Chapter 987

Next, Zhang Tianhao is going to settle down for a while, let his strength go a step further, and then go to the imperial domain.

Imperial Domain, after all, is a higher level place.Zhang Tianhao knows that his strength is very strong outside the imperial domain, but after entering the imperial domain, that may not be the case.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao is going to improve his strength well before entering the Imperial Domain.

Although Zhang Tianhao had no way to improve his cultivation before completing the upgrade task.However, the only way to improve strength is not necessarily to improve the cultivation level.You can start from other places.For example, comprehend the artistic conception.Like upgrading your martial arts.

By the way, I don't know what those bottles of pills I got from Hua Yuanzong.With a thought in his heart, he immediately took out the bottles of pills.

Zhang Tianhao took out the first bottle of elixir.It's just that the pill didn't specify what kind of pill it was.Fortunately, Zhang Tianhao is now a ninth-level appraiser, so it can't be difficult for him.


"Ding dong! Congratulations to player Zhang Tianhao for his successful identification. The identification result has been displayed on your system panel." The system's notification sounded.

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system and opened the system panel.

Item: Subduing Dragon Pill
Level: Tier [-] Elixir

Efficacy: body training.

Description: A body-refining elixir refined by a special technique.It has a unique effect in body training.

Tsk tsk, it turned out to be a ninth-level body refining pill.That will definitely have a great effect on your body training.Now his own body training is the seventh level of Wu Zun.This elixir should be enough for him to break through to the Ninth Heaven!

There are ten Subduing Dragon Pills in this bottle of medicine pill.No wonder the fighters of Huayunzong put the Dragon Subduing Pill in the most precious place. If some body-refinement masters find out, they will probably steal their heads!

Zhang Tianhao was worried that he could not achieve a balance between body training and cultivation, so he came to the pillow just because he was drowsy.

Zhang Tianhao entered the Nine Heavens Palace.Prepare to use Thunder Pond to refine your body.He directly entered the last thunder pond and sat down cross-legged.


The ruthless Thunder roared, as if they wanted to destroy this human who dared to invade their territory.Crazy thunder fell from the void.

Zhang Tianhao eyebrows quickly took out a Dragon Subduing Pill and swallowed it.

Thunder struck Zhang Tianhao's body one after another.Every time it fell on his body, his body trembled violently.The pain is unbearable.Zhang Tianhao operated the God Demon Hegemony Body Art to the limit. The domineering power promoted the absorption of the medicinal liquid in Zhang Tianhao's body.

Zhang Tianhao could clearly feel that his body was growing stronger every minute and every second.

When Zhang Tianhao took the third pill.He felt a jolt in his body.It was as if some shackles had been broken.

"Hahaha... I have finally broken through the eighth heaven of Wu Zun." Zhang Tianhao laughed happily.


Zhang Tianhao continued to take out the fourth Dragon Subduing Pill and swallowed it.He felt that after he broke through the eighth heaven of Wu Zun in body training, the effectiveness of this Dragon Subduing Pill seemed to have weakened a lot.But this is also normal.The human body is inherently resistant to drugs.Otherwise, Zhang Tianhao wouldn't keep changing the pills.

However, although the efficacy of the medicine has weakened, it is also relative.Its effect on body training is still there.Zhang Tianhao reckoned that this bottle of Subduing Dragon Pill should be able to help him break through to the Ninth Heaven of Wu Zun.

As time passed by every minute and every second, Zhang Tianhao's physical body gradually grew stronger.Gradually, three hours passed.Zhang Tianhao also took the last Dragon Subduing Pill.

"Whether you can break through the Ninth Heaven of Wu Zun depends on this time." Zhang Tianhao gritted his teeth.

Thunder still slashed down crazily.On Zhang Tianhao's toned and bronzed skin, there were white marks one after another.

fourth hour

"Crack!" Zhang Tianhao couldn't help shaking his body.

"Finally broke through, hahaha..." Zhang Tianhao had a happy smile on his face.

Body training Wu Zun Jiuchongtian.Zhang Tianhao felt as if there was endless power in his body.It seems that one punch can blow up a mountain.

"That's right. His strength has improved a lot. Body training and Qi training are at the same level." Zhang Tianhao murmured.

Zhang Tianhao took out the second bottle of elixir.But after he opened the elixir, he found that it was not a elixir at all, but a blood-red liquid.There was a strong smell of blood.

"what is this?"

Zhang Tianhao was a little puzzled.

Since you don't know what it is, use the identification technique to identify it.


Zhang Tianhao thought silently.

"Ding dong! The appraisal is successful, and the appraisal result is displayed on the system panel." The system's prompt sounded.

Zhang Tianhao immediately entered the system, and the appraisal result was displayed on the system panel.

Item: Dragon's Blood
Grade: Normal

Description: It can help awaken the power of blood.However, because the item was placed for too long, [-]% of the energy evaporated.

Zhang Tianhao was overjoyed immediately.Jiaolong, although many people think that Jiaolong is not a real dragon.But it does have dragon blood in its body.

In particular, he was overjoyed that the blood of the flood dragon could awaken his bloodline.

In the ultimate blood pool of Tianyuan Temple, Zhang Tianhao awakened [-]% of his blood.But there is no other chance later, he never had the chance to awaken the complete bloodline.Now the blood of the flood dragon will undoubtedly give Zhang Tianhao a chance to awaken [-]% of his blood.

Zhang Tianhao reckoned that Hua Yuanzong's people didn't know the magic of Jiaolong's blood, otherwise this bottle of Jiaolong's blood would not have been shelved by Hua Yuanzong.After all, the blood of the flood dragon is too rare.Not many people can recognize it.The fault is not that I have identification skills, otherwise I would not be able to recognize it.The Hua Yuanzong's high-level officials may have placed it in the treasury simply because they believed that the dragon's blood was a treasure.

But as to whether this bottle of flood dragon blood can awaken [-]% of his blood.In fact, Zhang Tianhao was not sure.After all, the results of the appraisal were described very thoroughly.This flood dragon bloodline has been placed for too long.Ninety percent of the efficacy of the medicine evaporated.Now only one is left.The energy is actually extremely weak.

If it is [-]% energy, Zhang Tianhao believes that he will be able to awaken [-]% of his blood.But now he is not sure at all.After all, Zhang Tianhao's body is the blood of Xing Tian, ​​the ancient god of war.The stronger the bloodline, the more difficult it is destined to awaken.Especially the later stage of blood awakening, the more difficult it is,
"It doesn't matter, how much can be awakened."

Zhang Tianhao picked up the bottle of Flood Dragon's Blood and drank it without hesitation.

After the bottle of dragon's blood was swallowed by Zhang Tianhao, he immediately felt a hot current burning from his body.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and thought to himself: Sure enough, the energy of the dragon's blood is very powerful, even if it has only [-]% of the energy, it is not something ordinary people can afford.

(End of this chapter)

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