhenwu Continent.It is still hard to say whether there are alchemists of the spiritual rank in Zhenwu Continent.Therefore, although Zhang Tianhao is only an alchemist of the first rank of the spiritual rank.But this alchemy strength is enough here.

However, Zhang Tianhao's formation Taoist cultivation base is only a ninth-level formation Taoist.Although in the Zhenwu Continent, the ninth-rank formation Taoist is considered to be the pinnacle.But not quite unique.

Let's increase the strength of the Daoist Array!Zhang Tianhao murmured.

"Ding dong! Is it found that the 'Spiritual Skill Pill' is used?" The system's prompt sounded.


"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao on his upgrade, the current level is a first-rank spiritual Taoist." The system's notification sounded.

After Zhang Tianhao successfully advanced, he felt endless information pouring into his mind.Most of this information is formations that he has never heard of before.It can be said that with his current Daoist formation cultivation base, he can disdain most of the Daoist formations in Zhenwu Continent.

"That's right. After becoming a formation Taoist, my skills have become stronger." Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied.

Zhang Tianhao continued to count other treasures.

"Well, the Nine Nether Golden Ancestral Fire!"

Zhang Tianhao's expression was moved, and a gleam of joy flashed across his face.When I was rewarded earlier, I didn't quite know what the system rewarded, I only knew it was a strange fire.I never thought it was Jiuyou Jinzuhuo.Although the Nine Nether Golden Ancestor Fire only ranked seventh in the list of different fires.It can't be compared with Jinglian Demon Fire and Void Swallowing Flame.However, it is also a very powerful flame.It is owned by the Mingzu of Jiuyoudi.

"Well, if it is integrated into the sky fire, the power of the sky fire should be even greater." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

"Ding dong! Is it found that the 'Jiuyou Jinzuhuo' is fused?" The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao said silently: "Fusion!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for successfully merging with Skyfire." The system's notification sounded.


Zhang Tianhao summoned Tianhuo.Pinch it in the palm of your hand.He can feel that this sky fire can be said to be more powerful.The lethality is definitely stronger than before.

Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied and put away the Jiuyou Jinzuhuo.Keep counting the rest of the loot.

Item: Fairy Court

Grade: Rare

Description: A magic weapon integrating combat and defense.It can accommodate 10 people and automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth.Can be big or small.It has 1 sources internally.

This is very similar to my Shenfu.But Shenfu is much worse than this Immortal Court.In Zhang Tianhao's view, Shenfu is purely a magic weapon for shelter.But Xianting has more functions.For example, the integration of combat and defense is enough.Zhang Tianhao's future goal is to establish a force of his own.So there is no doubt about the importance of Xianting to him.

Yes, this is very good.Zhang Tianhao continued to look at another item.

Item: Heavenly Slayer Knife
Grade: Normal

Description: It contains 81 array sources.Activate to increase the power of the Heavenly Slaughter Knife.

This Kuangtu Tiandao is not bad!There are also restrictions placed in the blade, and if it breaks out, it will be even stronger than other blood god knives.That's it, the system review turned out to be just ordinary.It seems that the vision of the system is quite high.

Zhang Tianhao looked at the next item.

Item: Gate of Portal

Level: Extraordinary

Description: Teleportation can be performed regardless of geographical restrictions.Every time you send it, you need to spend spar.

"Huh? This is quite similar to my teleportation ring." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

However, although Zhang Tianhao's teleportation ring is good, it can only teleport himself.And bound to himself.No one else can use it at all.If he has this portal, if he establishes his own power in the future, this portal will be very useful.Experts can be mobilized at any time.Moreover, the portal gave three coordinates for free, and these three coordinates were equal to the directional teleportation point.

After counting, Zhang Tianhao was very satisfied.Only after using the violent energy can so many good things explode.Of course, berserk energy is not omnipotent, as long as the effect of using berserk energy on the boss is the best.Otherwise, if you find an ordinary person, even if you use the tenth level of berserk energy, you probably won't be able to explode anything good.

After finally counting everything, on the second day, Lu Yunxuan, Zhang Tianhao, and Hua Zun took the masters of Yunyue Sect to Hua Yuanzong.They had to destroy Hua Yuanzong before other forces received the news.

(End of this chapter)

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